Co-parent: secret 2

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                            Ni'Shay's POV
I started putting on my clothes looking back at Meech who was smiling from ear to ear. "Df is funny Demetrius?" He started laughing, "Cuh, our son caught us fucking after years of thinking dat we was just friends" he said rolling on da bed. "Dat's not funny" I said just a lil bit embarrassed, "aww baby come to daddy" he said walking over to me. "Get the fuck out my face Meech foe I hit yo ass" he chuckled grabbing my thighs pulling me to him.

"I love u" he said kissing my lips, I smiled.  "I love u too" I said hugging around his neck. "YALL BRING YALL NASTY ASSES OUT DAT ROOM & TELL ME SOMETHING" I looked at Meech, "Sick of his stupid ass" I said making Meech & I both start laughing.

As we walked downstairs I saw De'mari & Kai sitting downstairs looking as if they saw a ghost or sum shit. "Y'all nasty asf" I looked at him, "okay but u act like that ain't how u got here?!" He shook his head and palmed his face in between Kai boobs. We laughed & De'Mari looked, "I do want you to tell ma wat you said about Kai!!" I looked at Meech "what df u say?!" He looked at me. "I was rude as fuck to Dee about Kai & her weight !! I said he could do betta & we ain't want nobody unhealthy in our family!" He said running his hand down his face. "I'm so sorry Kai I am, I just I was wrong it ain't no excuse for wat I said really I didn't mean dat shit sweet heart I promise".

She nodded, "it's okay Mr. Flenory I forgive u" he nodded and looked at me. "Fuck u Meech" he sighed, "I'm sorry baby listen" he said grabbing me, I pushed him off of me, "u sit here & talk about weight like u wasn't & is still in love wit me Meech wdf?!" He shook his head, "I know I'm sorry, I won't ready to admit I still was in love wit u so I projected on him, I love u & u know dat!!" I rolled my eyes. "Ain't Summer waiting on u?!" He shook his head no.

"Well she should have , fuck u!!" I looked at Dee to see him looking at me. "Yo father & I was gone tell u about us getting back together but dat ain't happening no more!!" Meech frown his face up. "Wait hold up baby I made one fucked up mistake & I'm sorry I know dat!!, between this & Dee finding out about his brother & sister was gone be the two secrets we told him" i shook my head when he mentioned the twins. De'mari looked, "ma, dad? Wat y'all talkin about?" Meech sighed & looked at me mouthing the words "sorry" he looked back at mari. "Me & yo mom had twins... the turned 17 today" he looked at me.
                             Meech's POV
He looked at shay, "so when was y'all gone tell me I had TWIN SIBLINGS A YEAR YOUNGER THAN ME WHO GOT THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME?!" he said getting all upset. Kai grabbed his arm & he pulled away, "Mari chill out!" I said stepping in front of Shay. Mari was violent, he nevea put his hands on us or disrespected us. He nevea put his hands on a female but this shit different & I don't need any kind of anger being towards my woman/ his mama. "CHILL ? WYM CHILL POPS?! I FELT ALONE ALL MY DAMN LIFE, I BEGGED MA FOR YEARS TO GIVE ME A SIBLING SO I CAN LOOK AFTER THEM & TO NOT FEEL ALONE!!" He said looking at Shay & me wit tears rolling down his face.

Kai walked up to him & wrapped her arms around his waist. "Baby please calm down please !!" He looked down at her arms wrapped around him. He turned around & wrapped his arms around her waist cryin into her chest. I looked back to see Shay crying. " it's okay baby" I said wrapping my arms around her & kissing her forehead. "I'm sorry Mari!!, we had u at a young age, we couldn't do two more kids after just having u.. we was too young we didn't understand!!" He shook his head. "Have I met them before?!" I sighed.

"You remember my mama twins ?!" He nodded, "my mom grew them up on thinking I was there brother" he shook his head. "All this time I'm thinking "aunty" Dy'ajia & "uncle" D'yontae was my uncle & aunt just for them to be my younger brother & sister!!" He said chuckling. Shay looked at him wit her tears still fallin, "baby we are soooo sorry!!" He shook his head & grabbed Kai hand walking out the house. "MARI!!... DE'MARI!!" Shay scream crying her eyes out, I held her as she cried & scream for him to come back so she could apologize.

"Shh shh, I know u hurt baby... but it had to happen okay, I hurt more than a mfer but he needed to know & the need to know as well!!" She nodded and held on to me while I rocked us back & forth on the floor.
                            De'Mari's POV
I sat on the edge of the bed lookin at the tv. Kai walked up to me & kissed my lips, "u okay?!" She said getting on her knees in front of me. I shook my head "no" she sighed. "I love u" she said looking at me with those pretty brown eyes. "I love u too baby" she smiled, I lean down & kissed her lips. Kai was my baby, I was a few months younger than Kai but I still treated her like she was the youngest since I was so over protective of her!!.

Kai was 5'1, plus size wit pretty brown eyes. She brownskin & was the most beautiful person I ever seen in my life, I loved her. I was 6'3 with tattoos, brownskin, I had abs I had a good looking smile, dimples & played sports.

I had ever girl on me but I could never get over Kai, she had nigga's on her but she choose me & I can't help but love her more than any one could imagine. She loved me more than anything, she could of had anyone else but she wanted me she loved me & I loved her.

I met her my freshman year of highschool & fell in love wit her. We got together our junior year, the chase & the thrill I had tryin to get her made it more exciting to have her knowing it was all worth the wild.

I pulled back from the kiss & looked at her. "Come here" she got up off her knees & straddled my lap looking at me. "Yes?" I wrapped one around her waist while the other one grabbed her neck from the back gentle & firm. I bring her in kissing her while I rubbed & squeeze her ass giving it smacks.

"Mhm" she moan softly while I kissed on her breast. "Ugh Mari wait !" She said trying to take my shirt off slowly. She didn't like me to be in charge during foreplay, she loved foreplay & always wanted to get me all fired up. But I wasn't too much into foreplay tonight & she knew it.
I grabbed her shoulder & her waist as I fucked Kai deep & fast, she moan & scream trying her hardest to get away from me. "UGHH BABY WAIT PLEASEEEE" she scream tryin to get away from this dick. "Mmm" I groan fucking her harder making her squirt & her cream to splash back onto my stomach. I started to slow down feeling my nut coming on, I grabbed her waist & held her in place as I nutted inside of her.

I pulled out & went & started to shower, I walked back in the room to see Kai curled up on a pillow cryin from the pleasure. I smacked her ass making her start creaming even more. I chuckled & picked her up carrying her in the bathroom.
I laid on the couch wit Kai in my arms when I heard knocking at the door. I groan & gently moved Kai so I wouldn't wake her up. I open the door wit my joggers on wit no shirt & some socks. The door open to my mama, pops & who I now know my brother & sister. "What the fuck going on now?!" Dy'ajia & D'yontae looked at me. "Yo guess is as good as mines !!" Ma & pops looked at me, "can u just sit down & listen Yhaines!!" The said callin me by my middle name. "Yes ma'am & yes sir" the twins walked in & so did ma & pops.

I closed the door & walked to the couch. "Baby wake up, ma & dem here & ion wanna wake u up go upstairs I will be up there after while okay?!" She nodded I kissed her lips & watched her go upstairs. "Wassup?!" I said putting my t-shirt on & sitting down looking at them.
Boom I'm back y'all , excuse the mistakes I hope y'all enjoy 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽

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