Chapter 12

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I was forced to watch the guardians train. I got better, and my wounds are healed up now, but I was told to observe their fighting style. Raynar was the one that dragged me out of my room since I barricaded myself in. He was not happy that I kept sending back the soldiers that he sent to fetch me. The soldiers didn't want to bother me, and he just came himself and burnt down the door. Which is annoying to say the very least, I feel useless right now, watching them train and push their limits. While I'm sitting in the corner not even allowed to hold a sword until I learn patience apparently.

They discussed with me the different trainings we must do and that we do missions once we know how to control our powers. Raynar openly stared at me when Aegeus was saying this. I wanted to smack him, but it wasn't a good idea.

"Let's have Aristia spar with us" Val said and Raynar denied him right away. I glared at him, and he was looking at me as if he was challenging me to say something.

"I'm going to make myself clear, no one is going to train with her until she's done training with me. All of you are too soft and you treat her like she's made of glass. She needs to learn the hard way" Raynar said, and I was clenching my hands. I want to punch him so bad right now. He sent the other guardians on their way to do leave us to train. He turns to me.

"What? Are you mad? What are you going to do? Huh?" He yelled at me when he saw that I was getting angry with the things he's saying to me.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!" I spat back to him, and I stood up and he snickered and walked towards me. He was right in my face.

"Or what?" he said challenging me. I don't know what came over me, but I started throwing punches at him and he just kept dodging them like it was nothing.

"Aww, cute" he said and grabbed the front of my shirt, twisting it. I grabbed his hand and tried getting him off me. I felt boiling inside me. The fire that was on the stone table in the corner started growing.

"Are you mad? Get mad! Let it out! You want to hurt me! DO IT!" He yelled and dropped me and that's when I lunged for him, he let me punch him, but he was blocking it with his forearms. He then grabbed me and spun me around facing the firestone table. The fire was big, it was already scaring me. He pushed me closer, I struggled but he held my arms behind me as we stepped closer.

"Look at that Fire, the angrier you get the bigger it becomes. I want you to think of a way to stop it" He said, and I didn't know what he meant but I tried, and it just got bigger. I looked away as I felt the burning heat on my face. He grabbed my face and made me look at the forest from the distance, it's dead and was just decaying there. It's my fault and it still haunts me.

"Look at that forest. Every time you think that there's an easy way to train, remember that. The only easy way is going to the dark side, being evil is easy but keeping your principles and being hurt and making mistakes is what makes you human. his grip got tighter, I was trying to get out of his grasp.

"Do you want that to happen again? Do you want to kill everything in this realm?!" He said angrily.

"No! Let me go!" I said and he spun me around once again but this time his face was so close to mine that I could hear his heartbeat. I looked up to see his face and there was this fire in his eyes, my eyes dropped to his lips. They looked so soft and moist that I wanted to touch them.

I shook that thought away and tried to push him away but instead he grabbed the back of my head, and I felt his soft lips on mine. But they are no longer soft as before, he aggressively kissed me as if he was thirsty and I am the food to quench his thirst. I felt the kiss getting deeper, I did know what had gotten into me, but I reacted to his kiss. I fought back his tongue and grabbed his shirt to deepen the kiss some more. I can barely catch my breath as our tongue fight. There's a passion that ignited inside me, this heat, the shivers, the reality of it.

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