Chapter 18

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It's been a month now and I have settled in this village. It's peaceful and delightful being here, I met a few people that helped me a lot. Madam Sierra introduced me to the teacher at the school of the children and she happily took me in as well to help her watch and teach the young one. Which I enjoyed very much, Cara also goes to that school and despite her origins they treat her fairly well, mostly. Some children will try and tease her, but I always step in before any damage is done.

Kesen, the witch that helped me was very kind but strict. She helped me learn how to make medicinal herbs and how to look for herbs in the forest. This helped me a lot because I got to avoid using my powers. I was walking down the streets when I noticed it was busier than usual, which is not a surprise but the way the people are in a hurry is what got me concerned. I saw Lady Kasey and I waved at her, she is the owner of the school for the children. She smiled at me, I quickly walked up to her.

"What's going on?" I asked her and she smiled. Her dark hair that has a few white hairs, is tied in a bun on top of her head. She looks so motherly.

"Once a month, Hawk a young man helps us with medicinal supplies and food. He's a nice young man, I'm sure you'll like him" She in a playful tone with a wink that make me squint my eyes at her. She's in her mid-40's and she loves to tease me, she never misses a chance to do so.

There was no school for the children today, but I just wanted to say hi to her before going to Kesen to learn more potions. But now I'm waiting with Lady Kasey as she waits for this mysterious man.

"He's name really Hawk? Like the bird? Who names their child a bird?" I asked her and she just laughed at my question. Apparently, I'm a very entertaining person. She was about to say something, but we suddenly heard people cheering and clapping.

"Well, you can ask him yourself" Lady Kasey said and pulled me towards the crowds. Don't get me wrong, I love this village, but I hate crowds. We squeezed through the crowd and saw this man talking to the village chief. He's tall and well built, he's hair is a very light tone of brown and he has sun kissed skin. He's quite a looker if you ask me, I didn't realize I was staring at him until I saw a hand in front of me. Thats when I realized he was introducing himself.

"I'm Hawk, I've never seen you here before! Who might you be?" He asked and I shook his extended hand towards me. He's eyes were a dark shade of red, which is fascinating and intriguing. It was very Familiar.

"I'm Tia, I just moved here about a month ago. I heard you help our village with supplies, how gracious of you" I said, and he was looking at me with a strange expression until he smiled. What was that about?

"Well, I just want to help. I'm assuming she's with you Lady Kasey?" He asked lady Kasey beside me with a big smile.

"Oh yes, she helps with the children, and they love her. I met her through Mrs. Sierra from the Inn! She's lovely, will you be staying longer this time?" Lady Kasey asked him, and he looked in my direction and I couldn't help but look away.

"I'll think about it, but for now. Will you be able to help me bring in supplies for the school Lady Tia?" He asked me directly and I was shocked, I looked at Lady Kasey and she was giggling softly.

"Yes of course!" I said and he handed me a box of books. I smiled, the children will be ecstatic when they find out we have new materials to read.

We were walking towards the school, everyone would either wave or thank him on the way.

"So, what made you want to move in this small town?" He asked me out of nowhere. No one really asked me that question directly before.

"What makes you want to help this village?" I asked him back and he chuckled at my boldness. We were inside the library, and he placed the box on the floor, and he took mine to do the same.

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