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Scarlett's POV

"What the fuck do we do?" Y/n panics. I grab the phone, scrolling through the TMZ article on the screen.

I sigh reading the last sentence, when I notice Y/n getting up from her position beside me

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I sigh reading the last sentence, when I notice Y/n getting up from her position beside me.
"What are you doing?" I question, confused. Y/n grabs her purse and car keys.
"I think it's best if I go home.." She explains. I frown, walking towards her.
"No stay. Please." I beg slightly. Y/n shakes her head apologetically.

"I'm sorry Scarly, but you need to remember you're Scarlett Johansson. The media will go insane over this news for a while." Y/n sighs. I nod, knowing she's right. I move to the side allowing her to leave. Y/n kisses my forehead before walking out. I sit back on the couch, searching online for anymore articles regarding the situation. So far, there's 5 different articles. Great. Almost all of them are insinuating that Y/n's success on the show is because of me, which isn't true at all.

As I continue looking through the articles, my phone begins ringing.
"Oh shit.." I think to myself before answering the call.
"Lee! How are you?" I greet.
"Hey Scarlett, i'm sure you know why i've called you." Lee begins. I sigh knowing exactly where this conversation is going.
"Yeah I do.."
"Look Scarlett, you have been a great asset to this season and we all love working with you. But that stunt that you pulled, it's not okay." Lee explains. I hold back tears as Lee continues speaking.
"I can't have this conversation with you over the phone. Can you come in tomorrow? At 1pm to further discuss this." He questions.
"Yes i'll be there. I'm so sorry Lee.." I apologise. We say our goodbyes and I end the call.

I arrive at the studio where i'm supposed to meet Lee. As I walk through the studio halls, almost all the crew members give me dirty looks. I guess they saw the articles..

I arrive at Lee's office. I knock on the door a few times before I hear a voice call out from the other side.
"Come in!" I walk in to see Lee sat at his desk and.. Y/n? I sit on one of the chairs in front of the desk, beside Y/n, giving both parties a confused look.
"Scarlett, thank you for agreeing to meet me. I'm sure you're wondering why Y/n is here too.." Lee begins. I nod as he continues speaking.
"Well as the lead show runner of The Voice, I have to say that this situation-" He points to both Y/n and I.
"-This cannot happen. I don't know if this is just a fling or something serious, BUT Scarlett you should know better." Lee raises his voice slightly. I sigh, knowing i've let him down.

"Lee, I assure you this isn't just some fling.. I care about Y/n. A lot." I speak up. Lee rolls his eyes as he turns his attention to the brunette sat beside me.
"Y/n what are your views on this?" He raises an eyebrow. Y/n shifts in her seat uncomfortably, looking at me with a 'help me' look. Not caring that Lee is there, I grab ahold of her hand, squeezing it slightly to comfort her.
"Scarlett means so much to me, i'm not with her to win the competition." Y/n explains, before looking at me with a soft smile, which I return.

We break our gaze from Lee standing up from his desk frustrated.
"Look I don't care if this is a relationship or not, I don't care if you're deeply in love. I just don't care. However, this situation is going to fuck with the show's ratings." Lee raises his voice again. I wanted to say something but ultimately decided to stay quiet.

"Scarlett, I won't fire you. You're a great addition to the show and it's already difficult for the team to have a temporary coach." Lee explains. I sigh of relief in response.
"You however." Lee turns his attention to Y/n.
"Losing you would mean absolutely nothing. I'll give you an ultimatum, you can decide, either you stay in this competition and break things off with Scarlett and switch teams, or simply drop out of the competition." Lee reveals. Y/n tears up instantly, her hands begin shaking as she tries her best to stay calm.

I can feel my blood boil seeing how upset Y/n became because of Lee.
"Alright, that's enough!" I finally yell. Lee looks at me slightly stunned. I ignore the man and instead help Y/n up before placing a hand on her waist.
"Come on my love, let's get out of here." I say softly, as Y/n and I walk out of the office.
"Scarlett, i'll be in contact!" Lee calls out as we walk away.
"Please don't." I mumble, rolling my eyes. Y/n giggles slightly at my comment and I smile at her as we make our way out of the studio. I mentally applaud myself for cheering her up after what happened moments earlier.

Majority of the crew members were giving us dirty looks, with a lot of them whispering to each other. I smirk to myself when an idea comes to mind, that would make them whisper more, which I couldn't care less about. I gently pull Y/n closer, as my hand travels down from her waist to her butt, squeezing it slightly. Y/n looks at me, with her eyes widened. I smirk at her, moving my hand back to its original position before looking straight ahead.

"You're such a tease." Y/n whispers.
"I'm not a tease, i'm just testing your patience.." I say innocently, rubbing her lower back.
"Oh really? Testing my patience for what exactly?" Y/n questions, knowing exactly what i'm talking about.
"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." I respond. I notice Y/n frown and I smirk to myself.

We arrive to the private car park, where I parked my car.
"Do you need a ride?" I ask, remembering we didn't arrive to the studio together.
"No it's okay, i'm waiting for Ellis to pick me up." Y/n explains. I furrow my brows slightly.
"Come on I insist. I'm here now, we can go back to mine and perhaps watch a movie?" I respond. Y/n thinks for a moment before nodding. I smile, pulling her in for a sweet kiss, not caring if anyone can see us. We pull apart shortly after and I open up the passenger side door for Y/n, before going to the drivers side.

A/n I'm so sorry for the long wait for an update. A lot happened - mental health wise and regular health wise. I'm slowly getting back on track :)

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