Co-parent: secrets

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Ni'Shay's POV
"De'mari, you done?" I shouted out to my teenage son from up the stairs. I than turn my focus back on cooking, "MA...CAN I DRIVE MY CAR TO MY SHAWTY HOUSE??!" I rolled my eyes. "Just like his damn daddy" I said fixing his plate, "HUH MA???", I giggled. "Yea, u gone spend da week wit yo dad? He supposed to be taking u to da BET awards wit him" I said watching him come downstairs.

I looked at him, he looked just like his daddy. "Hey ma" he said walking up to me giving me a kiss on da forehead & hugging me. "My baby turn 18 in a few days" I said looking at him wit glossy eyes. "Come on ma don't cry, u gone make a real nigga cry to" I sucked my teeth, "boy move" I said laughing.

I walked over to the kitchen with De'mari behind me. "Ma? How old u is?" I looked back at him, "31" he frown his face up... "dad 31 too?) I nodded my head. "Y'all nasty as hell" I looked at him, "boy hush... u here ain't u?!" He smiled.... I just laughed and sat down eating.

As we ate, I soon heard the doorbell ring. De'mari got up & got it.. as the door open I saw Demetrius standing there with his girlfriend summer. "Pops" De'mari said before hugging on him, "wassup son... where yo mama at?" I rolled my eyes & walked out the kitchen.

"Why u looking for me Meech?!" He looked at me smiling, "damn I can't check on my babymama ?!... we is friends!!" I rolled my eyes. "Hey Summer" I said looking over at his girlfriend, she gave me a fake smile & looked away. "Shay... i'm taking him foe 2 weeks" I looked at Meech like he lost his fucking mind.

"No... I got shit plan for him Meech u can't do dat!!" I said shifting me weight on one leg. "Why not?!! He my son too Shay... I got a lot of shit planned... he turning 18.... Finna help my son get some bitches.. let him live" I shook my head. "U know he got a gf Meech" he shrugged.

"I can find a girl betta den dat.... Thinner too" he said making De'mari face soften. "U ready?" He nodded, "ma... tell Kaiya I love her & I will be back... ion wanna text her about nun like dis please" I nodded, he smiled & hugged me kissing my cheek. "Call me" he nodded.
De'mari's POV
I looked down at my phone seeing my baby call me. I let the phone ring until it ended to text her.
Me: I'm sorry, I know we had shit planned foe my birthday week but baby I'm going to da BET awards... u happy for me right?
Mi amor💞👩🏿‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏽: yea baby.. I'm proud of u.. just wish u would have told me before I made all these reservations... but I'm happy u enjoying yo time with yo dad he so sweet... I love u enjoy💞!!
I looked it & replied back with loving her message... I seen my dad look over at my phone. "Son.. I ain't tryin to be rude but... u can do way better than dat, u your dads son, u can get who u want... leave her, we don't need nobody in our family unhealth" I scoffed.

"Man pops chill... Kai my lady... just like Summer yo lady & u want me to respect her, respect mines... u was in love with ma at one point so what's da problem?" He nodded. "U right... but I knew big girls wasn't worth my time nor my energy.... Shit like dat ain't fit for a nigga like me & soon u Will realize it too"

I shook my head, "well I love my girls thick... & I love my girl" I said looking out the window, "man turn this shit around I can't" I said watching the driver do a U turn. "What's wrong wit u ?" He said looking at me, "ion like how u talked about my women or my mama, pops u got to do betta" I said getting out & grabbing my shit out the car & going back in the house.
Demetrius's POV
I watch as my son walked back in the house, "wait here" I got out & followed him inside. "Meech, why df u in my house?!" I looked over at Kai... she looked hurt & disrespected. "Shay can I talk to u?!" She looked over at De'mari, he nodded. She told me to follow her upstairs, as we walked in the room she looked at me.

I grabbed her by the waist kissing her, she pushed me back off her. "Meech I can't keep doing this shit" she said looking at me with glossy eyes. I walked over to her grabbing her kissing on her body ever so gently , "I'm sorry, u know I love u baby" I said kissing her lips looking at her. "We agreed to co-parent Meech... not keep fucking around" I nodded, "I missed u" she shook her head. "No, we still ain't tell De'mari he got Twin siblings a year younger than him.... Meech I can't... too many secrets" I sighed, "I know, but I can't lose u, u know dat... u was my first everything I can't lose dat" I said holding her a lil tighter.

She sighed, "we agreed to co-parent Meech, no more having sex no more kissing on each other nothing.... Just strictly co-parenting" I shook my head. "Baby I can't do dat, Ik u can't either Shay please baby.... I love u" she palmed her head, "I swear if I didn't love u i wouldn't do this shit" I kissed her lips making her grab at my belt. "Stop De'mari downstairs" she whined, "I want it now" I chuckled. "Later, until than... we got to tell him everything"

As we was talking De'mari came in the room. "Pops, yo girl left... Kaiya & I finna go to her house" I looked at him. "Okay.... Give me & yo mama some more time to talk... about all da shit we got planned for u" he nodded. "Bet, I love y'all" we smiled. "We love u too" we said together.

As he left out the door I looked at Shay, she got down on her knees unbuckling my pants.
I smacked Shay ass as I deep stroked her pussy. She gripped onto the sheets throwing her ass back, "mhm, fuck this dick" I moan grabbing her hair & fucking her harder than before. I looked down at her ass knowing I would make her a mother of four, she carried 3 of my kids... she was my first & only... she deserved the whole world.

As I was about to nut the door open to Kaiya & De'mari. "WTF" he scream, I pulled out & helped Shay cover up, "WATCH YO FUCKING MOUTH" we said at the same time.

To be continued....
Hey y'all .... I hope y'all enjoy... sorry if this is a lil rushed but excuse the mistakes... nd let me know if there is any other ideas y'all have or more parts y'all want from ones I already made. 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽!!

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