Chapter 8

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Lord Agape stood up and even with just standing up, he made the room quiet. Power is radiating from his body.

"Foolish boy! You made a binding marriage with her?!" Lord Agape Said and everyone flinched from hearing his voice booming through the room. He's intimidating I admit, I looked around and there were shocked faces everywhere and the disbelief on Lady Mira's face is priceless. It somewhat amused me, she looks so defeated. I'm not sure on which part she can't believe that Lord Agape did not choose her to be Raynar's Fiancé or because Raynar did a binding spell on me. Whichever it is, it's amusing to watch her like this.

"I will only say this once, Lady Aristia is my wife and is now under my protection. Disrespect and any harm towards her will be something I will take as a personal offense. This trial is over, and Sir Vaqiz, refrain from calling my wife names for your own good" Raynar said and with that he left the room and Aegeus followed us. I ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"You're safe now sister, at least for now. Thank you Raynar, I owe you" My brother said and Raynar shook his head.

"I'm just repaying the debts I owe you, now were even but this is not over" Raynar said, and I was tired. A lot happened today and I'm tired. When will these people stop?

"You're right, tomorrow is evaluation, and we have to be prepared for what's going to happen. There's a feast tonight, I suggest you get some rest and skip the events for the rest of the night" I agreed with my brother, and I was walking away but I stopped and turned around. I realized Lord Raynar was following behind me.

Ill be able to find my way to my room, my lord I said, and he didnt respond and just walked with me instead. When were in front of my room he didnt hesitate to open in and went inside I felt red and nervous. Why is he going inside my room? Was he expecting me to sleep with him? Did I misunderstand something? I followed him and I expected him to be on the bed or something, but he was checking my balcony, the windows, my bed and my bathroom.

Are you going to force me to sleep with you? I blurted out and felt my cheeks turn red. He abruptly stopped in his tracks and slowly turned his head with this expression I cant describe. He gave out a hearty laugh.

Oh sweetheart, I dont need to force you to do anything. One day youll be begging for me to take you he said with no pause. This left my mouth open, and I was so embarrassed that he even said this.

Never! I huffed and he just chuckled and continued to look around my room. He was touching my bedframe somewhat looking for something, he then went back to my bathroom, and he was inspecting the tub and the mirror as well.

You still didnt tell me what youre doing I said, and he finally turned to me.

You made a lot of enemies, now that youre my wife, youll make even more. I was checking if anyone tampered with any of your belongings. Ill head out now, unless you want me to hold you in your sleep I slapped him, and he just laughed at me.

At least I know you can be strong when you want to be he said and starts walking away. He was at the door frame when I turned around.

"Lord Raynar, thank you" I said genuinely, and he gave me a nod. He closed my bedroom door and I sighed. I was exhausted beyond reason, I went inside the bathroom and just sat there in the tub full of water and closed my eyes. Feeling the soothing warm water on my skin, my body starts relaxing.

It's evaluation tomorrow, it's basically an event where people showcase their abilities either personal abilities or in battle. They need to show if they are worthy, the whole concept of this evaluation is just ridiculous to me. I have a feeling the problems with Lady Mira are not over just yet. My mind drifted to the kiss Raynar gave me, it was a brief kiss but even thinking about it is making my face turn red. No one has ever kissed me, and he just took it like he has every right to. I mean he just did it to seal the binding, but still he could have given me a head's up.

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