Phone calls

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Scarlett's POV

I tuck Rose into bed and slowly close her bedroom door, trying not to wake her. The entire drive home she had slept. It felt like I was alone in the car with nothing but my thoughts.

After doing my nightly routine I go straight to bed and scroll through my phone, responding to texts and a few emails. I couldn't help but feel a wave of sadness hit me as I was fighting myself from texting the one person who I could never get tired of. Telling them that Rose and I got home safe, telling them my schedule for the next day so we could meet up at some point. I can't do that now. I felt a tear fall down my cheek, I quickly wipe it away, sighing at how much this effects me. We weren't even dating..

As I was about to put my phone of the nightstand, my phone vibrates indicating a phone call. I smile seeing the caller ID and answer straight away.

"Hey you!" I smile knowing she can't see me.
"Hi Scar! How are you doing?" The raspy British voice asks.
"Uh i've been better. Where are you?" I reply.
"I'm back in New York! I'm staying in Manhattan to do some interviews tomorrow. I was calling to see if you were free around lunchtime? We could have a quick catch up before I have a whole afternoon of interviews." She questions.
"Of course i'm free for you Flo! Just text me the address and i'll see you there." I smile again. We talk for a few minutes before we decided to end the call as it was almost midnight.

I wake up from the horrid sound of my alarm. I groan as I reach out for my phone to switch it off. I check the time, 6am, groaning more at the early hours. I drag myself out of bed and into the bathroom to freshen up before heading to Rose's bedroom to wake her up for school. I sit beside her small body on the bed and brush her hair away from her face.
"Morning baby girl, time to wake up." I whisper. Rose shuffles in her sleep, eventually waking up. I pull out an outfit from her wardrobe and leave it on her bed for her to change into as I go leave to make her some breakfast.

I kiss Rose on her cheek and hug her before she runs into her school. As I walk back to my car, I receive a text from Florence, with the address of where we're supposed to meet. As it's still quite early, 8:30 to be precise, I decide go to the gym. I'm already dressed in workout clothes so I drive straight there.

An hour into my workout, my phone rings. I put the dumbbells down and answer the phone.
"Hello?" I try to catch my breath.
"Hey Scarlett, it's Lee." My eyes widen slightly from the unexpected phone call.
"Oh hi how are you?" I ask, slightly confused.
"I'm good. So i'm just calling to say that i've just gotten off the phone with Y/n Y/l/n and she has told me her decision. I'm assuming you know about this?" I sigh knowing this is actually official now.
"Yes, we had spoken about it yesterday." I reply.
"Alright well as I had explained in our meeting, if Y/n chooses to continue in the competition, she would be transferred to another coach's team. I've decided to let you choose which team she'll be joining." Lee explains. I freeze, trying to process this information.
"Oh uh thank you for giving me the choice. I think Y/n will do great in Kelly's team." I reveal.
"Alright i'll discuss things with Kelly and the producers to confirm this transfer." We say our goodbyes and I end the call. Before I have a chance to process things properly, I notice the time and realise it's almost time to meet Florence. I grab my things and go to my car and drive home.

I had a quick shower and quickly did my hair and makeup. I have around 40 minutes before I have to leave to meet Florence. After finishing the final touches of my makeup, I get dressed. I opted for a casual look, just a pair of jeans and a top.

I arrive at the cafe where i'm supposed to be meeting Florence

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I arrive at the cafe where i'm supposed to be meeting Florence. I notice the blonde sat at a table in the corner so I make my way towards her.

"Hi honey!" I place my purse on the table before holding my arms out to hug her. Florence stands up from her seat to hug me back.
"Ah i've missed you Scar! Tell me, how have you been? How's little Rose?" Florence asks as we both settle in our seats. I give her a small smile as I try to think of how to answer her questions.
"Well Rosie is doing well, she's been asking about you lately, you should come over!" I reply, dodging the other question.

We order our food as we continue to catch up.
"You should have brought Y/n with you, it's been a while since i've seen her too." Florence states before taking a sip of her tea. I look down at my lap briefly, sighing.
"Scar? Are you okay?" Florence asks, concern filling her voice.
"Uhm.. Y/n and I are no longer speaking." I reveal, avoiding Florence's eyes.
"What? Why not?" Florence asks confused. I sigh, not wanting to get into all of it.
"It just didn't work out, that's all. I'm fine anyways, i'm going to be focusing on Rose and I rather than my love life." I explain. Florence nods, just when the waiter arrives with our food.
"I'm sorry to hear that Scar, I thought everything was going well between you guys." Florence gives me a sad smile.
"Things happen, I guess." I brush it off as I begin to eat my Caesar salad.

We finish our lunch and pay, Florence demanded that she pays as she had asked me to lunch in the first place. As much as I hated that idea, I couldn't fight with her. Florence and I walk towards my car as we continue talking about absolute nonsense.
"Make sure you call me whenever you need to talk, alright?" Florence says softly as we hug. I nod in response. We say our goodbyes and I drive home.

A/N Such a shit chapter i'm sorry😭

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