Waiting Game

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Chris' POV

"On my way." I end the call, trying to focus on my breathing as I process what i've just been told. Scarlett. In hospital. In surgery. How is this possible?

"Uncle Chris! Can you play with me?" Rose comes running towards me with some barbie dolls. I sit up straight smiling, to look as though nothing bad happened.
"Maybe later Rosebud. But come here." I pick her up, placing her on my lap.
"What's wrong Uncle Chris?" Rose looks up at me, her ocean eyes filled with wonder.
"I need you to be strong, alright?" I begin. Rose nods, placing her dolls on the coffee table.

"Your mommy is in the hospital.." I notice how the little girl's eyes are already forming tears.
"It's okay, you can cry." I soothe, wrapping my arms around her small body.
"Is mommy okay?" Rose asks between sobs.
"The doctors are helping her. She'll be good as new soon. I promise Rosebud."

I probably shouldn't have promised her anything, but what else do you say to a small child?

I comfort her as long as she needed to stop crying before she sits up looking up at me again.
"You ready to go?" I ask softly. Rose nods in response.
"Alright, go put some shoes on." I request, putting the child down from my lap.

We make it to the hospital and into the ER department. I didn't get much information from Florence on the phone, so i'm just assuming that the ER department has some information about Scarlett's situation. I walk up to the ER front desk, with Rose holding my hand.

"Hi excuse me, i'm looking for someone who knows anything about a patient, Scarlett Johansson?" I say to the nurse who's behind the desk.
"Yes are you family?" The nurse questions, as she types on the computer keyboard.
"Uh no but I have her daughter with me. She doesn't have anyone else nearby." I explain.
"Right okay. Ms Johansson is currently in surgery and won't be out for a while. You can wait in the waiting room, and someone will return with some news shortly." The nurse explains, pointing over to the waiting room. I thank her before walking over to the waiting room with Rose.

"Y/n!" Rose let's go of my hand and runs towards a woman sat in the waiting room.
"Hey Rosie! I missed you so much!" The woman exclaims, putting her arms out to hug Rose. They break apart and Rose looks up to me.
"Uncle Chris, it's Y/n!" Rose giggles excitedly, making me smile.
"Can you introduce me, Rosebud?" I ask the little girl, as I crouch down to her level.

"This is Y/n, mine and mommy's best friend." Rose states proudly. Y/n laughs as Rose grabs her hand, before grabbing mine, pulling them together so we can shake each other's hands.
"Nice to meet you Y/n." I smile at her.
"Nice to meet you too Chris. Also i'm not Scarlett's best friend, i'm a contestant on her team for The Voice." She informs me. I nod before turning to my other side to see Florence. I stand up, pulling her into a brief hug.
"Great to finally meet you Florence. Wish it was under different circumstances." I give her a sad smile, which she returns.

I sit down beside Y/n, with Rose sleeping on my lap, resting her head on my chest. I pull out my phone to check the time. 8:30pm. It's been a few hours since we've arrived to the hospital. Scarlett is still in surgery. There has been a few interns who come to us with updates, but ultimately, we still don't know exactly what's happening in the OR.

I continue to scroll through my phone, until I notice Rose stirring in her sleep.
"Hey Rosebud, you okay?" I whisper, putting down my phone so all my attention is on the little girl.
"Uncle Chris? Is mama still being fixed by doctors?" Rose questions, still half asleep.
"Yes sweetie, they'll be done fixing her soon." I assure her. Rose smiles before shutting her eyes, trying to go back to sleep.

Rose struggles going back to sleep, as she keeps shuffling around.
"Want me to take her?" Y/n asks me when she notices Rose becoming quite irritated. I smile at Y/n for her offer.
"Please." I reply, moving my arms so Y/n could pick up Rose easily. Not a moment after being in Y/n's arms, Rose settles and begins sleeping peacefully. I look at the little girl before looking at Y/n, I make an offended expression on my face, which makes Y/n start fighting to hold back a laugh to not disturb Rose.

"Safe to say you're probably Rose's favourite person, after Scarlett of course." I state. Y/n looks at me proudly, as she holds onto Rose's small body.
"Get used to it Chris, we're nothing to Rose when Y/n is around." Florence speaks up. The three of us quietly laugh as Y/n tries to deny that fact.

We continue to talk, getting to know each other, until Florence notices a doctor walk towards us.
"That's Dr Jones, who's been operating on Scar." She fills me in. We stand up from our seats, once the doctor is close by.
"Dr, how is she? How did the surgery go?" I ask, my body filled with anxiety.

A/n Not sure you've noticed, but i really like leaving chapters on cliffhangers :)

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