You dont know Nothing bout love

529 11 1

Vanjae's POV
I walked towards my boss office to drop off some papers from my assistant. These papers were super important, this company is on the rise & a lot of investors is ready to bid on this place for 20% percent partnership of the company. As I walked in I looked at my boss Mr. Flenory, he looked up at me with a stern look on his face, "I have your papers, you know they one that talks about the investment!!" He sighed & grabbed the papers.

He was mean no lie.... He would smile when money came in our he heard about an investment but honestly, I never genuinely seen him happy about a damn thing other than those things. "This the same investor I told no to because he want 50% of my company I made up on my fucking on.... He not getting shit, so u can take these stupid ass papers back to Maria ass & remind me to fire her incompetent ass later when I get the chance".

He said writing down something in his notebook. "Yes sir" I said going to walk off, "oh & after u give her them papers, I'm gone need u to come back so we can talk about some people I need to fire, I don't need no lazy ass people running my company I worked so fucking hard for." I nodded & turned around walking out of his office, it was kinda draining talking to him most of the day because of his bad ass attitude but shit.... It's real stressful around this bitch if I'm being honest.

I walked into Maria office & handed her the papers, "Maria... why would u give me these papers if u already knew he had them more than once & you knew he wasn't fucking wit that investor" she shrugged her shoulders "Vanjae, I honestly don't care because for the simple fact, that's my fucking husband & he needs this opportunity!!." I rolled my eyes.

"You really think dat would be best for the company.... No offense, your husband wouldn't be a good candidate for the type of work he has to put out!!" She stood up, "what df is that supposed to mean bitch" he scoffed, I was shocked as fuck because who was she talking to?!. "I was just sayin, it ain't my fault yo husband a lame ass nigga dat can't get his company out the ground so he got to piggyback ride off somebody else shit."

"VANJAE!!" I jumped hearing a deep voice boom through the room. I turned around & saw Mr. Flenory standing at the door with the most intense expression on his face. "my office right now !!" I went to say something but he put his finger over his mouth & pointed to his office. I sighed & walked down the hall feeling nothing but shame, I didn't mean to say what I said but I was so out spoken that I didn't care, especially if someone disrespected me.

I sat down In the chair & watched him lean on the desk & cross his legs. "What was that?" He said grabbing his glass & pouring him some Casamigo's. "I gave her the papers & she got mad & told me it was her husband trying to invest, I told her he might not be cut out for the work that has to be put in on this specific company, she called me a bitch, so I went off."

He threw the drink back & scrunched his face up a lil before sitting the glass down looking at me, "regardless of what she called you, do u think it's fair to me to disrespect my company & me ?!" I shook my head. "You damn right, I don't give a fuck if u was helping me or not, don't bring family drama into my damn company am I clear?!" I nodded my head.

"Good, this is a well established company that I am running & I most definitely don't need no drama ruining it... Vanjae u know that better than anyone." I nodded, "sometimes I wonder do y'all understand the love I have for this company because clearly I don't think y'all do, all y'all do is bring bullshit after bullshit into my company, yes I love my staff but damn it I love my company more & I will let y'all stupid asses go Vanjae!!" I looked up at him wit watery eyes, "here u go wit that sad shit".

"Sad shit?!, Demetrius fuck u & this company, for 4 years I helped you wit this shit, I help u find people. Fire people & get your where tf you needed to go don't forget that.... U talking to me like a random bitch on dat street dat don't mean shit & u talking about love fuck u Demetrius you don't know nothing bout love, cause if your loved us or even mean for helping you with this company you would show it instead of acting like a bitch ass nigga, nun but a fucking asshole who is full of himself fuck u".

I said letting my tears fall & walking out of the building. I didn't need that shit, I was so good off this money shit I could leave dat fucking job never work again & be good for the rest of my fucking life, he had me all the way fucked up.
I sat down on my couch with my pumpkin spice coffee that I had just made not too long ago. I sipped some out of my cup before I heard the door bell ring. "COMING!!" I said putting my coffee down walking to the door, I open it to Demetrius who was wearing grey sweats, white tee wit a grey Nike tech jacket & a chain wit socks & slides. He looked at me, "can we talk, please?" I sighed & nodded.

"I'm sorry, what I said to you was rude as hell & I really do value u & your work Vanjae" I smiled. "Thank you", he smiled at me with those perfect white teeth, no lie I would be a liar if I said he didn't look good as fuck.

"Andddd, I do love u!!" He said looking at me wit a look I never seen before from him. "U do?!" He nodded his head grabbing my hand, I always had strong feelings for Demetrius but I just couldn't stand to feel that way about my boss so I pushed those feelings to the side, or at least I tried to. "I love u too" he looked up from my hand & looked at me, "you was right about me not knowing nothing bout love, I swear I didn't, but everytime I see u or you say something I always get this feeling & I can't explain it, but when I made you cry today I felt so bad I was mad at myself for what I did to u".

I gave him a smile, "I know you didn't mean it, but it's okay to love somebody Demetrius... even if you don't know what those feelings are" he nodded pulling me into his chest rubbing his hands on my ass. "I wanna kiss you so fucking bad" he said looking at me then down at my lips. "You can" he bite his lip before kissing me, no lie I wanted to fuck him right then & there. "I need you" he said looking at me, "I need you too" he smirked & picked me up carrying me upstairs.
He smacked my ass while he fucked me from the back, I gasped feeling his dick hit my spot. "FUCKKKK" I moan pushing him back. "Moving yo fucking hand!!" I gasped when he grabbed both of them & started fucking me harder. "Shitttttttt" I moan creaming all over his dick feeling me pull out of my arch.

He chuckled & pushed his hand on my back gently putting me back in my arch grabbing my neck from the back. "This my pussy, don't pull out this arch again u hear me ?" I nodded. He let my neck go my arms grabbing my hips smacking my ass, "come on, thru it back foe me" I moan trying my hardest not to cum again. "Mhm, look at you creaming all on this dick, mhm cream on daddy dick some more baby..... ouuuu shit u finna make me nut, thru it back some more so I can nut in this wet tight pussy" I gasped & creamed all over his dick feeling tears fall down my face from all the pleasure I was getting, he groan & nutted inside of me.

He pulled out & grabbing taking me in the bathroom.
I walked in the office to see Demetrius smiling at me, "u look good!!" I smiled looking away trying not to blush. He got up & walked to me, "I love u!!" I giggled, "naw, yeen know nothing bout love!!" He smirked & locked the door, "u wanna show me?!" He said kissing on my neck, most definitely finna work this dick again.
Hey y'all, I hope y'all enjoy & excuse the mistakes. I know I been gone for a while but I'm back gang, let me know what else y'all would like & I always will be updating some that i think need & deserve more than just one part.🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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