Gangsta boo

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                           Nikeyma's POV
I looked around the house as I showed Mr. Flenory around, "so wat do u think sir?" He smiled at me & nodded his head. "It's nice, but wat's even nicer is you!!" He said smirking at me. I rolled my eyes & looked down at my papers that I had, "here are the papers that you have to sign.... U can look over them & get back to me in a few days or let's not waste each other's time & sign them now so we can get this over with!!" He chuckled looking at me.

"U feisty u know!" I nodded my head, "oh I know, now please do me a favor & sign these papers & stop wasting my damn time!! , I have important shit to do like go home & clean or pick up my niece & nephew from school... so if u don't mind I will like to go home if yeen mind" I said getting a little upset.

He smiled, "sure, I'mma sign these papers but I will be seeing u around beautiful!!" I rolled my eyes & walked out the house. He was so fucking entitled & self centered it pissed me df off to the fullest. "Stop ass, gone try to flirt wit me after all those years of bullyin me in school" bitter is a little much, I was hurt, I was scarred by him, he ain't shit & he knows it.
I woke up out of my bed looking at the light from outside beam into my room. "Wat time is it?!" I said picking uh my phone & seeing dat it was 8:45 in da morning. I got up out of bed going to shower, I had a meeting at 10:50 wit my new coworker & I didn't want to be late.

As I walked in to my work place I saw him sitting there smiling at me. I rolled my eyes & looked at my other coworker, "why is he here?!" Tonya looked at me. "He is our new coworker" I slapped my hand over my face & looked at him as he smiled at me. "U have got to be kidding me, u are rich as fuck why df are u even working here?!" He smiled & stood up.

"I have my reasons" I pulled out my chair & sat down, "well please.... Tell me!!" I said moving my hand over the table giving him the sign to sit down. "So why df are u here?!" He sighed, "ever since I met u yesterday u ain't been shit but rude to me & I did nun wrong to u!!" I nodded my head & giggled. "Now is dat right?!" He nodded his head, "so u don't remember me at all?" He shook his head.

"No I really don't remember u!!" He said looking at me. "So u don't remember calling me lil miss fat ass who was too big for the walk way in class?!" His eyes got wide & he sat back in his seat & palmed his face.

Demetrius POV
I looked at Nikeyma in awe, I loved df out of her now & back then. I was rough as fuck on her bc dat is how I thought I could show her I was in love wit her, but I was wrong as hell.

She acted like she hated me & like I wasn't worth talking to. I looked at her as she got up & grabbed her bottle of vodka off the mini fridge & poured some in a glass square cup.

"Want some?!" She said handing me da glass, I grabbed da glass & watch her pour her own glass walking back over & sitting down. She was so different from back then, she was all girly girl but now she had a tomboyish swag to her, it was sexy as fuck but it was different.

Her mannerisms were different. "Wat?" I looked at her, "u act different like u act like you just..." she looked at me. "Like I have no love ?!" I nodded my head & looked at her as she laughed. "I don't, I loved u for soooo long but then & wat I got huh?!... nun but a slap to da face Meech" she said looking at me wit tears in her eyes. "Dat was da day I knew I had no more love for no one else !!".

She said grabbing her stuff & leaving, I sat there & thought about all of wat I did to her, I really cause her to not love no more.
(2 weeks later)Nikeyma's POV
I sat in my room counting my money from my other job. I sold drugs, it was fun & was something I was good at, I looked around & counted da pounds of weed & crack & cocaine I had sitting over on my table in my room. I had my people selling it for me & was brining in over 40,000 every night.

I counted all of my money & counted 800,300 dollars, I frowned & looked at da counter again... "OH FUCK NO!!" I scream getting off my bed & grabbing my guns, "fuck niggas got me fucked up!!" I said going downstairs when I heard a knock on my door.

I walked to da door & pulled out my gun pointing it as da door open. I seen Demetrius duck down & scream, "WAIT I KNOW YEEN LIKE ME BUT WAIT!!" I sucked my teeth & put my gun in my pants, "get up wussy!!" I said helping him up. "I ain't no wussy aight" he said walking inside, I closed & locked da door taking out my phone. "TROY!!!" He looked back at me, "TELL AYO TO GET DF BACK TO MY HOUSE NOW.... IF I FIND OUT HE SHORTED ME OFF 400,000 FUCKING DOLLARS I'MMA HAVE HIS PEOPLE CRYIN.... SO HE BETTA HAVE MY MONEY NOW BEFORE HE GET HERE OR ITS BELT TO ASS FOE DAT FUCK NIGGA" I said hanging up, Demetrius looked at me.

"U sell?!" I looked at him. "Maybe, maybe not"  I said looking walkin into my kitchen & finishing up my cooking. He looked at me, "so u really hate me?!" I looked at him, I didn't dislike him or hated him..... I just wanted different from him, but I'm different & ion know how to he da perfect woman foe him.

"No I don't.... I actually like u a lot Demetrius but I just can't be da woman foe u!!" He sighed, "why u think dat?" He said walking up to me & wrapping his arms around my waist & kissing the side of my head. Meech & I spent sometime together but he nevea knew about the selling. "Move" I said moving him out the way, "why yo ass being so damn difficult" I looked at him as if he lost his raggedy ass mind. "WDF U MEAN I'M BEING DIFFICULT?!, FUCK U I LOST 400,000 DOLLARS MEECH DONT SAY SHIT TO ME ABOUT BEING DIFFICULT FUCK NIGGA".

I said leaving the kitchen & sitting in the front room. "I'm sorry, so u do sell?!" I looked at him, "yes" he looked a little nervous & sat beside me leaning his head on my boobs, "I'm sorry, really I am.... But u gone keep doin this?" He said looking back up at me. I nodded he sighed, "ion want u to get hurt" I looked at Meech. "So is so" I said getting up walking in the kitchen when I heard gunshots go off.

I ducked down & da Meech run over to me, I reached in my cabinet & ran to the door opening up the door. I looked around & saw a car drive off, I buss back watching it speed up.

I looked back to see Meech looking at me, "fuck" I said slamming the door & locking it.

To be continued........
Hey y'all sorry I been gone this week has been rough as hell, somebody close to me is gone & I been upset about it but I'm tryin to do this foe y'all & to get my mind off it but I hope y'all enjoy excuse da mistakes !! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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