Chapter 4

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My eyes were closed but I could hear what was going on. There was so much ruckus that I couldn't go back to sleep, but I was too weak to get up.

"Who was the man that tried to violate Lady Aristia", I could hear Aegeus talking and he was angry, I could hear Lael trying to calm him down.

"I don't know his name but he's from the wind kingdom" I heard Raynar said with a blank tone.

"Why are you so concerned about Lady Aristia, Aegeus?", Raynar asked him, and I felt my brother sigh.

" My father asked me to at least make sure she is okay, I really don't care if she sleeps around but someone with noble ranking tried to take advantage of her. That is a statement, and this shows disrespect towards my kingdom and I don't stand by this", My brother said, he's really into his character if you ask me.

"Before she left the party a maid gave her a glass of wine, can anyone remember whose maid that was" I remembered her, I remember that she was following Mira.

"Mira" I whispered, I felt my brother's hand hold mine.

"Lady Aristia? Can you hear me?" I can but why can't I move? What happened?

"The potion they used on her was a power plant in our kingdom, it can paralyze a female for months, it was banned when it was used for abducting females" Val said with guilt in his voice.

"It was Mira", I said, my brother was angry, it started raining hard, I could feel the water.

" Aegeus calm down, we don't know for sure, we can't just point fingers" Lael said and he was right, if I was wrong Aegeus would be punished for tarnishing a royals name.

"Is there an antidote?" My brother asked.

"No, it's not a poison it's supposed to be a medicine but was abused by greedy men" Val said. I became upset, I know I can do something about this.

"If it's a kind of liquid I can try to extract it from her body", Aegeus said, and I could barely say anything. I trust my brother with my life.

I felt liquid coming out of my mouth, there was excruciating pain that came after. It was squeezing my insides.

"Shit that's a concentrated amount of herb!" Val said in terror.

"That's deadly how is she alive?!" Lael was surprised, I suddenly felt pain, I sat and dropped to the floor and started throwing up blood.

"Aristia!" Was the only thing I remembered when everything blacked out.


"Aegeus it's fine, I can watch her while you go back home, your kingdom needs you" I heard Raynar say to my brother, I opened my eyes to find my brother was ready to leave this place.

"Brother!" I called him but he vanished, I looked around and no ones here, I ran outside everything vanished, the castle, the ocean, I started screaming for anyone I know.

"Brother!" my voice just echoed.

"Raynar!" Hoping he'll save me again this time, but no one answered.

"Wake up! I felt hands on my shoulders, I opened my eyes and Raynars face is what I see. It was a dream, it was just a dream!

"It was a dream, calm down" Raynar tried to calm me but knowing it's him there already makes me antsy.

"How long was I out?" I asked Raynar.

"A week, you kept waking up to cough up blood and pass out" Raynar was not happy, but he does not look too interested either.

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