It's done

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Y/n's POV

I pace around my room in a panic, whilst Scarlett watches me from my bed.
"Y/n calm down, it'll be okay." She tries to soothe me. I sigh, walking towards her, standing between her legs.
"It's all so complicated now.." I say, holding back tears. Scarlett gives me a sad smile, as she gently rubs my forearms.
"This might not be the best time to ask but, have you made a decision?" Scarlett asks softly. I freeze for a moment before shaking my head slowly. Scarlett gives me a small smile.
"It's okay love.." She says as she continues gently rubbing my forearms.

"What do we do about Halsey?" I ask, getting straight to the point.
"I don't think there's anything we can do.. The pictures are already out for the entire world to see." Scarlett explains. I could feel my heart pounding, as if it was trying to come out of my chest. My breathing quickens as my hands begin to shake, my body tenses up. The whole world has seen these pictures. He might have seen these pictures.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Scarlett questions as she immediately recognises my change in demeanour. I struggle to speak, my breathing becoming more intense. Scarlett places one of my hands on her chest, her eyes searching mine.
"Y/n breathe with me. Deep breaths, in and out." She says, her voice calm and soothing.

Scarlett begins taking a deep breath in and out, allowing me to copy her. I try best, struggling at first, so Scarlett places her hand on top of mine which is still resting on her chest. After a few deep breaths in and out, my breathing starts to normalise. Scarlett smiles at me softly as she rubs my hand gently.
"Thank you" I whisper before taking my hand away from Scarlett's chest.
"No need to thank me love, but what happened? What triggered the panic?" She asks, unsure if she should. I sigh trying to wrap my head around it.
"My ex.." I mutter out. I sit beside Scarlett on the bed, as she positions herself to give me all her attention.
"Just the thought of the pictures being out in public like that.. I couldn't help but think of the possibility of him seeing them. Knowing where I am now. Coming to find me." I tear up as I see the sadness in Scarlett's eyes. I couldn't bare it, I look away, wiping the tears that managed to escape.
"You're safe Y/n. I'm here and Ellis is here too. We'll do everything in our power to protect you." Scarlett ensures me. I give her an appreciative smile as she takes a hold of my hands. squeezing them slightly.

"This whole thing is so frustrating. After all these years of running from him, making a life for myself here in the city, he still somehow has ahold of me." I explain. Without saying anything, Scarlett pulls me in for a hug. After a few minutes we pull away, before Scarlett wipes away some tears from my cheeks.
"I'll call my team to contact TMZ and maybe they'll take down the articles with the pictures. I think it's also important that you file a restraining order against your ex, if you're worried of him coming to find you." Scarlett advises. I nod agreeing with everything that she says.

After ending the phone call with her team, Scarlett and I leave my bedroom to go join Ellis and Rose in the living room. The two of them had been watching TV, when we walked in. Rose beams when she notices us and gestures for me to sit beside her. I smile and follow the 8 year old's orders. Scarlett sits beside me as we all continue watching whatever is playing on the TV.

I jump a little when I feel an arm rested on the back of the couch, I look over to Scarlett who is acting nonchalantly. I freeze in place when her fingers brush against my skin as she begins softly stroking the back of my neck. I make eye contact with Ellis, who's observing this whole thing, with a slight smirk on his face. I roll my eyes before turning my attention back to the TV.

Hours has gone by and it's now 8:30pm. We had ordered pizza for dinner and watched 'Moana'. Rose fell asleep around an hour into the movie and has been asleep since.
"I think it's time we get going." Scarlett whispers to me, ensuring she doesn't wake up the little girl in my arms. I nod as I slowly get up, holding Rose securely.
"I'll start cleaning up, Scarlett it was nice to see you again." Ellis says, allowing Scarlett and I to say goodbye. I walk Scarlett down to her car, putting Rose in her seat. As I buckle the little girl in, she begins waking up from her sleep.
"Y/n?" She questions, sleep still in her voice.
"Hi Rosie, i'm just buckling you in." I say softly. Rose nods before closing her eyes again. After ensuring she's safely buckled in, I kiss Rose on her forehead before closing the car door.

"I'm free tomorrow morning after I drop Rose off at school, how about we meet up for breakfast or something?" Scarlett asks as she walks towards me. I stop to think for a moment.
"Uhm about that.." Scarlett's smile fades when she sees my change in demeanour once again.
"What's wrong love?" She asks softly.
"I made a decision Scar." I mumble. Scarlett doesn't say anything in response as she waits for me to continue speaking.
"Scarlett I can't express how much I love spending time with you and Rose and if there was something else that we could do to resolve this, I would do that in a heartbeat but, I have to think about myself right now.." I try to explain. Scarlett sighs as she nods understandingly, her eyes glossy from the tears welling up.

"I'm sorry Scarlett.. I'm going to call Lee tomorrow and tell him of my decision." Scarlett walks closer towards me and caresses my cheek. I sigh in her touch.
"Say it." She utters.
"What?" I question confused.
"Say what's your decision. I know what you're hinting at but I need you to say it." She explains. I give her a sad smile.
"We can't see each other Scarlett. I choose The Voice over us." I state.

A tear falls down Scarlett's cheek, before she quickly wipes it away and smiles at me.
"Goodbye Y/n." She says before getting into her car and driving away.

It's done.

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