Chapter 26

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I woke up in cold sweat, the blood, and the faces of the assassins I killed was what I kept seeing. I didn't know how long I was up until I heard a knock on my door. I scrambled to get dressed. I was dragged out of my room by someone I wasn't expecting.

Lael, he knocked so softly like he was scared I would get mad at him. His face lit up when I gave him a smile, I realized he was tiptoeing around me. He first asked how I slept and tried to make small talk. I knew he didn't knock on my door so early just to ask if I slept well. Apparently, he got sidetracked, my brother sent him to fetch me for training. They sent Lael because they knew I can't get mad at him. He's always so kind to me, so eager to be friends. He's weird but in a good way. I'm now following him and that's when I heard another set of footsteps, and someone jumped on Lael. I was about to hit him when I realized it was Val messing with him, Lael was just complaining, and Val was just mimicking him. I thought these men were mature.

Val turned his head to fac me and with a big smile on his face

"Aristia it's time for breakfast come with us" I just followed them, hopefully no noble is awake this early, the sun isn't even up yet. I felt someone else right behind me and when I took a glance at that person my eyes locked with those deep ruby eyes. I walked faster until we got to the dining room. The food was ready and only Aegeus was there eating, he gave me a smile and a wave telling me to start eating.

I sat down a few chairs away from my brother, didn't want him to ask questions about yesterday. Raynar sat in front of me and started to eat, I feel like he's planning something again. There was a maid that stood behind me, she was the one who gave me my plate. I looked at the plate she sat in front of me, and it was mostly fruits. I got sad for some reason, I was craving that meat on a stick I got from that lady at the small town. I just shoved the food in my mouth, even if I requested something else. It will take a while and I don't want to stall anyone. There were strawberries in my food and their surprisingly sweet and then I heard Val laughing.

"Raynar since when did you start eating strawberries? Didn't you hate sweets" Val asked him and I looked at him confused, he gave me a smirked. Why was he smirking at me?

"I just realized the other day I like sweets, it's refreshing" Val just continued eating, but I knew what he was trying to do. He stared at me intently and gave me a playful grin. Before I could say something, the door opened revealing two noble men. They gave me a dirty look and sat beside me, that made me really uncomfortable. I looked at Raynar, but he wasn't looking at me but the two men beside me, he was watching their every move. Like a predator watching his prey.

"We remember what you did to Lady Mira" The man on my left said and I was contemplating if he really deserves a reaction from me but now, I was curious what these men think I did to Lady Mira.

"What did I do to her" I asked, leaning my back on my chair.
"You turned Lady Mira into a monster!" the other man was clearly upset, looks like he had feelings for the demon. He then looked at me up and down, licking his lips. This made me shudder in disgust.
"Well, I'm pretty sure all these men here had a taste of you, so you wouldn't mind giving us one of your nights" he said in a low whisper. Bastard, he thinks I slept with them! That gross! the only man to touch me was Raynar and It wasn't even something I wanted. I looked at him and there was a frown on his face, he was tired of this, and so was I. I turned my head towards the man who said that comment.

"I'm afraid I might turn you into a sea serpent, you would be a perfect pet for Nereria Kingdom, you don't mind, do you?" He went pale and he stood up to move away from me.

"Oh, I see your from the earth kingdom, I hear their losing the population of big boars, you don't mind adding to them to help out right?" I asked and they quickly left the dining table.

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