Onlyfans 🌟: known

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                            A'Yania's POV
I got out of Meech's car walking in the school building. As I was walking in I saw niggas smiling at me & trying to talk to me, "no I'm good I got a man" I said to this tall lightskin dude who use to talk the most shit to me for the longest. I saw Meech come in making all the girls drool over him. He walked up to me and grab my waist kissing me, "go to class, don't pay nobody no attention" he said looking at some dude who kept eyeing me up & down.

I nodded, I knew everyone saw me & Meech video. I was embarrassed yet I felt more confident, it was more than just sex & everyone knew dat. I love Meech & he love me too, but to know dat I'm known for this is crazy yet scary. All day niggas been tryin to give me their numbers & try to get me to chill with em.

As class was over with I saw Zaria & Sinya. They ran over to me, "Yania.... What they talking about" I looked at them. "What they saying ?!" Sinya looked at me, "they saying u & Meech got a video out" I giggled a lil and shrugged walking to the cafeteria area. They followed behind me asking all kinds of questions. "Wait so where da video at?" I gave them my phone showing them da OnlyFans video. They sat there with their mouths wide open as I ate my fruit bowl.

"Yaniaaaaa!!!"Zaria said with her mouth wide open. I looked "wat?!" Sinya sucked her teeth smiling... "girl u know df wat.... U out here making sex-tapes & shit" I laughed. "Y'all it's not dat deep" the nodded. "It ain't dat deep to u but to yo ex it is" I looked out the lunch room into the lunch hall & saw my ex Ty'mere looking at me. I looked away & back at Zaria & Sinya, "idgaf... he cheated, we stop talking I moved on... period" I said grabbing my stuff & walking out of the lunch room walking pass him, he looked at me & raised his eyebrow.

But who cares, he did his dirt & I left so now he is upset that I moved on to somebody who loves me.
Demetrius's POV
I sat in my biology class texting my mama about my grades & how close I was to be finishing my 1st year or college . I looked up & saw my ex Summer walk in, "hey Meech" she said walking up to me. "Wassuh?" She & rubbed her hand down my face, I moved it & looked at her. "What u want?" She smirked.

"I heard about u & dat lil girl" she said smiling. Summer was a senior in college, "so?!" She giggled. "You think she betta den me?" I nodded my head, she rolled her eyes and grabbed one side of my face whispering in my ear. "She could nevea fuck u or love u like I did & u know it,, dat bitch ain't fucking wit me".

She said getting up & smiling, I looked towards the door & saw A'Yania standing there looking at us. Summer giggled, "I'm so sorry , he all yours sweetie" she said walking passed her and leaving. "Bae" I said getting up from the chair.

I went to say something but she cut me off, "can we just go?!" I sighed & nodded grabbing my stuff & walking out the room.
As we was driving back to the house, I would occasionally look over at Yania. "Bae?" She kept looking out the window, "bae" she didn't say nothing & just looked out the window. "A'Yania" she looked at me, "really, u gone answer when I call yo name but not bae?!" She sucked her teeth. "What?!" She said looking at me, "what's yo problem Ji'coryanna" she sucked her teeth scrunching her face up at me.

"Don't call me by my middle name , Frl" I sighed. "I just want to know what's wrong wit u baby" she chuckled looking over at me with a red face & watery eyes. "So I'm supposed to act like u & Summer wasn't just flirting in my face". I scoffed, "I won't flirting wit her !!" She laughed, "so is it true?!" I looked over at her & back at da road, "is what true?".

"I couldn't love u better than her, nor can I sex u betta?!" I looked over at her. "Idk" I said looking back at the road, she nodded looking out the window. We soon drove uh to the house, she got out unlocking the door & walked inside going upstairs. I sighed & walked in the house going upstairs to her.

As I walked in I saw A'Yania packing her stuff, I frowned my face. "Wassuh wit u?!" She kept grabbing her stuff not paying me no attention.

"YANIA" I scream making her look at me, "how long do u think it can go on, wit out u loving me ?!" She said looking at me, I love Yania so much & always well. I said wat I said Cuh I wasn't sure how df I felt, it was easy to admit dat I still love summer than say I was in love wit my girl bestfriend. I love her & ion wanna ruin dat. "I do love u!!" She laughed shaking her head, "watevea" she said grabbing her stuff. "I'm sorry" i said making her walk out of the house, "Yania... I'm sorry really I am.. I do love u & only u.. & yes u da only girl dat fuck me dat good" I said lookin at her.

She shook her head, "Meech fuck u" I shook my head. "No, I'm not letting u go dat soon or dat easy... hell nawl, I love u & I want u forever" I said walking up to her grabbing on her waist. "Meech" she said with a trembling voice, "I'm sorry, please baby" I said grabbing her by the neck gently before kissing her.
I grabbed Yania hips as she rode my face, I held her in place sucking on her clit making her try to get up off my face. "Uh uh" I said smacking her ass pulling her back down on my face, kissing & licking her folds & clit. "Omg" she moan grabbing my head grinding her pussy uh & down my lips making my dick grow harder & harder. I looked up at Yania seeing her eyes rolling back while she creamed all in my mouth. I kissed her clit making her shake.

She got up laying down on the bed beside me, I got up off da bed standing up. "Come here" she got up crawling over to me, "suck this dick" I said watching her pull my dick out of my boxers. She kissed da tip a couple of times before wrapping her pretty ass juicy lips around my stiff long, thick dick, "Ouu shit".

I moan letting her have her way wit my dick. She started twisting her hands while slobbing my dick down making me look down at her with a frown of pleasure on my face. I loved her too much to "fuck" her, I wanted to make love to her. But I can't we taking it slow day by day but I love df out my little pornstar, I groan feeling my dick throb down her throat. "Fuck, u finna make me nut" I groan grabbing her hair & putting it in a ponytail face fucking her until I let my seed cover the back of her throat.

She pulled my dick out her mouth giving my tip small kisses before sucking on my tip making me push her back, I was sensitive & dat felt too fucking good I couldn't handle dat shit. "Uh uh girl quit playin wit me" I groan looking down at her smiling up at me while stroking my dick. I love her nasty ass!!.
Hey y'all.... I hope y'all enjoy this chapter of this book.... Excuse any mistakes & let me know if there is any ideas or another part u want me to make more parts too.... I hope y'all enjoy & let me know 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽!!

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