Chapter 3

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A soldier woke me up and told me to change because we were being summoned.

"The other ladies?" I asked the soldier, whose name was Azul; I heard one of the soldiers call him that. They ignored me, of course; I'm no one to them but the daughter of a whore.

"One of them declared she's the fifth guardian and that we can't kill her" I was surprised; one of the soldiers whispered to him this information.

They will know she's lying. How can you prove this with no power to back it up?

This is a dumb move; I wonder which one said this.

"She has powers and can control wind" I can't believe this. I can't control four elements and barely perfected them, but how can she control the wind?

"Is she a guardian?" Azul asked him, but the other soldier shrugged.

"This is yet to be determined. They decided not to kill her because there's a possibility that she might be the fifth guardian; they were looking for the fifth guardian to train her to use her powers; females are emotional and need training," the other soldier said, and I understand. My powers are connected to my emotions, and that's probably the reason why I'm having a hard time training.

"The other ladies that arrived last night have to stay for two weeks and have them evaluated to see if they have hidden powers," I heard one of them say again. That means I must stay here for another two weeks; now I'm intrigued. If they truly think they found the fifth guardian, they won't have us stay any longer or better yet. They should have killed us already, but they suspect something is wrong, or my brother had a say in this decision.

I was taken into another room, and upon looking around, the old guardians were sitting by these big chairs on top of the stairs that overlooked everything, and I saw my brother and his comrades by the end of the stairs looking at me.

All guardians and the Lady from the Lummox kingdom are here, Mira.

"Mira and Aristia will train more than others; Mira can control the wind; thus, she might be a guardian, and Aristia can throw a full-grown guardian across the room with her small figure; she will also train close with the young guardians," Agape said; Mira rolled her eyes at me, trouble, that's what I'm seeing right now.

"If I may lord Val, I already proved myself by showing my powers. There is no reason for her to stay; she just had luck on her side, " Lady Mira said, and I had to keep my face straight because her voice was so high-pitched, making my head hurt.

"Lady Mira, know your place," Lord Fai said, and she backed away. Well, that's what you get for thinking you'll get special treatment.

"As for the other ladies, we can't kill them; the purpose of that law is now useless because these ladies were kept alive; it's no use anymore," Agape said, and Fai sighed.

"We'll start your training right away," Agape said, and they all stood up.

Aegeus was talking to the other guardians; I think they're not mad at him anymore; good he finally made friends, and they were not shallow.

"Hello, my lords, my name is Mira," Lady Mira introduced herself; the black-haired guy ignored her. Mira had this eerie demeanor that I couldn't figure out what.

"Hello to you too, my Lady. My name is Val, the guardian of wind" He kissed her hand and made her blush. The way he was flirting with her, I could tell he had a lot of experience with ladies.

"I'm Lael, the guardian of the earth" he waved at her and smiled. My brother didn't care also the black-haired guy.

"This guy is Aegeus, guardian of water, and this other guy with the grumpy face is Raynar" Val introduced them instead; Lael laughed.

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