Chapter 25

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For a brief moment my mind went blank, my anger was towards her and anything she says or does. All I could think of was humiliating her.

"Did I give you permission to speak? I don't remember doing that. Are you undermining my authority? Since your so concerned about my maid, would you like to take her spot or be quiet" I said and was about to stand up to leave.

"I did not give you permission to leave either, from this day forward. When you're in my presence you will ask me for permission for everything." I said once again she had this look on her face, like she wanted to hurt me.

I really had this gut feeling that she was behind my assassination, but I had no proof behind this. I was just trying to enjoy my food, but I lost my appetite and got out of my chair. I could hear my brother say something, but I didn't want to hear it, I'm exhausted from everything. The only way for me to end all this is to train and find a way to make Hades leave me alone. But is there really a way? I felt Sir Axel's footsteps behind me, I continued walking. I don't know where I was going but I was just following where the hallway leads.

"My lady, your maid has departed and had one of my soldiers escort her" he said, and I felt relieved. I don't want her to get hurt, she's dear to me and Sir Axel Knew of this. He took extra steps to ensure that she would be safe. I turned my head and gave him a smile and thanked him for his efforts. He was surprised I was grateful for what he did.

"Sir Axel, I would like my room ready for me to use tonight" I said and there was a brief silence there.

"Is something the matter?" I asked him and he looked hesitant.

"My lady, I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay in that room. Lord Raynar instructed me to move your belongings to his room for your safety" he said, I looked at him. He was a big guy, probably almost over 6 foot, he looks like a giant compared to my physique. He is very muscular and old as well. I'm probably over 5 foot. I hate it, because Raynar always towers over me, he's probably almost 7 foot or I might be exaggerating. My attention went back to Sir Axel. I don't know if what he just said was out of concern or it was because he is just following orders.

"Sir Axel, I want my room ready tonight" I said again, and he didn't answer me. This made me very annoyed, it was like I was being treated as a child. I can fight for myself, I am not as experienced as everyone here, but I know how to fight my battles at least. I've been doing very well, not getting my abilities out of control and despite my swordsmanship is lacking. I was trained by a guardian which is my brother and I've learned a lot from him.

"Are you challenging my authority Sir Axel?" I asked and he just had this stern look on his face.

"I see" I said and kept walking but this time it was to the training ground. He didn't realize this. I'm so angry right now, that I want to let out some steam and this old man over here it just making me more annoyed at everything.

"How long have you fought for your kingdom Sir Axel?" I asked him while I was walking.

"For nearly 50 years now, my lady" he answered, that is a long time. That's why Lord Raynar trusts him, he is a veteran in his field of expertise.

"I was just 11 years old when I first joined the army" he said and I got quiet, can I really do this? Can I defeat someone as experienced as him? Or will this be something that will embarrass me once again. Once we reached the end of the hallway. We stepped outside, he realized we were at the training grounds, there were soldiers sparring and training there and they bowed when I passed them. I went for the weaponry that was displayed there. Looking at each and everything.

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