Blue Finesse 2: Date pt 1

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Lil Meech's POV
I laughed as Ariyah came over to my side of the car getting me out. "Hahahaha.... I'm drunk as fuck" she shook her head as we rolled up to a familiar house. "WHO house dis is?" I said laughing again, she did a lil sigh and knocked on the door. "U smell good" i said smelling her hair, she did a little giggle, "thank you Demetrius" I scoffed. "DEMETRIUS?! WHO DF IS DEM-" the door open to a short light skin girl. I sucked my teeth and rolled my eyes, "you Ya'sinya?" She nodded. "Yea... MEECH" Ariyah moved my arm from around my neck and held my waist giving me to my sister. "So sorry this is short notice but Meech got real drunk and couldn't get home and I wasn't going to leave him" she nodded.

"Thank you so much.... He finna get his ass whooped" I looked over at my sister, "whoop who" I said laughing hard asf. Sinya rolled her eyes, "thank u" she nodded and walked away.

As Sinya closed the door she walked me over to the couch. "How many drinks you had?" I looked away. "Demetrius" I rolled my eyes, "man it won't nothing but 20 shots" I said giving he the Duh face before laughing. "Bitch" she said before choking me up, "wait wait wait WAIT" I said pushing her off me. "Mama told you, you can't kill me" I said frowning at her.

"So mama ain't here, so therefore u in my house if I want to kill you I will" she said walking towards me. I got up and looked at her, "okay okay I'm sorry for getting drunk alright, but I meet Ariyah and she made me feel all good inside and shit plus I only had one shot I didn't think one would turn into 20".

She shook her head, "who is she?" I smiled. "You smiling?! Oh you in love Frl" she said laughing I chuckled. "She a stripper at my club dat me & Vinchi started the other day" her eyes grew big. "Vinchi? My man Vinchi?" I rolled my eyes, "dat man got a gf" she shrugged. "Ain't stop him from looking at me" she said sticking her tongue out. "You nasty asf" I said scrunching my face up.

"Anyways like I was saying, she like to dance.. she just so sexy and the way she talk and move just make a Nigga want to..." I said smirking. "Talm bout me being nasty" she said scrunching her face up, "stfu" I said mushing her and running into her kitchen. "You got something to eat?" She walked in the kitchen looking around in the fridge, "here eat this".

I looked at it & noticed it was chicken Alfredo, "finna fuck this up" I said going to the microwave and heating it up. "So you gone ask her out" I took the food out the microwave and looked at her. "I thought about it, just don't know how to" she nodded pulled out some wine and pouring her a glass. "Let me get some!" She looked at me staring hard asf. "Never mind" I said opening the bowl.

"I say take her out to Miami's best restaurant" I looked at her and nodded. "You right, but I want to make it special like it's gone be our first date.... How df I'm agreeing to shit and she ain't even agree to nun" she nodded. "Yea you stupid asf" I straight faced her, "dat's why Vinchi said he ain't leaving his girlfriend".

She gasped, "say swear?" She said following behind me as I walked out the kitchen.
I laid in the guest room of my sister house as I thought about not drinking ever a fucking gain. I soon heard the door open, "Sinya bruh get out... how you know my dick ain't out or something" I said from under the covers. "Well I'm sure she wouldn't want to see that" I moved the covers from over my head and looked to see Ariyah smiling at me, I tried to smile back but the light shining in my room wouldn't let a Nigga be great. "Man it's too bright" i said getting out of bed and going to close them. "No keep 'em open, if you close then you gone want to stay in bed.. here drink this you will feel better I promise you".

I looked at the Body armor, "what's this?" She looked at me grabbing my hand and putting two pain relievers in my hand. "A rehydration drink and some pain relievers to help you.. after you take that and sip on that drink for a while... get washed up and dress and meet me downstairs, going to take you to my house.. put these on too" she said giving me some shades.

I looked at her, "what?" She said smiling. "You look beautiful" she blushed, "think you, now hurry up" she said walking to the door. I smiled hard asf taking the pill and drink some of the body armor, "damn this shit good asf" I said drink some more.

As I stood in the shower washing, I let the hot warm roll all over my sore body. I was bumping into shit all last night after i had ate dat food, "shit feel good asf" I said washing my body.

I got out the shower and dried my body off and put on my everyday hygiene products. I brushed my teeth and went in the room, I thought about it. "I'm not even home I leave some hygiene stuff here but no clothes???!" I said walking to the bed, I looked down at the clothes laying down in front on me. I looked at the note and smiled, "Sinya told me yeen have no clothes... she gave me your size and the kind of style you like so I bought you something so you don't have to go all the way back to the house... sincerely Ariyah" I chuckled. "Another reason why I'm in love with you sexy ass" I said smiling.

I jogged down the stairs seeing Ariyah and Sinya laughing. "Wat y'all talking about?" Sinya rolled her eyes, "business now find you some" Ariyah laughed. "Funny?" She shook her head no cutting her laugh, "y'all evil" I said making them laugh. "You ready?" I nodded, "yea always" she smiled and grab her keys.
As we rode up to her house I gasped loud asf, "wat else do you do?" She giggled, "You'll see" she said parking and getting out. I got out and looked around, she walked in the house with me following right behind her. "Smells good in here" she smiled, "really... I felt like the blueberry coconut lavender smell would be too much,, you really like it though" I nodded. "Yea it smell like you last night" she blushed, "thank you" I smiled, "always".

" well you asked me what else do I do... well I dance of course... your club is the only club I ever been in, but I also cook" she said smiling. "Frl?" She nodded, "that's why I brought you here so that I can make you a hangover remedy" I nodded. "Sounds good, you not gone poison me or nothing like dat right" she shook her head. "No I'm not even like that" she said a lil upset, "I was just joking love don't get all soft of me now!" She nodded. "I'm not it's just I don't want you thinking I'm evil or something" she said walking in the kitchen washing her hands and starting the food.

We talked and laugh while she made a egg remedy for me, "what this?" She smiled. "You want to know Frl?" I nodded, "well it's like a egg soup... it's a seafood like broth with raw egg poured in making the egg cook and forming egg like noddles... it got pieces of sausage and some cheese and vegetables... sounds like a lot but trust you will like it and feel more energized" I smiled, "I trust you".

I grab the spoon and dipped in and started eating. I looked down at it, shit was gooder than a mfer, "this shit good asf" I said high fiving her making her smile from ear to ear. "Thank you,, took a while to perfect it how I wanted it but I'm glad you like it" I nodded. "I love it... thank you" she smiled, "well since I let you cook for me... can you do something for me?" She nodded. "Sure" I smiled, "I want to take you out tomorrow night... dress real fancy and shit get to know each other" she shrugged.

"Or maybe somewhere real casual?" I nodded. "Sure if that's what you want" she smiled, "that's wat I want" I smiled, "so is that a yes?" She nodded and smiled, "yes" I walked over to her hug her short soft body. "You feel so warm and smell so good" she laughed, "same to you" I chuckled and pulled back looking at her. "I want to kiss you so bad" I said running my thumb over her lips.. she reached up grabbing my face as if she was about to kiss me. "Maybe tomorrow" she said kissing my cheek and walking off. I laughed, "shawty got a nigga in a chokehold" I said following behind her.

To be continued......
Hey y'all I hope y'all like this part of blue finesse. Spoiler alert: they may have a real good time in the next part if you know what I mean 🥴🤫!!... I hope y'all enjoy & excuse the mistakes

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