Maid: the Affair

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Demetrius's POV
I looked at Summer as we sat down for dinner & talked. "Is u even payin me any attention Demetrius?!" I nodded my head knowing I couldn't focus on a damn thing she was really saying. "Yea bae, I hear" I said looking at her.

She smiled & grabbed my hand making me look down at our hands as they was Intwined. I move my hand, Summer & I been in a rough spot in our marriage. "Why u move your hand?" I shook my head, "I'm just a lil aggravated, what we doing after here?!" She shrugged her shoulders leaning back in her seat grabbing her champagne drinking some & tossing the rest in my face, I nodded my head.

I got up & wiped my face, "u got it Summer" I said grabbing my phone & my keys walking out. As I was walking out, I heard Summer coming out the restaurant hot on my ass. She ran up behind me & pushed, "STOP PUTTING YO HANDS ON, U DOING IT CUH U KNOW I WONT HIT A WOMAN STOP" I said screaming out making everyone stand around & look at us like we was crazy or some shit.

I was over it if I'm being honest. "WHO DF U YELLING AT?!!!" She said pushing me in my chest. "NVM" I yelled walking off to my car getting in, she walked over getting in, "SO WHAT?!" I put my arm on the window & lean my head on my hand looking ahead. "U FUCKING HEAR ME" she said pushing my head wit her index finger & middle finger.

"Stop" I said cranking up the car.... All the way back to our mansion, all I heard was how I wasn't shit & how I wasn't never gone be shit because I was upset at her. I laughed occasionally to keep from getting frustrated, I was so fucking miserable.

We soon walked in the house, as we was walking in I saw Ny'xmora our maid. She looked at Summer, "is everything okay?" I went to say something when Summer interrupted me, "do it look like everything is okay?!" She looked. "No b-" she was cut off, "why df would u ask dat stupid ass question den, stupid bitch" she said walking off upstairs, Ny'Xmora looked at me. "I'm sorry", "no no no.... U fine" she nodded.

"If yeen mind.... What happen?" I shook my head. "Typical Summer Walker" I said looking at her, "u need some sleep though, I know u been up all day cleaning & shit... we sorry for all the unnecessary mess today" she nodded. "Yes sir & no problem " she said walking off into the other wing of the mansion.

I walked upstairs seeing Summer sitting on the bed. I went to give her a kiss but she moved her head taking her ring off & putting it on the dresser. I sighed & watch her get comfortable & cutting off the light going to sleep.

I shook my head getting in the bed & falling asleep.
I soon woke up, I was thirsty as fuck so I decided to go downstairs to get something to drink & something to eat since we couldn't even eat last night. As I walked downstairs & walked in the kitchen, I looked & saw Ny'Mora cooking wings. "What u doing up?" She jumped & looked back at me, "I'm sorry, I meant to cook last night but since I was still cleaning I decided not too, but I started feeling real sick & knew I had to eat something".

I nodded , "u think u can make me some?" She nodded. Ny'Xmora & I talked the whole time & laughed, "u funny" she smiled. "Thank u" we looked at each other for a while before we looked away trying to clear the tension in the room. "Here u go, want any kind of sauce?!" I looked, "yea blue cheese" she frowned her face. "What?!" She shrugged, "nun you just nasty, who df eats Blue cheese" I gasped. "Girl u crazy asl blue cheese & wings good asf" she pretended to gag making me & her laugh.

We talked in laugh a lil while longer after we finished eating. "Well I got to get up early & cook so I will see u later Mr. Flenory" I nodded. We hugged & went our separate ways inside of the home, as I walked upstairs I started feeling aggravated all over again, this can't be da woman I married.
As I woke up I heard loud screaming coming from downstairs. I got up & jogged down there to see what was going on, as I got closer I heard it coming from the kitchen so I decided to head inside. "YOU SO FUCKING USELESS SOME DAMN TIMES" Summer screamed.

"Bae why u yelling?" She pointed to Ny'Xmora who was cleaning some glass up off the floor. "What happened?!" She pointed "THIS STUPIF ASS BITCH GONE KNOCK THE GLASS OVER TALM BOUT "U BUMPED & IT FELL IDGAF IF I DIDN'T WHY DF ARE U SPILLING SHIT?!" Ny'Xmora looked up.

"My apologies" I looked at Summer who rolled her eyes, "well bae u did bump into her" she looked at me "IDGAF" I scoffed, "lower yo voice it's no reason to yell nor cuss at her" she looked taken back, "WHY DF DO U ALWAYS WANNA SHUT ME UP, FUCK U GET OUT MY WAY!!" She yelled grabbing her keys & phone & walking out the house slamming the door.

"I'm sorry, really I am" Ny'Xmora said dumping the dust pan & leaving off to her room. I looked over at the breakfast & seen a note, I open it & read it. "Mr. Flenory & Mrs. Flenory... I know u guys have been very tense since last night, so I made a refresh breakfast to bring in positive & love...hope y'all enjoy"

I walked over to Ny'Xmora room to see was she okay. I walked over & knocked on her door, "who is it?" I chuckled. "Me Xmora" I said chuckling, "oh okay come in" I laughed & walked in her room getting hit wit the most sexiest smelling aroma I ever smelled.

"Damn it smell good asf in here" she looked up from her phone & Ipad. "Thank u" she said looking back down & writing something, "what u doing?" She looked at me, "my school work, that I need to finish by Friday" I looked at her, "it's Monday" she nodded, "I know but I just want to get it out da way so ion have shit to do but my actual job" she said laughing a lil.

"I'm sorry about last night, & just a while ago" she shook her head. "It's okay, I understand.. she is upset" I frowned, "Xmora, dat aint got shit to do wit u.... Don't give her a reason to project her anger out on to u or nobody" she nodded. "I understand but I'm fine, really Mr. Flenory" she looked at her, "Meech" she looked up from her work. "Yes sir" she said looking at me, Ny'Xmora was 5 years younger than me, she 20 & I'm 25... Summer thought just Cuh she younger it was okay to talk to her like she did.

I been fell out of love with Summer years ago, Ny'Xmora came in & showed me how real love supposed to feel & always made me happy, it was times we got upset with one another but we nevea made a big deal out of it, Xmora was somebody I wanted in my life.

"Xmora I love u..." I said looking at her, she looked at me. "What?" I moved all her things to the side getting up & sitting closer to her. "I wanna love u, the right way & not treat u bad in any kind of way" she looked at me, "what about Mrs.Flenory... she yo wife if u cheat on her wat make me think u not finna do me dat way" she said tears in her eyes. I grabbed her face & kissed her, she was so tense before I grabbed her, but feeling her melt in my arms did something to me.

I picked her up straddling my lap, "uhh" she moan low when I kissed down her chest to her breast . As I was about to start taking her bra off the door open, "SO THIS WHAT WE DOING" Xmora got up, I rolled my eyes getting off the bed. I looked at Summer who eyes was watering, "No no no, yeen get to gaslight me like dat" xmora looked. "Meech u just cheated on her, her feelings matter df" I looked at Summer. "Yeen get to cry, Cuh when u did it u told me not to, so u can't either.. do like u told me, "build a bridge & get over that shit" Xmora looked at me, "MEECH?!" She said looking at me if she was disappointed.

"She cheated on me all da time.... So now I'm da problem" I said walking out the room slamming the door.

To be continued.....
I hope y'all like & enjoy.... Excuse the mistakes & I'm sorry I was on vacation... y'all enjoy 🫶🏽

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