Sex aint betta than love

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Demetrius's POV
"Ouuuuu baby fuckkk" Summer moan while scratching my back. I bite my lip & started giving her deep strokes.... I pulled out & nutted all over her breast. I looked down at her & back off the bed going into the bathroom, I took a shower & clean my self uh before leaving. "So you just gone leave without saying goodbye ?" She said smirking at me, I walked over to her & gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Summer & I been fucking foe a while now, no relationship, no love, no commitment. Nun but straight sex, we always been cool but not cool enough to be around each other everyday. No lie this shit was getting boring, I need somebody there for me... somebody who understands & gets me not somebody who I just fuck & leave alone until the next I feel like I need to get my rocks off. I want somebody good for my soul, make me laugh, make love to me, show me how fun this relationship shit is.

I rode down my street to see a big ole haul truck in front of the house beside mines. "Damn, who moving into this nice ass house, should have bought it when I thought about it" I said pulling into my yard. I parked & got out locking my door, I decided to be nice & meet my new neighbors to see wassup with them.

As I walked over I saw a thick ass brownskin female with full lips, chubby cheeks, with the prettiest smile & eyes, she was kinda tall but chubby at the same time. Shawty was fine asf & my heart started acting weird as hell, "hey" she looked over & smile walking over towards me. "Hey, I'm Teeaira your new neighbor it's so nice to meet you" she said smiling, I looked at her as if I was trapped in a daze or something. "Hey u okay?!" She said looking a lil concerned, I nodded... "I'm so sorry, I was space out & shit, I'm Demetrius but you can call me lil Meech" she nodded.

"So um what made you move out here ?!" She sighed softly with that beautiful ass smile on her face, "it's a breathe of fresh air, just graduated college of two years & I moved out here to find a new scenery you know, fresh start" I looked at her & smiled. It felt like I knew her for, forever, she made me feel comfortable & that I can sit & talk to her foe hours..... which ended up happening for real.

"I can't believe we sat here & talked for over 7 hours" she said laughing. I laughed, "yea, it's nice to met someone who can make you feel at home" her beautiful brown cheeks started to tent red a lil making me chuckle. "When do you get you know settled?!" She looked down at her phone, "should be 2 months from now but I will be over every now & than to check on the place it's a few things that need to be renovated here" I nodded, "bet, I'mma call u" she smiled... "I'll be waiting" I got up from the porch & hugged her thick body feeling myself melt into her arms, "thank u for making me feel welcome Demetrius" I nodded, "always".

We pulled away & waved, I watch her get in her car safely & drive off to her parents house. As I walked in I looked down at my hard dick, "u just got some today, fuckkk" I groan laying down on the couch looking up at the ceiling. I smiled thinking about Teeaira, she was smart, funny, loving, free, caring, talented. She had so many amazing qualities that I could name all day, I felt my dick feel a like sore I looked down to see it harder than before. "Shit, I got to take care of this shit" I said grabbing my lotion off the table & taking my pants off.
                       (Some months later)
I sat & played checkers with Teeaira looking for a way to win this game. "You not gone win" she said smiling at me, I laughed & looked at her before looking at the board. I looked & saw no possible way out of this game, "fuckkk" I said groaning while laughing she laughed & made her move taking my last piece. She crawled over to me & got on top of me, "thought you was the king of checkers nigga" she said making us both laugh. I grabbed her body flipping us over looking down at her.

"You right, but guess what" she smiled, "wat?" I lean down to her ear, "you ticklish" I said before I started tickling her, she squirm all over the floor laughing while trying to get away, I laughed as I saw her try to get away from me, "uh huh cant get away wit this huh?!" She laughed. "Pleaseeee stop i gotta peeee" she laughed trying to move, I stopped & looked at her get up stilling laughing. "You so evil" she said gently pushing my head, I smirked smacking her ass while she walked on pass.

She giggled & jogged to the bathroom, I got up & sat back on the couch. I looked down at my phone seeing Summer texted me.
Summer😶: I want some more dick when you coming back over here ?
                                       Me: maybe tomorrow !!
Summer😶: you been dodging me lately?!
                                       Me: naw got too much on my mind that's all summer I promise.
Summer😶: well come see me tomorrow okay!
                                       Me: Ight
I cut my phone off & shook my head, Summer ain't been hitting my line since I started becoming close with Teeaira, she makes me feel different... remember I said I needed somebody good for my soul?! She that somebody & I love the fuck out of this girl.

I sighed & got up looking at Teeaira seeing her with tears in her eyes. "Wasswrong ?!" I said going to grab her waist, she moved her arm away from me gently. "I thought we was doing good, I thought you wasn't going to hurt me ?!, why it had to be somebody else" she said tears falling down her beautiful brown eyes.

"Listen Sweetz I promise it's nothing but sex" she gasped eyes building up with tears. "Sex?! I- I thought you wasn't fucking nobody else I- I thought you was all too yourself?!" She said tears rolling down her face. "Baby please listen to me!!" She shook her head, "I'm not mad at you Demetrius I swear I'm just so hurt, u lied & played me after how much I told you I was scared" she said looking at me, her heart was broke & I saw it in her eyes. Mines was too.

"She don't mean shit to me I swear you the only one, I been dodging since the day I met you" I said grabbing her pulling her into my chest, she slide down on the floor balling up into a ball. "I-I-I t-trusted y-you t-t-to-" she started hyperventilating. She was an anxious person she deal with anxiety, I grab her by the neck & turned her face towards me.

"Breathe sweetz breathe" I said staring at her, she stared back & closed her eyes taking in deep breathes, I wiped her eyes with my other hand. She open her eyes looking at me, "I trusted you with my anxiety, I trust you with my feelings & heart & you put 'em in this box locked em away & threw away da key, this how I feel, you say she means nothing to you but she tells you to come over & u said okay... I love you & I haven't been in love like this before & I'm scared I swear I'm so scared" she said all quiet with red, puffy, swollen, teary eyes.

"I'm wrong baby I swear I am but I swear I was never going over there, I haven't spoken to her, seen her looked her way or any other girl for that matter.... I only see you, even when we was just friends, I need you to trust me & understand sex ain't betta than love & it's you & me.... Nobody else okay, I meant to give you this tonight" I said pulling out my box from my pocket & gave it to her she open it & saw a ring. "Will you be my girlfriend?!" She smiled & nodded.
I smacked her ass as I thumb her ass, she threw it back making me bite my lip & close my eyes making her work my dick that she most definitely deserves. I looked down to see my dick all creamy, I grabbed her ass cheeks & spread them apart watch her tight, wet pussy grip around my thick long dick.

I reached under & started rubbing her clit making her moan louder than she already is, "who pussy this is ?!" She gasped. "Yours daddy" she said before slowing down & shaking I smirk & felt my nut coming I groan & nutted a lil inside her before spreading her ass a lil & finish nutting inside her ass. I pulled out her butt plug & put it in watching her push my nut out her tight, good ass pussy.

She gasped & pulled her butt plug out & pushed my nut out of her ass. We got in the shower & laughed & talked about how we met & how we first started hanging out.

We laid in bed & looked at each other while rubbing on each other, "I promise I will never hurt you, I was meant for you & you was meant for me.... I don't want you to ever think no other woman taking yo place because they not, I love you" she smiled & kissed me before looking under the cover at my dick that was just hanging out because I didn't want to wear any clothes to bed.

She smirked & reach down massaging my dick & balls, I bit my lip before kissing her lips . "I love yo nasty ass" she smirked & started kissing on my neck making me groan.
I looked down at Teeaira as she sleep, I grab my phone & saw that Summer texted me again, I shook my head & blocked her number
Hey y'all sorry I been gone, but I had HUGE writers block & could not for the love of me think of what I might have wanted to write but I came up with this & I know u have a lot more ideas so excuse the mistakes & enjoy 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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