Morning after

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Y/n's POV

I wake up the next morning in the same position I was in - completely naked in Scarlett's bed. I look over to my right to see the blonde is nowhere to be seen. I groan getting out of bed and making my way into the en suite. I decide to freshen up and take a quick shower, i'm sure Scarlett wouldn't mind, I think to myself.

I look through Scarlett's drawers, trying to find something to wear, as I didn't want to wear the same clothes from last night. I opted for an oversized t-shirt and some shorts. After getting dressed, I make my way down the stairs, when I hear not just one familiar voice, but two.

"Mama look what Uncle Hunter got me!!" The small child squeals in excitement. I walk into the living room and the little girl notices me instantly.
"Y/n!!!! You're here?!" Rose runs up to me, arms open wide. I laugh as I pick up the small blonde, hugging her tightly in my arms.
"Yes Rosie! How was your weekend away?" I ask as I gently put the child back down. Rose begins explaining her weekend, giving me every small detail. I smile seeing how excited she is.
"That sounded like so much fun Rosie!!" Rose giggles, before running away to her playroom. I laugh slightly at her antics before walking towards the older blonde. Scarlett's sitting on the arm rest of the couch, so I stand between her legs, my hand resting on her shoulders as hers goes to my waist. She smiles, pulling me close.

"Scarly not here.." I sigh, tracing the hickeys on her neck with my thumb. Scarlett pouts, as her hands somehow make their way under my top. My breath hitches at the her soft touch. I get lost in the moment, before my mind snaps back into reality, I back away from Scarlett slightly, making her frown.
"If you don't stop we'll end up repeating last night on this couch and I don't want to traumatise that adorable little girl in the other room." I explain. Scarlett laughs but nod's understandingly.
"I can't help it, you look hot in my clothes" She shrugs. I blush slightly at the comment making Scarlett smile from my reaction.

I sit at the kitchen island with a cup coffee, Scarlett makes herself a cup of coffee before sitting beside me.
"So we need to talk about yesterday.." She begins. I take a sip of coffee thinking of a response.
"If you're talking about the sex-" Scarlett eyes widen as she interrupts me,
"No not that! The meeting with Lee. The choice you have to make.." She explains. I sigh remembering the meeting.
"In all honesty, I don't even know what to decide" I look at Scarlett, who's giving me a sympathetic smile. We stay quiet for a while before Scarlett decides to speak up.

"Look, Y/n, I know how much work you put into competing in the show. Perhaps it's best we don't see each other so you can continue with your dream.." She sighs. I frown looking at her forest eyes.
"I can't do that Scar.. I won't be able to live not seeing you or Rose." My eyes begin to well up with tears. Scarlett places a hand on my thigh.
"And I can't live knowing i'll be the reason why you can't chase your dream." Scarlett says in a serious tone. I wipe the tear that escaped my eye, as I get up from my seat.
"I can't talk about this anymore, I just need some time to figure everything out." I confess. Scarlett nods, standing up from her seat to hug me close.

We pull apart from the hug moments later, Scarlett caresses my cheeks before kissing my forehead.
"I should probably go.." I say softly. Scarlett nods, tucking some hair behind my ear. I smile softly at her actions.
"I'll drop you off at home?" She asks. I smile nodding.

After grabbing all my clothes from Scarlett's room, I place them in a bag and throw it in the passenger side of Scarlett's car. Scarlett helps buckle Rose into the backseat before jumping into the drivers side.

We arrive to my apartment and I say goodbye to both blondes.
"Y/n do you have to go? Can't you have a sleepover with me and mama?" Rose asks, teary eyed. I give her a sad smile.
"I'm sorry Rosie, maybe another time, hm?" Rose smiles at the thought and nods enthusiastically. I smile at her before getting out of the car. As I walk away to my apartment door, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Scarlett smiling softly.

"You just can't get enough of me, can you?" I tease. Scarlett blushes before grabbing my waist, pulling me close to kiss my lips. We pull away moments later.
"Scar- Rosie will see us.." I breathe out. Scarlett shakes her head.
"I gave her my phone, she's occupied." I laugh slightly.
"I just wanted to say 'bye' properly.." She says before pulling me in for another kiss, this time more passionate. I moan into the kiss, pulling her closer to deepen the kiss. Eventually we pull apart. catching our breaths.
"Okay you need to go now.. Paps will probably show up soon." I say softly. Scarlett nods sighing.
"Bye love." She says before walking back to her car. I giggle as I enter the apartment.

I unlock the door, walking in, unknowing if Ellis is home or not. God, feels like it's been years since i've been home. I change out of Scarlett's clothes, putting on loungewear before starting a load of laundry, throwing in Scarlett's clothes as well as the clothes I wore last night.

I knock on Ellis' bedroom door, waiting for a response.
"Yeah?" A voice calls out. I open the door to see Ellis sat on his bed, his back leaning against the wall, with his Scarlett pillow beside him. I roll my eyes before sitting beside him.
"Hey stranger, you okay?" Ellis questions as he wraps an arm around me, kissing the top of my head. I sigh.
"I really don't know." I admit.
"Wanna talk about it?" He asks softly.
"Uhm- It's a lot El.." I confess.
"Don't care, i'm here to listen to all of it." I smile softly at him before taking a deep breath, thinking of where the hell to start.

A/n we all need a friend like Ellis

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