Chapter 28

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Today was the day we embark on our journey for Inferno. My mind was a mess, Raynar is back on his usual self and I'm just not up to challenge anything he says.

Everyone that gathered from the castle is going back to their respective kingdoms, there were soldiers with us. It made me wonder where Azul was. It's been a while since I last saw him. I hope he's okay. We were on horses once again, but this time Raynar was in front of my brother, and they were just talking. To my surprise, Val was right beside me, there was this unreadable expression on his face. He then noticed I was staring.

"Getting bored?" he asks me, and I rolled my eyes and nodded. Of course, I am bored. These men were just talking about things I can't even understand.

"Lord Val-" I was about to ask him something, but he hushed me, just cut me off. How rude.

"First, you call me Val. I don't like titles" He exclaimed, his hands waving in the air. I nodded and was very hesitant.

"Uhm, well. Val, I have a question" I said, and he looked so amused I called him by his name. He folded his arms and had this pleased look on his face.

"Is it about grumpy pants?" he said, and I stifled a giggle. I can't believe Raynar allows him to call him these ridiculous names.

"Well, what do you want to know?" he asked.

"He talks in a different language, do you know anything about that?" I asked and he was smiling at me. Does he know why I was asking?

"Yes, Inferno kingdom is the first to be built centuries ago. That's why it's the largest and back then, they have their own native tongue. As a royal, he needs to learn this. Only his kingdom has that" he said, now that explains why he was able to talk in a language I don't understand.

"Are you familiar with their native tongue?" I asked and nodded. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Dude, that man curses me to the moon and back with that native tongue of his. I grew up with him. I may not know a lot of it but I know enough to get by" I chuckled at this. That does sound like Raynar.

"What does Latria mu mean?" I asked and his eyes grew up in excitement and smiled at me.

"You really want to know?" he asked. I nodded immediately in which he just laughed at me.

"Well, I don't know about that weird. You should ask him" I sighed, I knew he knew. I just know it, now I'm sure he's been insulting me. Even Val can't say what It is!

"Well, why is he. Indifferent?" He looked at me and sighed.

"Well, you need to understand. All of us went through different ways of training. Some harsher than others, him being the heir of one of the largest leading kingdoms in this realm. That means a lot of expectations and responsibilities" he said, and I do get that part. But why do I feel Like there's more? They know something I don't.

"I know I'm just an outsider, and I've caused nothing but problems, but I do want to get to know you guys better and get stronger" I said with genuineness. I mean it, I'm tired of them always trying to save me when I can't do anything. It's exhausting now. Val's face brightened up.

"Aristia, you are not an outsider. We did not hesitate to follow you to that village and fight with you. We are a team, we have each other's back and if you have any problems. You tell us, specifically me!" He said happily, I can't help but smile. He then kept on talking about gossip from the different kingdoms. How women would throw their selves on him and he's having a hard time keeping up. This made me cringe and he just laughed at me.

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