I'll be your peace: type timing

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                          Demetrius's POV
I bounced da ball around on the court as I waited for Ronnie ass to get here. The more i thought about what he did to J, i get angrier & angrier. I love the fuck out that girl, but I'm not ready to let her know.... I left early dat night so she wouldn't know I was there with her. I can't let her know I love her right now, I need her to see how much she hurt me first before anything.

Soon Ronnie pulled up, "Wassuh lil Meech?!" He said getting out & closing the door. I chuckled a little, he really think this shit sweet huh?!. He walked up to me going to dap me up, I put the basketball down & punched him.

He fell back on to the ground covering his bloody nose. "AYE MANE WHAT THE FUCK?!" He said getting up, I looked around & pulled out my gun. "GET IN DA CAR!!" He walked towards his car getting in, I got in & pointed the gun at him.

"Tell me why df u did it?!" He looked at me, "did wat bruh I swear I don't know please don't kill me" I slapped him with the gun & grabbed some tissues giving it too him, "fix yo fucking self" he wiped his hands & nose looking at me. "I don't know what you talking bout lil Meech, we supposed to be boys wdf yo ?!" I pointed at him. "We were until u thought she was cute.... YOU TOUCHED ON HER !! MY FIRST LOVE U TOUCHED ON HER" he looked at me.

"Ja'Niesha... bro I didn't know alright I didn't know she meant dat much to u" I chuckled. "Regardless of who she is WHY DF U TOUCHING ON FEMALES WITHOUT THEIR FUCKING PERMISSION?! WAT HAPPEN?!" He raised his hands uh crying.

"We were at my house, she was wearing shorts, she looked good so I thought it was a good idea to invite her up to my room.... I told her we were going to play games... when I tried to make a move on her she didn't like it.... So I held her down & performed oral sex on her... bro I'm sorry really I am I was a kid yo"

"You were 14 years old, u knew betta" I said before I started pistol whipping him, I called my boys, "hey, come down here at Long Beach street the park with the big slide, I got a problem, delete any kind of evidence & call the ambulance.... Make it seem like an accident,, I have a recorder in the seat, take it to the police". I hung up & crushed the phone throwing pieces of it in different spots, I took the shirt I had on & burnt it..... I took my gloves off & burnt it too.

I put the gun up some before throwing it in the river, I didn't need no kind of evidence being pointed back at me, he was alive but he knew not to say a fucking word when he woke up.
I knocked on Aunty Ava door, she opened it & smiled. "Where you been all day?!" I chuckled, I seen J come down the stairs looking at me, "I had to take care of some important business" I said staring her down. She looked away rubbing her arm, I looked at Aunty Ava, "plus I need somewhere to go until the moving finish up.... Mama Ari didn't answer da door".

"Yea she out of town, she told me you would be coming back... you can stay as long as you want, u can stay in RJ room" RJ was J brother who only came home when he felt like it, he was bestfriend when I moved away.

I hugged aunty Ava & walked back outside grabbing my bag. I came back in & walked up the stairs, I looked J up & down before I walked past her upstairs into my room.

I got out the shower wrapping my towel around me, aunty Ava left for a business trip for two weeks so now it was just J & I. J is staying here for a while, her house is being renovated. I cut off the bathroom light & walked out seeing J walking out her room.

She looked at me & started walking off, I walked behind her grabbing her by her neck from the back, I let her half naked body touch my naked body.... "Do u still hate me?!" She shook her head no, I rubbed down her side making her body shiver & a moan release from her lips. "Words!!", "no".... I smirked & let her go.

I sat in the room playin the game when I heard a knock on the door, I open it to see J standing there. "Can I come in?!" I nodded & stepped aside, "have you saw the news ?!" I shook my head, "naw" she gave me her phone... I seen where Ronnie was in critical condition, "oh, dat's wild" I said giving her the phone back.

"You not upset at who did this?!" I shook my head no, "I know he's disgusting but this is awful meechy" I stood up & pointed at her, "don't call me, only mama Ari can & u damn sure don't get da right to!!" She scoffed. "I SAID I WAS SORRY FOR HOW I TREATED U MEECH DAMN WHEN WILL IT BE ENOUGH?!!!", "WHEN I SAY ITS ENOUGH!!" I said stepping up to her, her phone dinged. She looked down at it & showed me.

"He's dead" I grabbed the phone & looked at it, "FUCKKK!!" I said sitting down & palming my face. "I can't believe someone would do this" I looked at her, she looked back at me & stared.

"U killed him!" I chuckled, "he won't dead when it happened" I said resting my face in my hands. I grab my phone & called, "I thought I told y'all to keep 'em alive wat the fuck?!...... oh okay, thanks" I hung up. She pushed me making me fall off the side of the bed, I got up & grabbed her by her neck gentle.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes , "why ?!...." I looked at her, "he's in witness protection, he's not dead.... & why?! U say why?!.... Because of u,, I love u" I know I said I wanted her to suffer for her actions a little but I can't, I love her too much.

I smashed my lips into hers we kissed for a while & til she bite my lip. "Shit!" I pulled back feeling my lip bleed, I grabbed some tissue wiping my mouth. I looked at her, "I hate u" she went to walk away. I smacked her ass & pulled her back rubbing the soreness I left from the slap on her ass cheeks.

"I don't know this Lil Meech !!" I looked at her, "you'll get to know him !!"

I slept in the bed when I heard commotion going on downstairs. I got up & ran downstairs seeing the door open & the living room a mess.

My phone ringed, "I got your bitch, if u want her you know where we use to be". "MAN FUCKKK" I groan throwing my phone, I sat on the floor & cried for a lil.... I can't let these fuck niggas get away with this & live this time.... I'm on that type shit.
Hey y'all I really hope y'all enjoy this one as much as I wrote it.... Excuse the mistakes & let me know if y'all want this one & some other ones 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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