Chapter 30

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It took us two days and we finally saw Inferno, I could not help but gasp. It was nothing like I imagined. Valleys surrounded the kingdom, there were walls on the outlines of the valleys, following how the ground was formed. It curved up and down. There was a massive palace that was heavily fortified. Around the palace was an octagon shaped for its walls, and outside of that were houses that looked like where the people reside and another octagon shaped walls surrounding them. There were walls connecting to the corners of the wall, stretching all the way to the outer walls of the valley. It looked so scary but beautiful at the same time. It was intimidating, especially when you've never been here before. I've always thought Inferno kingdom was on top of a volcano and had lava surrounding it and it being a dark and gloomy place to be in. But it was the opposite, it was beautiful. Magnificent! We moved forward, as we got closer, Raynar was beside me. His face was serious but not like before, like he wasn't happy to be back in his home.

Once we passed the first wall, everyone bowed and greeted us. I could hear music and singing, as we moved closer to the second wall, when the metal gates opened. I thought I was going to fall off my horse, there was a parade, and cheering as we walked in. Everyone was happy to see us, waving at us and some were even crying. Everyone raised their hands to wave back, but Raynar just held his hand up and nodded. It was loud and crowded, It was overwhelming me. When we reached the inner wall, I could breathe again. I didn't realize I was holding my breath, everyone sighed. That was exhausting, Raynar was rubbing his neck.

I looked at the palace in front me, it was very unique. Instead of bricks it was like deep dark crystals, the windows were shimmering like they're made of diamonds.

"Follow me" Raynar said, he was by the stairs waiting for me. The others went the opposite way. Why?

"They stay at the other side of the palace, you'll stay in my wing of the palace." He said and I grimaced. He lifted an eyebrow.

"You won't be staying in my room unless you want to. That is" he said but I didn't acknowledge what he said and just followed him. It was quiet as we walked through the hallways, it was pretty even inside. When we got to the third floor, that's when I started seeing portraits on the walls. I stopped at a picture of this beautiful woman in an elegant red dress with a crown on her head. Her auburn her was down her shoulder, complimenting her fair complexion. She looked so similar, the resemblance was uncanny. There was a deep ruby necklace around her neck that was surrounded by diamonds, and it looked beautiful on her.

"Is this your mother?" I asked and it was like the air got thicker. I looked at him and he wasn't happy that I was asking questions.

"Was" he said and continued walking, I followed and just kept looking at the portraits as I passed them and one particular one made me stop in my tracks. It was a family portrait. Damaris, his mother, Raynar and something that looks exactly like him but with brown eyes. Then it hits me, he has a twin!

"You're a twin?" I asked him and he sighed, he looked at the portrait with a sad expression on his face.

"Yes, but he's rarely here. I need you to stop getting distracted" he said, and I just hummed. I kept following him and I was getting tired of the endless hallways.

"How long is this going to take" I asked, and he sighed and turned around which made me bump into his solid chest. I had to rub my forehead because of the impact.

"I can put you over my shoulder and carry if you're getting tired "he smirked at me, I felt a blush in my face.

"I'm not a sack of potatoes, thanks" I said and continued walking. He chuckled, he then stopped at a door and opened it for me. Finally! It was a room, or I think it was, it was massive, a big bed that had pillars on that has a sheer fabric cascading around it. There was a chandelier In the middle of the room, there were couches made from a velvet material that was very soft. It was in front of a wide fireplace, that made room warm. There was this white fur material on the floor that felt really fluffy, when I touched it. I kept walking and opened the door, and it was a bathroom. A red crystal tub was in that massive room and shower area, there were even couches there as well. Who put furniture in the bathroom? 

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