Heads will Roll

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Y/n's POV

"Off, off with your head! Dance, Dance till you're dead! Heads will roll, heads will roll, heads will roll on the floor!!"

I groan as wake up from music blasting out. I look over to the wall clock, 7:30am. What the fuck, it's a Saturday! I slowly drag my body out of bed and immediately feel the goosebumps on my arms. Putting a hoodie on, I enter the living room, to see none other than Ellis dancing on the coffee table with the TV remote in hand as a 'microphone'.

"Glitter on the wet streets, silver over everything. The glitters all wet, you're all chrome." Ellis sings, very off key might I add. I roll my eyes at his antics, before looking around to see where the music is playing from. I couldn't find any device so that leaves one thing.

"ALEXA STOP!" I yell out. Moments after, the apartment is filled with silence - which didn't last long.

"The fuck was that for?" Ellis questions as he jumps off the coffee table and walks towards me. I glare at him.
"You're joking right? It's 7 in the fucking morning. There's no need to be blasting out music like there's no tomorrow."
"You can't blame me, Scarlett's songs are the best." Ellis gushes. I, once again, roll my eyes at him.
"She's alright.." I mumble, before walking to the bathroom, to take a shower.
"I heard that!" Ellis calls out disapprovingly, making me chuckle.

Ellis and I sit at the kitchen island, eating some waffles for breakfast. I look through my instagram feed, when Ellis begins talking.

"So what's your plans for today?" He asks
"I'm not sure. I think i'm going to relax, maybe go to the gym." I reply, taking a sip of coffee afterwards.
"No rehearsal?"
"Not sure. Scarlett did mention we would but I haven't heard from her." I explain, a hint of disappointment in my tone.
"So text her. You do have her number after all, which I still can't believe." Ellis states making me smile slightly.

I finish off my waffle and take a final sip of coffee, before taking all the dishes to the dishwasher. I go to grab my phone and check the time, 9:15am.

"Hm I think i'm going to go to the gym instead. I'll let her spend time with her daughter." I decide.
"Wait she has Rose with her? Did you meet her?" Ellis eyes widen with curiosity.
"Uh yeah I did, the other day. She's cute." I brush it off.
"Bitch why didn't you tell me!" Ellis freaks out.
"It's not that big of a deal..? She's only a little girl." I explain, putting on my gym shoes, since i'm already in my gym clothes.
"Yeah, a little girl that Scarlett doesn't show anyone, let alone a fan."
"I'm not a fan. You are." I correct him. Ellis sighs and nods before walking towards his bedroom.

"Right well.. I'm going to the gym. I'm assuming you're going to be at work when I'm back?" I ask, slightly raising my voice so he hears me.
"Yeah, i'll be done with my shift at 10!" He yells back. I grab my keys and gym bag before heading out the door.

I park up in the multi-story parking lot across the street from my usual gym. I grab my bag and make my way to the building. As I get closer and closer to the entrance, I notice a sign on the door.


Well that's just great. I open up the maps app on my iphone. It's funny. I've lived in New York practically my whole life. Yet I still need to look at maps because I don't know my way around this place. I find another gym that's quite close by, so I head back to my car and drive there.

I park up right in front of the gym. Luckily there was a free spot. Once again, I grab my bag and head out the car, towards the entrance. Thankfully this place is open. I walk over to the lockers, place my unnecessary items inside one, before locking it and making my way to a quiet corner. I decide to work on my legs today. I'll probably regret it later on but whatever, it's fine.

I put in my airpods and listen to some music as I begin stretching. I haven't been in the gym in a while, so I'm determined to make this session a good one.

As the session went on, I had done a few different exercises - squats, lunges, deadlifts, etc. I was already out of breath by the last deadlift. I took a few minutes to catch my breath and have some water.

I make my way back to the locker room and have another sip of water. I don't pay attention to my surroundings, so when I feel a hand on my shoulder, my soul practically leaves my body. I turn around to see none other than Scarlett Johansson. I scramble to take out my airpods, as I don't want to seem rude.

"Hey, uh I didn't mean to scare you, i'm sorry." She apologises.
"No worries, how are you?" I shift on my feet awkwardly.
"I'm good thanks. I noticed you were here and I was wondering if you wanted to grab some coffee?" She asks shyly, I couldn't help but grin.
"Sure that would be great. I have to quickly head back home but I can meet you somewhere."
"Oh okay, i'll text you where to go." She smiles before walking away.

Did that really just happen?

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