RPWT: Part 2• can't take it

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(2 months later) Demetrius POV
I sat back & watched Neisha as she talked about this nigga she been talking to for the past 5 months. "He just pisses me df off like he try to make it seem like I be fucking you" I raised an eyebrow. "I mean u did" she looked at me with a stern look, "dat was 8 years ago yo dick wasn't allat at all!" I scoffed looking at her. "Mmcht stop fucking playin wit me Eisha" I said grabbing my lighter & my blunt from behind me ear & firing it up. "I'm just sayin" I nodded my head, "I'm just sayin too".

"Anyways Cuh you den got all mad" I looked up at her taking a puff. Mad is a understatement shit I'm furious, her judge in my character is weak now & I hate it bc I been furious at her since dat day she put me in da friend zone. I can't blame ha doe, I was da first nigga to break her heart & come back 8 fucking years later. "Nah I'm good, keep talking" I said taking another puff, "ion know I just feel like we not in a good head space" I nodded. "Wat u think about it?!... & be honest" she said sitting beside me looking at me as I smoked.

"U want me to be honest?!" She nodded. "Shit ain't gone work!" I said taking another puff. "Why u saying it like dat?!" I looked at her, "u said be honest so I am" she sighed. "Why u say dat" I looked at her, "I'm not sayin dis Cuh I know you suppose to be wit me but I'm sayin dis bc I'm a nigga & he ain't doin nun but playin wit yo feelings.... Let him go Frl Eisha".

She nodded & looked at me wit glossy eyes, "okay" she said going to get up. "Come here" I said grabbing her waist sitting her on my lap, she buried her face in the crook of my neck & cried softly. "It's so hard" she said while playin in my curls, "I know" I said rubbing her back moving down to her ass when her phone ring.

She lean up & grabbed her phone. "Wat Kam" she said getting up. I rolled my eyes finishing my blunt as I watch her talk on da phone, "he here right now..... NO WE JUST TALKIN" I shook my head. "SO DAT AIN'T GOT NUN TO DO WIT IT....why was dat said?!" She said tears rolling down her face, I got up & walked over to her. "I nevea cheated on u doe Kam... he my friend, no... okay" she said hanging up.

I looked at her, "wat he say?!" She walked out around me. "He want me to go out to eat wit him" I shook my head, "u gone go?!" She nodded. I sucked my teeth & grabbed my keys walking to da door, "wait Demetrius where u going?" She said grabbing my arm. "I ain't finna sit around waiting for u & u on somebody else" I said moving my arm & leaving.

I lie like a mfer... I'll wait foe this girl forever if I have to.... She not going no damn where.
(2 weeks later) Neisha's POV
It's been two weeks since Demetrius & I talked. I miss him but it's like it all happened all over again. "Girl is u ready yet?!.... Finna pull up" I looked back at my phone & nodded at my bestfriend Trina. She nodded & hung up, we decided to go to a party tonight, Trina wanted me to get my mind off of Demetrius but I can't.

She soon pulled up.... I walked out da house & got in the car seeing her man in da car wit ha. "Wassuh Neisha?!" I smiled slightly, "hey Tee" I said waving. "It's okay Neisha" I nodded & gave her a small smile before pulling off.
I danced as I started to feel all my problems go away. I forgot about Kam & Demetrius & it felt so fucking good, I danced on this Cute tall Darkskin dude who came up behind me about an hour ago. It was fun & I felt free & happy, "Neisha" I looked over at Trina who was dancing wit Tee. "Wassup" I said smiling, the both point up towards to V.I.P section.

I looked up & seen Demetrius taking a sip out his drink looking at me. I stopped smiling & looked up at him, he motion me to come to him with his index & middle finger. I looked at the dude, "I'm sorry" I said leaving him & walking thru da crowd towards the stairs dat went up to da V.I.P section. I walked up the stairs as my short dress rises up my thick thighs & my breast jumping up & down along wit my phat ass as I walked up every step.

I looked to see Demetrius standing there waiting for me. He looked me up & down, "hey" he grabbing my hand walking me towards da back rooms. "Where we going?" We passed the rooms going down some stairs, we went to a door dat lead outside to Demetrius car. He walked me to da passenger side, "get in" I did as told & waited for him to get in. "I can't leave Trina here" he started da car & backed out, "Demetrius" he looked at me. "They know where u at chill yo ass out".

He said wit a frown on his face leaving da club parking lot.

As we drove Demetrius looked over at me, "u looking good" I looked over at him as he looked at da road. "Thank u, u do too" I said looking at da road, "where we going?" He looked at da road not turning to look at me. "My house" I nodded, "okay".

We soon arrived at his mansion, he walked over to my side opening da door & helping me out. I walked out in front of him feeling my dress rising, I went to pull it down when I felt him slowly pull the short fabric over my ass. "Yeen got no underwear on, not evening a fucking thong" he said walking in front of me to unlock da door. I looked at him as he open da door, I walked in looking around, I turned around & looked at Demetrius who was standing there wit a frown on his sexy face.

"U okay?!" He shook his head. "No, I'm disappointed" his said, Demetrius voice was already deep.. but he had a deep demanding voice right now & it made me so wet & nervous. "Disappointed about wat ?!" He looked at me, "disappointed in u" I gasp a lil.

"How wat did I do ?!" He shook his head. "I can't take it Eisha... we haven't talked in 2 weeks in since I got back in touch wit u dem two weeks felt longer den 8 years wit out u, I knew u was gone be at dat party tonight... but to be on another nigga in my face is crazy".

I looked at him, "fuck u Demetrius" I went to walk off but he grabbed my waist pulling me into his body. I felt his warm body & air on my da back of my neck, "I won't never stop fucking loving you.... I'll wait for u until u finally realize I'm who u need to be wit... I fucking love u" he said kissing my neck. My body felt weak & my heart starting beating faster, I soon started to feel a heart beat & instantly knew.

"I love u too" I felt him smile against my skin before kissing on it. He kissed me soft & slow making me more anxious & horny, "Just fuck me" I running my hands up his arms dat was placed around my waist & da other on my thigh. His deep sexy voice gave out a sexy deep chuckle making me let out a lil moan. He moved his hand to da inner part of my thigh.

H slowly pulled my dress up while his other hand rubbed my lips sliding his fingers between dem & pushing in deep. I gasped grabbing on to his arm leaning my head back.
I closed my legs shaking from the amount of pleasure I was getting. "Fuckkkk" I scream feeling Demetrius going deeper inside of me.

"Fuck, pussy so fucking wet & tight" I gasped when he started thumbing my clit. "Ughh okayyy" I moan throwing my head back wit my eyes rolling to da back of my head. "Who pussy dis is?" He said slow stroking, "YOURS" I scream squirting all over his stomach. "Mhm Aht aht... ion like dat answer" he said groaning. "Who. pussy. Is. Dis?!" He said giving me steady, deep strokes. "ITS YOURS DADDY" I moan creamin & squirt all over him at da same time.

He lean down kissing me while nutting deep inside of me. He pulled away from da kiss & closed his eyes wit his mouth wide open. I moan feeling him pulling out of me slow.

"Yo pussy so fucking good" I blushed. "I haven't given it to nobody but u" he looked at me, "wish I did da same.... I was already on u real bad u might as well gone head & marry a Nigga Cuh u most definitely not going no where Frl nie" he said grabbing me, I laughed & looked at him. "I love u Demetrius, but I need time" I said moving him off me & getting up going in da bathroom to shower. "Wym u need time?!" I sighed, "I just need more time to think Demetrius.. can I at least do dat?!".

He chuckled... "so until u can make up yo mind all I'm good for is giving u good dick?!" I nodded whiling shrugging. "Yes but-" he shook his head, "I just nutted inside u, I'm not nutting inside no female dat ion wanna be wit da rest of my life" I nodded, "dat's why I'm on birth control" he nodded. "I get it, u getting me back for all those years ago, but like I said Neisha we was young... I didn't know shit about a fucking relationship I was 15 YEARS OLD... I'M 23YEARS OLD NOW I'M MATURE I'VE GROWN I'M MORE RESPONSIBLE I'M WAT U WANTED 15 YEAR OLD DEMETRIUS TO BE.... It's cool, if u gone be da way be dat way, but I will nevea stop loving u da way u can't love me" he said walking out da bathroom. I stood there wit tears rolling down my face, I wiped dem & got in the shower.

How did I even get here?!

To be continued......
Excuse da mistakes.... I hope y'all enjoy 🫶🏽

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