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Y/n's POV

"Hey i'm here to take you- OH GOD." I yell out, noticing Scarlett's bare body. Scarlett jumps, turning around to face me, her body only covered with her undergarments. I couldn't help myself but stare. I'm practically drooling.

I snap out of my thoughts when I realise who is in front of me. I quickly turn around before Scarlett notices my face turn red from embarrassment.
"Oh my god, i'm so sorry Y/n. I didn't think anyone would come in." Scarlett explains.
"It's okay, it's okay. I'll just wait outside whilst you get dressed." I walk outside, closing the door behind me, ensuring no one sees Scarlett.

40 minutes go by and we're finally in my car. We took our time getting down to the car as Scarlett was still in a lot of pain. However she pulled through, and now we're on our way to her house.
"Are you in any pain? Do you want me to drive slower?" I ask, cautiously. I take my eyes off the road for a moment, turning my attention to the blonde in the passenger seat. Scarlett smiles at me, her nose scrunches slightly.
"I'm fine don't worry." She assures. I smile and nod before looking back at the road.

Not long after, I pull up into Scarlett's driveway. I get out of the car, running over to the passenger side to open the door. Scarlett smiles at me before attempting to get out of the car. I notice her struggle a little so I offer her my hand, which she accepts. Scarlett slowly makes her way into the house, whilst I grab her bags from the car.

I place the bags beside the couch, which Scarlett slowly walks towards to sit.
"Are you hungry? I could get you some lunch before I leave." I look over to Scarlett who's now frowning.
"What?" I question, confused.
"You're going to leave?" She asks with a sad tone.
"Uh yeah, I thought i'd leave you to rest." I explain.
"I'd much rather have you here for company." She reveals smiling. I smile back at her and hesitantly nod, before walking towards to sit beside her.

We decide to turn on the TV and watch 'Greys Anatomy.' I turn to look at Scarlett who's gaze is focused on the TV.
"Hey Scarlett.." I begin. Scarlett immediately shifts her attention towards me.
"I just wanted to let you know, i'm here if you need any help. You know with Rose and your recovery or just in general." Scarlett smiles, tears forming in her eyes. Without any warning I get pulled into a hug and I try my best not to hurt Scarlett's fragile body. After a short while we pull apart. I notice the tears that had fallen down her cheeks, so I gently wipe them away, caressing Scarlett's cheek afterwards.

I take my hand away from her cheek moments after.
"I appreciate that more than you know Y/n. Thank you." She replies, taking ahold of my hand before squeezing it lightly.

An hour has gone by and we're still watching Greys. I look down to Scarlett who's laying down on the couch, resting her head on my lap, fast asleep. I pull out my phone from my pocket, trying my best not to disturb Scarlett. My phone rings for a few moments as I wait for Ellis to answer.

"Hey bitch what's up." Ellis answers.
"Hey so i'm not sure when i'll be home, so don't wait up for me if i'm late." I whisper when I notice Scarlett stir a little. I hear a gasp from the other end of the call.
"Tell me you're not where I think you are." Ellis asks dramatically. I roll my eyes at his exaggerated tone.
"Yes i'm with Scarlett right now, shut up it's not a big deal." I whisper-yell.
"Y/n Y/l/n you have no idea how many people would kill to be in your position right now." Ellis states, once again dramatically.

"Okay but you're being smart about this right? What about our conversation the other day?" Ellis speaks up.
"I know, I know. I'm going to try and talk about it with her. I just don't know how." I confess.
"Just try to remember everything you told me that night. All the baggage that would come with being in a relationship with her right now.."
"El I was wasted, I barely remember anything from that night." I interrupt. Ellis laughs remembering back to the night in question. We say our goodbyes shortly after and I end the call.

I throw my phone to my side before looking down at my lap. I smile at the view of the sleeping blonde, before I realise the time. I mentally kick myself for what i'm about to do.

I gently shake Scarlett's shoulder and whisper her name. Moments after Scarlett begins stirring in her sleep.
"Y/n?" Scarlett questions, still half asleep. I laugh at her cuteness.
"Hey sleepyhead." I laugh to myself before continuing to talk.
"It's almost time for school run. If you'd like I can pick up Rose, if there's no one else collecting her." I offer. Scarlett slowly wakes herself up, looking up at me as she's still resting on my lap.
"Please if you don't mind." I smile and shake my head.
"I insist. Besides it's been a while since i've seen my Rosie." I explain. Scarlett smiles at me as I gently move some hair away from her face. Since it's not exactly time yet for me to pick up Rose, Scarlett and I stay in our positions, talking about absolute nonsense.

"Okay so i'll text you the address of the school." Scarlett says as she hands me my car keys. I smile and nod, taking the keys from her.
"Thank you again for this, you're a lifesaver." I laugh at Scarlett's comment and shake my head.
"I'm happy to do this honestly." I admit before putting on my shoes to leave.

As soon as I sit in my car I receive the address for the school. After setting up my GPS I back out of the drive way.

I make it to the school just in time for the students to come out. The outside of the building was covered with parents waiting for their children to come out. I step out of my car, leaning against it as I watch the little kids slowly come out of the building. I notice the small blonde walk out, looking around.

I notice how her face lights up with joy once she spots me. My heart melts seeing the small blonde running in my direction.
"Y/n!!" Rose yells as she makes her way towards me. Once close enough, I pick her up, hugging her in a tight embrace.
"Hey Rosie! Did you have a good day at school?" I question as I gently put her down. Rose nods excitedly.
"Yes!! We learnt about planets and I played tag with my friends!!" Rose explains eagerly. I smile at the little girl before opening the car door for her to sit in the car. I take her school backpack from her, placing it on the seat beside her. Once i'm sure she's buckled in, I close the door and make my way to the drivers side.

We're about 10 minutes into the drive. Scarlett's house is 20 minutes from the school. Unfortunately there's terrible traffic so the 20 minute drive will most likely be 40.

"Y/n?" Rose speaks up.
"Yes Rosie?" I answer, groaning at the lack of movement in the traffic jam.
"Why are you picking me up from school? Usually Uncle Chris does or Aunty Flo." Rose speaks innocently. I laugh slightly at the bluntness.
"Well Uncle Chris and Aunty Flo are busy with work, So I told your mommy I would take you home." I explain.
"Are we going to see mommy in hospital again?" Rose sighs, looking out the window.

I make a confused face, knowing Rose can't see. She doesn't know Scarlett was able to go home today? I think for a moment on how I could answer this.

"Actually Rosie, we're going back to your house." I say softly.
"I want to see mommy!" Rose whines slightly. My heart hurts hearing her upset but I decide not to tell her where Scarlett is.
"I know honey, you will soon." I reply. The traffic is still not moving, so I take this as an opportunity to quickly pull out my phone. I open Scarlett and I's conversation.

Y/n: Hey so Rose doesn't know you're home. I figure you could surprise her?

Scarlett: Great idea! How is she doing?

Y/n: A little upset, she wants to see you

Scarlett: Don't worry, I have an idea to make her feel better
Scarlett: Stay tonight?

Uh what..? Did I read that right?

A/n Another cliffhanger what a surprise :)

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