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Alexiana's POV
I sat in the front seat with my pole in my lap. "Don't fuck this up" I looked over at Darius as he spoke, "I'm not" he took his eyes from off the road and looking at me. "Yea... u betta not" he said looking back at the road, Darius nd I are a couple. "We can't fuck this up Alexiana.. on some real shit, you go in there, u talk business u get da money you kill 'em...." He said grabbing my hair from the back. "Okay" I said thru gritted teeth, "don't fuck it up" he said pushing my head away making me fly back, "get the fuck out da car.... NOW" .

I got out the car closing the door, I pull my ski mask down and threw my hoodie over my head, here goes nothing.

Demetrius POV
"Man... u fucked uh my Domo affect" Vinchi said slapping Eric ass on da nose. "Y'all need help" I said laughing, soon the lights went out. "Wat df going on ?!" I said getting up and clocking my gun back. "BRING YO BITCH ASS OUT" Vinchi said clocking his gun back as well, "come outside... we ain't gone jump u" Eric said before laughing. I cut my flash light on pointing it at Eric, "I hope they coming to get u" he sighed.

I held my flashlight over the hand dat had my Glock in. As I walked forward I saw a short curvy, brownskin figure standing in front of me. "VINCHI BRO WDF" I said before I got punched in da face, "MEECH" Vinchi said before he started groaning. "AHHHHHHHH" Eric scream running, bitch ass nigga, I got up looking around in the dark. "Wat you want, watevea it is... you can have it Ight" I soon heard a voice. "Give me all your fucking money", I listen to the voice that sounded so familiar... "fine you can have it... it's over there, I said listening to the footsteps. Can't believe I'm getting robbed.. wdf yo.

Alexiana's POV
I ran to the car getting in, I closed the door and took my mask off. "Here bae" I said smiling, "how much" he said firing uh his blunt. "100k" I said smiling, he nodded his head while pulling from his blunt. "Give it here" he said snatching it from me, I quickly let my smile turn into a frown. "Wasswrong?!" He looked at me before blowing smoke in my face. "Nothing yet, keep talkin it will be" he said putting his blunt back in his mouth & cranking up.

I sighed and put my seat belt on looking out the window. "You took 10 minutes.... It should have took u 5" he said mushing the side of my face. "I'm sorry, had to find da fuse box" I said feeling my eyes water all up, "watevea.... Did u at least kill da nigga's?!" I looked at him and shook my head. He frown pulling over on da side of da road, he took his seat belt off punching me in da face. "AHHH" I scream covering my face, "FUCK IS WRONG WIT U?"

I pulled my legs up in the seat holding my head down. He grab my by my hair pulling my head, "wipe yo fucking face" he pushing my head. I reached in the glove department grabbing some napkins wiping my nose & mouth.

"YOU SO FUCKING STUPID & USELESS... ALL YOU FUCKING GOOD FOR IS PUSSY,, & I HAVE TO WORK TO GET DAT SHIT FROM YO NO GOOD USELESS ASS" I looked at him as he yelled at me, tears rolled down my face.

I know what y'all thinking doe... another sad, abusive story, I know y'all getting tired of this type shit but trust me things get better... I promise you, yea dat Meech dude, yea you know where this finna go. Back to the story.

He shook his head cranking up the car and driving off.

As we walked in the house, I looked at Darius. "Can I go to bed?!" He shook his head, "aht aht, take yo ass in da basement... count dat money over and over until you can't, & when dat shit over wit.. clean this fucking house... wash da clothes den come work this dick".

I looked at the clock seeing it was 9:00 in the morning. I only did two things on that list, and fucking Darius ain't one, I fixed Darius plate, he sat down and started eating. "Can I eat?!" He looked up at me leaning back on the stool at the island. "Did you suck this dick last night?!" I went to say something but he stuck his finger up. "Shut the fuck up I'm talking.. did I get any of MY pussy last night?!" I looked at him, "now u can fucking speak bitch".

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