Where are you going?

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Scarlett's POV

It has been around a week since the Battle rounds. Y/n and I haven't spoken since that day.. Alright correction, I haven't spoken to Y/n since that day, Y/n has been reaching out to me, but i've been avoiding her. If i'm being honest, I didn't mean to. It kinda just..happened?

Today is the first court hearing for the custody case against Romain. Not many people in my life know about this particular situation, so i've been quite distant with everyone in my life. Hence not speaking to Y/n.

"Morning nugget." I whisper, waking up my daughter.
"Hi Mama." Rose coos, gradually waking herself up. I kiss her forehead before picking her up, holding her against my body.
"You ready to spend the day with Uncle Chris?" I ask, rocking her in my arms.
"Yes I can't wait!" Rose squeals in excitement.

We make our way downstairs into the dining room, where I had already prepared breakfast for the two of us - pancakes for Rose and coffee and toast for me. It's only 8:45am and the court hearing doesn't begin until 11:15am, however i'd like to show up early to meet my lawyer, so i've asked Chris if he could arrive earlier to watch Rose for the day whilst i'm at the hearing. I don't want her to hear all the nasty court stuff that'll be said about her parents.

Although I would love to have Chris at the hearing, he offered to watch Rose so she has a friendly face with her throughout this process. Even though he doesn't have kids, he's amazing with Rose. You're probably also wondering where's Annie, Rose's nanny. Well she's on holiday at the moment so she can't stay with Rose.

After breakfast, I helped Rose get dressed for the day before I made my way to my closet to find something to wear that's court appropriate. I need to look professional to the judge.

"You look really pretty mommy

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"You look really pretty mommy." I hear Rose call out as she walks into the closet.
"Thank you baby." I kiss her forehead before grabbing some black heels. After putting on my shoes, I go to my vanity to do my hair and makeup. I avoid wearing heavy makeup as I don't want to look like i'm going for a night out.

I finish spraying my hair with hairspray, when I hear my phone buzzing, indicating that i've received a text.

Evans: Hey! I'm outside

I grab my purse, making my way downstairs to the front door, with Rose following behind me. I open the door to see Chris beaming with joy.

"Hey you!" He smiles, opening his arms out for a hug. I love Chris' hugs. I gladly hug him back before stepping aside to let him inside the house.
"Uncle Chris!" Rose jumps up and down in excitement. Chris picks her up into an embrace.
"My favourite blonde!" He exclaims.
"Hey! Rude!" I tease. Both Chris and Rose laugh at my comment.

"Alright baby, i'm going now." I kiss Rose on her forehead, tucking some hair behind her ear."
"Where are you going, mommy?" Rose asks, still in Chris' arms.
"Uh well.." I still hadn't told her about the whole custody situation, as I didn't know how to begin the conversation. I still don't.
"Mommy's going to talk to a judge in a court, about grown up stuff." I try to explain. Rose puts her arms out gesturing she wants me to hold her, so I take her in my arms, from Chris.
"Why do you have to talk to a judge?" She asks confused.

My heart aches seeing how lost and confused she is. I wish I could tell her everything, but she's still so young. I want her to enjoy her childhood, not have it filled with so much pain.
"Rosie, I love you so much. I just want to make sure you're safe and happy." I sigh, holding my daughter as close to my body as possible. I could feel tears were welling up in my eyes, I refuse to let them fall. I don't want Rose to see me cry.

"Can I come with you mommy?" Rose looks at me, worried plastered all over her face.
"I'm sorry baby, you have to stay here with Uncle Chris." I give her a sad smile. Rose nods and gestures she wants to get down from my arms. I gently put her down, before she runs to her bedroom.

I sigh, grabbing my things, trying my best not to let a tear drop.
"Scar?" Chris questions.
"Don't. It's okay." I say, just above a whisper. Chris pulls me in a side hug, kissing my head.
"I'm here if you want to talk." He reveals. I smile, hugging him back.
"I know. Thank you."

I look around making sure I have everything, before leaving to go to the courthouse.

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