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Nikeyma's POV
I sat & listen to my people's laugh & talk, we was at a family reunion & I would be a liar if i said I wasn't bored. My favorite cousins had den came & gone & I was super bored & aggravated. I looked as all of my other lil cousins played in the pool & the grown uh's played spades & did fun shit. But here I am bored & alone, I decided to go sit in the living room & left everyone outside. As I walked in I seen my uncle Da'Vinchi walk in along wit my other "uncle" Meech. They was good homeboy & since he was older he became more like my uncle since him & Vinchi considered each other as brothers.

I got up & hugged dem, uncle Vinchi & Meech are my favorite people. Uncle Vinchi take me places & let me have fun, him being the younger brother of my mama & aunts made it so fun to have around. They didn't play about me at all, Vinchi & especially Meech.

"Where dat Nigga u be talking to at?! Thought u said he was gone be here?!" I blushed. "He couldn't come, got in trouble earlier today wit his mama" I told Uncle Vinchi. "Yea okay" Meech said laughing along wit Vinchi.... "Nigga ass had betta not been here !!" I rolled my eyes, "uncle Vinchi, I'm 18.... I can date if I want to!!" He raised an eyebrow, "who said?!" He said looking at me. "My mama !!" He laughed, "she don't count" I giggled, "yea okay"

I said grabbing my phone, "finna go to my house, I asked my mama & dem can I leave to go home she told me yea" uncle Vinchi rolled his eyes. "Just Cuh u got yo own house don't mean u grown lil girl" Uncle Meech said making Uncle Vinchi nod his head in agreement. "Right, u still a teenager, betta not be having no lil boys over there either" uncle Vinchi said walking off. "I love u too uncle Vinchi" he waved me off, "be careful out late like this !!" I nodded my head, "yes sir uncle Meech" he nodded & gave me a hug before walking off.
As I put on my my t-shirt wit my panties on, I decided to go downstairs & fix me something to eat. As I came down da stairs I heard my door bell ring, I walked to the door & open it to see uncle Meech. He walked in & closed & locked da door behind me, I walked to da kitchen & bend over grabbing my strawberries out the fridge. As I was bent over I felt his big boy pressing up against my ass, "u should wear a rob or something when u got company over lil girl" I smiled. "I do, but I knew u was coming over so why should I ?!, u know u like it when I dress like dis" I said standing up & turning around giving him a kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my waist & looked at me. "I hate this shit!" He jumping uh on da counter & folding his arms on his legs, "I do too, but u know why we can't be out in da open about us being together Demetrius!!" He sucked his teeth, "Ik, I'm your uncle's homeboy who I've known for years along wit u & it would be wrong also I'm 5 years older than u & dat would look wrong !!" He said running his hand down his face looking at me.

I looked back at him, "stop looking at me like dat" he said rubbing his chest from under his shirt. "Like wat?!" I said giggling, "man bring yo sexy ass here!!" He said grabbing my waist & pulling me between his legs. He grabbed my neck tonging me down, "baby wait!!" I said letting lil moans out while he sucked on my neck. "Fuck, baby wait wait wait wait wait !!" He pulled back & looked at me, "wat baby!!" He said a lil frustrated. "Where u told Uncle Vinchi u was at?!" He looked at me, "da store".

I looked at him, "what store ?!" He shrugged, "dollar general, why?!" I looked at him. "From down da road at my grandma house?!" He nodded. "To get wat?!" He sighed, "to get drinks baby why u asking all these questions ?!" I looked at him, "Meech it takes 20 minutes to get to my house & u been here for 10 minutes now... da store is 5 minutes down da road from my grandma house... u gotta go!!" I said pulling away from him.

He got off da counter & grabbed my waist, "baby chill, I told dem before I got here it will be a while Cuh I had to go to my house & grab something" I sighed a breath of relief when he said dat, he lives 1 hour from my grandma house & 39 minutes from my house.

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