My Obsession!

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Meech's POV
I lean over the balcony of the strip club, I watched as dancers come & go on & off da stage. I looked down at my shirt & fixed the button on it. "Y'all know her & y'all love her... she is our top performer & the sexiest one as well.... Give it up for OBESSSIOOONNN!!".

I looked up & saw a caramel almost brown tone female walk up on the stage. She was sexy as fuck , she was short & chubby with a blond wig with blue stripes going all thru it dat went all da way down to her plump, juicy ass. She was beautiful, she had the most prettiest smile & the most thick, juicy lips I ever seen. Her eyes was narrow yet wide in a natural seduction. I looked at her dance, I watch her titties jump & moved around ever so slightly.

I looked down at my dick to see it poking thru my jeans. I looked at her to see her eyes on me, she turned around on the pole before giving me a wink. Eric, Myles & Da'Vinchi all looked at me, "wat?!" The smirked, "y'all crazy" I said laughing & continue to watch her work da pole.
It started to get late, I decided to go back stage & talk to my cousin before I left. "Terryyy" I said dapping him up, "wassup cuzzo" I shrugged. "Nun much, just wanted to talk to y before I went on home" he nodded. I soon seen the girl from earlier walk up to Terry. "Terry, I need a ride home, my Benz still in the shop getting its custom work done... can u take me?"

He shook his head, "obsession I wish I could but I gotta finish cleaning up tonight & I gotta take care of some business... I'm sorry" she nodded. "Dat's okay, thanks doe" he nodded, "I can take her home" she looked. "I'm sorry I didn't see u I was so stressed, hey I'm Nikeyma well obsession" I smiled. "I understand, Demetrius but everyone call me-", "Meech" she said finishing my sentence. "Yea, um I can take u home I don't mind" she looked at Terry, "yea he my cousin... he not no bad dude" she looked at me, "okay, let me just go get my things".

She said walking off, I watched as her moved like water. "Terry, why she so well known, I mean I can see why but like.... Do she get around?!" He shook his head. "Nawl, she a sexologist.... A virgin sexologist" I raised an eyebrow. "A sexologist?! But a virgin?!!!" He nodded, "yea, she super nice man, I gotta go doe cuzzo I'mma fuck wit u later" I nodded & dapped him up. She soon came back with tights & a jacket on with some golf ball slides.

She had her bag & her phone & charger. "You ready ?!" She nodded, "lets get go than" I said letting her walk out in front of me, she smelled like candy & vanilla.
I drove down the road while I looked over at Nikeyma. I fingered her pussy as she face towards me with he legs open. She moan as I looked between the road & her wet, tight pussy. "U like dat shit?!" She nodded, "ughh Meech" I nodded, "Meech!!", "mhm", I said still fingering her pussy "MEECH!!".

I looked from the road over at her to see her on her phone. "U good?!" I looked back at da road, "yea why Wassup?!" She looked down on me, I looked down & saw my dick all bricked up. "Shit" I said grabbing my dick with my free hand, "I'm sorry" she giggled. "For?!, it's normal... you a guy, no need to be sorry Meech" I chuckled. "I know but it's wat I was thinking about dat I'm sorry for?!" She looked.

"What was it?!" I looked over at her, "thinking about u" I said looking from the road at her to see her blushing. "Ohh" she said smiling, "this your house?!" She looked out the window & nodded her head yes. "Thank u again Meech" I nodded, "no problem" she lean in & kissed my cheek, "here's my number" she said closing da door & walking in the house. I looked down at my dick & sighed, "why u embarrassing me?!".
                         (Four months later)
I walked up to the door & knocked, "who is it?!" I heard from inside. "It's Meech", the door soon open to Nikeyma standing there wit boy shorts & a shirt on with no bra, she stay teasing a Nigga. "Hey bookieeee" she said hugging around my neck, I smacked her ass making her giggle. Nikeyma & I been friends since dat night i took her home, we have mutual feelings but won't say to much about em. "Smells good in here wat u baking ?!".

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