On your left

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Florence's POV

I leave the courtroom and immediately begin looking around the hall for Scarlett. I want to check if she's okay. After the security footage was shown to everyone, that must have been hard on her.

I continue to look through the crowd of people for Scarlett. No luck. Thankfully I notice John, Scarlett's lawyer about to leave the building. I run through the groups of people, trying to catch up to John.

"John! Wait a second!" I call out once i'm close enough to know he can hear me. Surely enough, he turns around and waits. I catch my breath before speaking.
"Hi I was looking for Scarlett, I know you both left the courtroom together, do you know where she is?" I question.
"I'm sorry I don't, she may have gone home." He informs me. I nod, allowing him to leave.

Since i'm outside the building, I look around to see if I can see Scarlett anywhere. Nope. I pull out my phone to give her a call. Maybe John is right and she went home.

ring, ring, ring..

No answer. I'm starting to get slightly worried. Scarlett always answers my calls. Even if she's in the middle of a meeting or something, she always answers. As I was about to put my phone away, I receive a phone call. But not from Scarlett.

"Hello?" I question, as I don't recognise the number.
"Hey Flo, it's Y/n." The feminine voice responds. I smile hearing the familiar voice.
"Oh hello! What's up?" I ask as I walk towards the courthouse building again."..So i'm at the courthouse" She begins. I stop in my tracks.

"You're what?" I ask confused.
"Turn around. On your left." Y/n spoke. I turn, seeing Y/n leaning against her car. I end the call before running towards her.

Y/n's POV

Florence runs towards me. At first I thought it was out of excitement of seeing me, but then I notice her facial expression. Fear and worry.

"Hey, hey, Florence what's wrong?" I ask holding onto her upper arms to keep her steady.
"Scarlett. I don't know where she is." Florence barely speaks out. My body freezes as I try to process what I just heard. I grab Florence's hand, leading her to the building.

"Alright so where did you see her last?" I ask as I look around. The hallway is filled with people - lawyers, families, security. It's so hectic.
"Well I saw her during the hearing but then I lost track of her because she left before me." Florence explains. I try to think of any possible places Scarlett may be. Just then Florence yells.
"Ahh that's the judge from the hearing!" Florence points over to a corner where a woman is stood, along with some security guards. Florence runs towards the individuals, before I could stop her.

"Hi, hello i'm sorry to interrupt.." I overhear Florence as I make my way towards her.
"Is there something I can help you with?" The judge questions.
"You were just in a hearing for a custody case, Ms Johansson?" Florence explains, making sure the judge knows what she's talking about. She nods, indicating for Florence to continue speaking.
"I was wondering if you knew where Ms Johansson has gone or if you've seen her. I've lost track of her after the hearing had ended."

The judge stops and thinks.
"I think I may have seen her go to the restroom earlier, but I don't recall seeing her come out." The judge reveals. My eyes widen, thinking of all the things that could have happened to Scarlett.
"Thank you, your honour." I say before grabbing Florence, rushing over to the nearby restroom.

I rush in, with Florence following behind me. My heart drops as I witness what's in front of me.
"Scarlett!" Florence yells, her voice breaking as she begins to sob. We run towards the petite body laid on the floor, completely pale, completely still.

I place two fingers on Scarlett's neck, before leaning down to hear for breath sounds. Barely anything.
"Florence call for help! Call for 911!" I shout out. Florence runs out of the restroom to alert the security, as I stay sitting beside Scarlett. Without thinking, I take off my jacket, placing it over Scarlett's cold body.

"Don't worry, Scar.." I try to hold back the tears in my eyes, but ultimately fail. This woman means so much to so many people. I need her to live for them. For her daughter..
"Help is coming Scarlett, everything will be alright." I attempt to soothe her.

Not long after, the security that we had seen earlier come rushing in, along with some paramedics and Florence. The paramedics gently lift Scarlett onto a gurney, taking her out of the building to the ambulance.

I wipe away tears that had fallen down my cheeks. Florence notices and pulls me into a hug, before the security guards walk towards us.
"Do you know what happened?" A security guard questions me.
"No she was barely conscious, I couldn't ask anything." I explain.
"Don't worry about it, there's CCTV cameras all over this building, including the entrance to the restrooms, we'll soon find out what happened." The seconds security guard reveals. A wave of relief comes over me as I hear the security guard speak.

Florence and I follow the ambulance to the hospital. Since we had driven to the courthouse in our own cars, we drove to the hospital, otherwise we would have been in the ambulance with Scarlett.

We were stuck in terrible traffic. I sigh seeing how long the jam is. I look over to the passenger seat where my purse is, and grab my phone. I start ringing a number, putting my phone on speaker, so I don't get caught being on my phone whilst driving.

"Hey bitch!" Ellis answers.
"..Hi" I reply, not really knowing why I called him. If anything, Ellis would probably drop dead if he knew the current state of his idol.
"What's wrong?" Ellis questions, a tone of worried and urgency fill his voice.
"Uh..Nothing i'm just stuck in terrible traffic" I half lie. I can't tell him. Can I?

"Ugh I hate when that happens. Anyways, what time are you coming home? I want to rewatch Avengers Endgame." Ellis explains.
"Not sure, i'll let you know- Wait isn't that the one where Natasha dies?" I question, confused.
"Yeah, i'm in the mood to cry." Ellis responds.

Uh.. Yeah I can't tell him.

A/n 3 chapters in one day because i'm so nice :)

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