Muffins and Ducks

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Y/n's POV

I made my way back home. I'm pretty sure I broke several laws on the way, but it's fine, I didn't hurt anyone. As soon as I step foot inside my apartment, my phone buzzes, indicating that I received a text. I set down my gym bag and keys before pulling out my phone from my pocket.

Scarlett Johansson: Hey! Meet me at Ralph's on Madison Ave. 1pm.

Y/n: See you there!

Alright shit. It's 12:10 right now and this woman wants me to meet her in 50 minutes? I'm a sweaty mess!

I rush to the bathroom for a shower. I make sure to quickly wash my hair and shave, even though Scarlett won't be seeing my body..yet? No shut up Y/n.

After my shower, I dry off and start my skincare. Thank the heavens above Scarlett made The Outset a 2 minute routine. I dried myself off with a towel, before changing into an outfit. I didn't have time to overthink what to wear so I threw on whatever caught my eyes first.

Cute? Cute

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Cute? Cute.

I blow dry my hair, brush it and leave it out. My hair is naturally straight so I don't have to worry about it too much. I apply a bit of concealer and bronzer to my face, followed by some lip gloss.

"Alexa what's the time?" I yell, since the Alexa is in the living room.
"It is 12:42pm." Alexa answers. Shit i'm going to be late.

I put on my shoes, before grabbing my purse along with my keys and phone. I lock the apartment door, before heading down to my car. I put in the address of the coffee shop in my phone for directions. Once I was sorted I began driving.

I made it to Ralph's. I check the time on my phone 1:08. Fuck. I walk in and look around. I've never been in here before, it's cute. I notice the blonde sat at a corner table with a cup of coffee and..Rose? Oh.

I walk towards the two blondes. Scarlett notices me and smiles, which I return.
"Hey there you are!" Scarlett beams.
"Hi, yes i'm sorry i'm late." I apologise.
"Don't be silly, we haven't been here long, have we Nugget?" Scarlett moves her attention to the small human.
"Nope! Y/n sit next to me!" Rose pats her hand on the seat next to her. I smile and follow her orders.

Not long after a waiter came to the table and took my order. I had ordered an Americano.
"Mama i'm hungry." Rose mumbles to Scarlett.
"What would you like to eat sweetie?" Scarlett asks softly.
"Hmm, a muffin! A chocolate one!" Rose says excitedly. She really is the cutest. Scarlett orders Rose her muffin, before the waiter leaves.

"So I haven't seen you at that gym before.." Scarlett starts.
"Oh right. My usual gym was closed today so I went to the next closest one." I explain, Scarlett nods, taking a sip of her coffee.
"Haha and that happens to be my gym.." She reveals, smirking.

Not long after, the waiter returns with my Americano and Rose's muffin. "Thank you!" Rose says with a smile, revealing her dimples.

"Y/n when is your birthday?" Rose asks randomly, looking at me with her big blue eyes.
"April 12th. When is yours Rose?" I ask, smiling when I notice some chocolate on the little girl's cheek. I grab a napkin and gently wipe of the chocolate off her face.
"My birthday is August 30th! It just went but I didn't have a birthday party." Rose shares. I could sense the sad tone in her voice.

"Awh why's that Rosie?" I ask softy.
"Daddy was busy with his friend again and Mama was working." Rose continued to devour her muffin. I look up to Scarlett who had sad eyes. My heart broke.
"I'm sorry Rosie. Maybe you could have a party soon!" I assure her. Rose smiled brightly and looked over to her mother.
"Can I mama? Can I have a birthday party?" She asks, full of hope.
"Yes nugget, i'll make sure you have one soon." Scarlett replies softly.

We continue to chat about other things, getting to know each other more. Well, Rose was pretty much interviewing me, from the amount of questions she had, but I don't mind at all. We threw away any rubbish we had and made our way to the counter to pay. I reached into my purse to grab my credit card, however Scarlett had beaten me and already paid.

"You didn't have to do that! I would have paid." I explained.
"Nonsense. I asked you out for coffee, I pay for the coffee." She smiles.

We walk out together, Rose insisting on holding my hand. It's been a while since i've held a child's hand, they're so small!

"Do you have anywhere you need to be?" Scarlett asks me. I notice her smiling at the view of Rose and I holding hands.
"No not really." I admit.
"Want to walk around Central Park?" She asks shyly. I smile and nod, before we begin walking.

Rose ditched holding my hand once we reached Central Park. She decided chasing the pigeons was more fun. Scarlett and I continued walking, watching Rose skip along the pathway a few metres ahead of us. Neither one of us spoke. But we weren't in an awkward silence, it was quite comfortable in a way.

"I'm sorry if I forced you into promising Rose a birthday party." I break the silence between us.
"No don't be sorry. I was actually planning one for next weekend." She admits.
"Oh alright, then I don't feel sorry at all!" Scarlett laughs at my comment. God she really does have a beautiful laugh..No Y/n stop!

We stop in our tracks when we notice Rose running towards us. Scratch that, towards me.
"Y/n! Come look at the Ducks in the pond!" Rose squeals in excitement. I smile and take her hand as we run towards the pond.

I crouch down to Rose's level and we look at the ducks together. Not long after, Scarlett stands beside her daughter.
"Yeah thanks for leaving me." She jokes, I laugh and give her an 'I'm sorry, your daughter didn't give me a choice' look.
"Mama look at the Duckies!!" Rose beams in genuine joy. It's so refreshing to see this much happiness in a person.

"I'm looking Nugget!" Scarlett smiles at her daughter, before taking out her phone to take some pictures. I'm pretty sure i'm in some of them..Holy shit.

We played with Rose near the Duck pond for a while until she started to feel tired. Scarlett thought it was best if they head home so Rose could have a nap, so we began walking back to the coffee shop where we parked our cars.

Halfway through the walk, I notice Rose struggling a lot.
"You okay Rosie?" I ask concerned.
"Can you hold me Y/n?" Rose mumbles, just loud enough so I could hear. Without a second thought, I pick up the small blonde and allow her to rest her head on my shoulder. Scarlett smiles and mouths "Thank you" which I smile as a reply.

We made it to Scarlett's car, and I gently place Rose in the back seat, buckling her in.
"Thank you for being so good with Rose. I really appreciate it." Scarlett says softly.
"It's no problem at all. She's a great kid." I admit, making Scarlett smile.

I was about to walk away to my car, until I was stopped by a hand grabbing mine. Before I know it, i'm pulled into a hug from Scarlett. We break apart the hug a few moments later and smile to each other. We say our goodbyes and Scarlett gets into the car and drives away, as I walk towards mine.

As much as I hate to admit it, I loved spending my afternoon with them.

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