RPWT: part 4 •Trust me•

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                            Neisha's POV
I watched as Da'Vinchi & Demetrius talked. "Girl u okay?!" I looked at Trina & nodded, "yea I just.... Ion know my mind been all over the place these pass 4 days" Trina nodded her head. "Yea you right, I mean ole girl did text you yesterday about Meech... wdf was dat about?!" I shook my head, the girl dat texted Demetrius phone dat night texted me to see if I was da gf & dat I should be aware dat he just might be cheating on me wit her, I'm honestly terrified dat maybe she could be telling da truth. Demetrius told me to trust him & I do.

"Yea but... I trust my man, if he say he didn't than he didn't" Trina nodded her head. "If u say so Neisha" I sucked my teeth, she thru her hands up. "I mean wat am I supposed to say, we been knowing him since we were kids Neisha u know how he was before he got wit u" I looked at her. "Yea but I was his first, he just talked to a lot of girls at a time before me" she thru he hand out & looked at me. "Don't" she shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sorry okay" I nodded my head. "All I'm sayin is Neisha is dat, I want da best foe u, & if it ain't him den let him go", I nodded & looked at him.

But I can't let him go.......
                           Demetrius POV
I looked at Eisha seeing her sitting at da table talking to her friend. "Meech man.... Is u good?!" I looked away & looked at Vinchi. "Yea bro I'm good" I said grabbing my controller & looking back at da TV. "You sure?! Cuh you keep looking at your Shawty like u nervous or smth" I shook my head, "Nawl I just wanna see if she okay" I said playin da game.

He put da controller down, "Meech, u like my brother... u know u can tell me anything" I looked at him, "remember da girl I told u texted me dat night & texted Eisha yesterday?!" He nodded. "I fucked her" Vinchi mouth hung low & he looked at me like I lost my damn mind. "EISHAAAAAAA!!" He said getting up, I got up, "STFU". I looked at Eisha as she ran in da room, "wassup ?!" Vinchi looked at me. "Tell her" I shook my head no.

He pushed me hard asf making me fall over on da couch. "TELL HER!!" He said thru clenched teeth, "Ight damn" I said frowning at him, I looked over at my baby & instantly felt sick to my stomach, "I fucked her" I said looking at her. She nodded her head, I soon felt a bad stinging sensation on my cheek, "FUCK U!!" She said going upstairs. "Baby listen wait I deserve dat, but let me finish explaining".

She stopped & looked back at me with tears falling down her face faster than I ever seen. "WHAT DEMETRIUS.... WHAT, YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDNT FUCK HER" I looked, "but baby I didn't" she pushed me in my chest & kept on doing it. Trina eyes was watery & Vinchi looked disappointed, "I TRUSTED U JUST SO U CAN LIE DEAD IN MY FUCKING FACE DEMETRIUS, I TRIED TO DEFEND U WHEN EVERYONE ON DA INTERNET TRY TO MAKE ME OUT TO LOOK LIKE SUMMER, I FUCKING HATE U.... ION NEVEA WANNA SEE YOU A FUCKING GAIN, LEAVE & DON'T FUCKING TELL ME LIKE U DID WHEN WE WAS KIDS.... I SWEAR I WONT BE FUCKING SAD AT ALL" she cried.

I looked over at Trina & Vinchi, "can't believe u" Trina said going to leave. "No wait please listen & hear me out" they stood there & looked at me. "Yes I fucked her, but this was before me & Eisha became Exclusive, I love Eisha & I would nevea heart her... shit I fucked dat girl before I saw Eisha foe da first time after 8 years.... I love Eisha.... I need y'all to help me get thru to Eisha about how much I love her & how much she needs to trust me please yall I'm begging y'all i can't lose her".

Trina nodded, "okay.... But if u hurt her Meech I swear you won't hear from her again bc I won't let her talk to a low down nigga like u, do u hear me?!" I nodded, "I'mma help u bro, but please don't leave Eisha out on no more information & don't get her into no more drama bro please, I got closer to her & I love her like my lil sister bro... don't fuck it up".

I nodded, "I won't y'all thank y'all so much" I said hugging dem. "Yea yea, now wat do we need to do?!"
                             Neisha's POV
I laid in bed cryin & thinking about Demetrius. I love him so much dat it hurts so much more than it did before. I stuck my head in da pillow & closed my eyes trying to go to sleep when I heard my phone ringing. I grabbed my phone & answer it, "hello?!", "hey boo, I know u ain't still in bed cryin?" I nodded my head. "Yes!" , "well u need to get up, it's been 3 days... let's go to da movies & watch da Meg 2" I smiled. She laughed & looked at me, "Ik u love dat movie plus, u deserve to be happy... so get cute & let's go out" I laughed, "okay okay I'm coming" she smiled & gave me a kiss before hanging up the phone. "Gotta love Trina".
We walked in the movies seeing da opening credits was about to end. "Give me a few I gotta use da bathroom" I looked at her, "okay I'mma come wit u" she shook her head, "no, somebody gotta hold da food & our seats" I looked at the stuff, "you right, don't take forevea" she nodded, "thank u pookie" she said going out the doors. I sighed & sat down in my chair getting everything situated on the trays & things. I soon heard someone sit beside me, "um if yeen mind, my bestfriend is in da bathroom & ion think she will like u being in her seat" I said turning towards them.

"I'm sure she don't mind" the deep sexy voice said giving me a flashy smile. My heart flattered & I instantly got wet, but I knew dat smile & voice all too well. "Why are u here?!" He smiled, "I want u to hear me out & understand da truth... please" I sighed. "2 minutes" he sighed, "yes I fucked her, butttt this was before we reunited" I nodded my head. "So why was she just now texting u?!" He shrugged, "I don't know, I thought I blocked her on ever social media site but I guess I didn't.... & I'm sorry to u personally baby I would nevea hurt u, I just got u back... not tryin evea screw dis shit up baby trust me".

I nodded, "I trust u Demetrius I just... the drama is too much" he grabbed my hand, "I know & I'm sorry.... But from now on, trust me, let's communicate let's not let drama drive us apart without figuring it out within OUR home first....okay?!" I nodded. "Okay" he leaned over & kissed me, "I love u" I smiled & kissed him back, "I love u too" he said getting on his knees in between my legs.

I looked at him & rubbed the side of his head, "wait wait wait at u doing" I whisper looking down at him, we was in da corner at da top where no one could come in & see wat was going on. "I ain't nevea did this in da movies but I am now" he said pulling off my tights, he tried to find my underwear & notice I had nun on. "Oh so u was hoping a nigga would come & talk to u & he would just finger yo pussy without even knowin you?!" I sucked my teeth.

"Watevea Demetrius believe wat u wan- ouuuu" I moan feeling Demetrius lips & tongue suck on my clit. "Mhm fuck" I moan low trying not to get caught, I soon felt his stick his thick long fingers inside me while still tongue kissing my clit. I grabbed his head & started grinding my pussy into his mouth. "Ouuu shit Demetrius baby pleaseee" I moan low looking at him wit watery eyes from da intense pleasure I was getting from his mouth.

He got up & sucked his fingers, I pulled my tights up & looked at him. He stood in front of me & looked down at me, I could see his face from da light of da projector. He had a sexy look on his face yet it was so demanding & a lil scary in a good way. He grab my neck gentle yet wit a firm grip on it making me drip more than I already was, he bent down & whispered in my ear. "Go get in da car & take yo tights as soon as u get in it" he said letting my neck go.

I got up & felt a stinging sensation on my ass cheeks making me even more horny & ready to fuck. I walked out in front of him while he walked behind me, as we walked out I bumped into a guy.... I looked up & saw it was him.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.....

To be continued.....
I hope y'all enjoy & like this.... Excuse da mistakes & enjoy, sorry if y'all request of a story isn't being done yet, I need more ideas & how to move forward with the stories y'all went so they can be interesting, but I will eventually publish them 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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