Sweater weather

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Y/n's POV
December 24th

It has been a week since the Semi Finals. Since then, i've done nothing but prepare for the Finals, on December 27th. For the rest of this week, however, I wont be able to rehearse as much as i'd like to because it's almost Christmas. Ellis and I were too lazy to go get a real tree to decorate so we opted for a fake tree we bought from Walmart. This way we won't have to worry about watering it everyday.

It's Christmas eve today so Ellis and I have been soaking up every last bit of the festive spirit in New York. The best part of living in New York? Christmas. We spent the day going Ice skating, Bryant Park, Christmas markets, walking through Central Park and of course, seeing the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center.

It is now 8:45 in the evening and to end Christmas eve, Ellis and I have decided to have a movie night, watching nothing but iconic Christmas movies and eating nothing but junk food - whilst wearing Christmas PJs that are matching of course. The first movie of the night, we had decided to watch 'How the Grinch stole Christmas.' An absolute classic.

And hour in the movie goes by and I snap back into reality from Ellis shaking my arm slightly.
"Hey you okay?" He asks concerned.
"Yeah i'm just thinking." I reply, looking at the TV. Ellis pauses the movie and shifts his full attention to me.
"What's going on?" He says softly.
"I can't help but think back to the Semi Finals.. Scarlett." I explain, sighing. Ellis nods, holding my hand for comfort. After I had come home that day, I told Ellis everything about what had happened between Scarlett and I. He is just as confused about the situation than I am.

"Have you spoken to her about it yet?" He questions. I shake my head.
"We haven't spoken at all since that day." I reveal. Ellis sighs.
"You what?! Girl you need to communicate with her!" Ellis explains. I nod knowing he's completely right.
"Okay okay! I will at some point. Not now, it's Christmas she'll be with her family and I don't want to disturb their holiday." Ellis agrees, before we go back to watching the movie.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCH!" Ellis yells enthusiastically, barging his way into my bedroom. I groan from the unnecessary wake up call.
"Fuck off El." I mumble, placing my pillow over my head. Ellis jumps on my bed, laying beside me.
"Oh don't be like Scrooge, come on it's Christmas!!" Ellis beams.
"El we have no kids living with us, we don't have to wake up at the crack of dawn!" I complain. Ellis laughs before getting off my bed.
"Get up! I'm making breakfast." Ellis says before leaving my room.

I groan, reaching for my phone on the nightstand. I turn it on to see that it's 6:30.
"Dick." I mumble to myself. I look through my notifications, majority of them being texts from people wishing me a Merry Christmas. As I reply to everyone, one text catches my eye.

Scarlett: Merry Christmas from Rose and I! Hope you're doing well x

After a week of no contact, she finally sends a text. I write a response, hesitating whether to send it or not. After a few minutes of overthinking, I hit send and immediately turn off my phone.

Once I've freshened up, I walk into the kitchen to see Ellis dancing along to Christmas songs as he finishes making our breakfast. I sit down at the kitchen island as he places a plate of french toast in front of me. I thank him before digging in.

After we had both cleaned up, we sat by the Christmas tree to open our gifts.
"Okay you first!" Ellis grins, handing me a small box and card.
"Which one should I open first?" He points to the box so I carefully unwrap the box and open it. Inside was a key ring with a picture of LA on it. I look at him a little baffled, but before I could say anything, Ellis then tells me to read the card. I do as i'm told and open the envelope. As I read the card, tears immediately begin to fall down my cheeks.
"Are you serious?" I question choosing not to believe it. Ellis nods, clapping his hands together in excitement.
"Yes! I'm taking you to LA for a week as soon as the Finals end. No matter the results, you deserve a break for everything you've accomplished this competition!" Ellis explains. I wipe away tears before pulling him in for a hug.

"Well my gift can't compete with that at all!" Ellis laughs at my comment as we pull away from the hug.
"I'm sure your gift is incredible." He smiles. I hand him a big box and he grins. I laugh at his expression as he begins unwrapping the box.
"Oh my god Y/n?! You didn't!!!" Ellis squeals. I giggle as he looks through the different things inside the box.
"Of course I did!! The 5 comics you need to complete your collection and The Outset sweater you wanted, as well as the refill set since you're almost running out of your products" I smile. Ellis pulls me in for a hug before kissing my cheek, making me giggle.
"How on earth did you get the sweater? It's limited edition!" Ellis questions as he awes over the design on the back of the sweater.
"Well that's the good thing about knowing the founder of The Outset." I giggle.
"Did you ask her for this during this whole situation between the two of you?" Ellis asks. I shake my head.
"I had asked her around the end of November. She was so sweet about it and said yes with no hesitation, she even gave one for me." I smile thinking of the happy memory. Ellis squeezes my hand for comfort before grinning, putting on his new sweater. I laugh at his antics as he poses like an excited child.
"I'm wearing this for the rest of the day, it's definitely sweater weather." He claims. I nod in agreement, looking out of the window to see the city covered in a blanket of snow.

Ellis offered to clean up our mess around the tree as I get myself ready for the day. We had decided to go out for a walk before relaxing in the apartment for the rest of the day. As I curl the last section of my hair, I hear a knock at the front door then Ellis calling out my name. I walk out of my bedroom to see Ellis stood at the front door.
"What's going on?" I question. Ellis turns to look at me before shuffling to the side of the door. I look ahead to see none other than Scarlett and Rose at the door.

"Y/n.." Scarlett says softly.

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