Chapter 16

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I was woken up by loud noises, I opened my eyes and was met by sunlight shining through the glass windows. I got up and I was still tired, and my body ached all over. Probably from my eventful night, luckily, I didn't go overboard last night, and I really hope I won't have to use or rely on my powers anymore. I quickly got dressed and left some of my belongings under the bed, the ones I don't need to bring with me everywhere. I just took my cloak and went downstairs, it was busy. A lot of people had luggage with them and were looking for rooms.

When I stepped out of the Inn, I saw a group of men wearing hunting gears and had a trolley behind them that was filled with animals. My heart ached, when I started learning the power of nature, I felt connected to it. Yes, we need to hunt to survive but I still feel remorse and guilt. It looks like they are hunters, and they provide the meat to local vendors. I was walking around and saw young children in a line and going inside this building. There was a wooden plank that had engravings on it that said, "Ieros Kardia". What does that mean?

"It's a school for young children that can't afford education" I heard a familiar voice say. I realized it was the witch. She was calmer and she looks relaxed now. Is it because I'm not the threat that she thought I was?

"That's lovely" I said, not knowing what to really say. The witch then turns to me and gave me a smile which made me stunned.

"I'm Kesen, I don't know why you need what you need but I want to thank you for saving Cara" She said and took my hand. She placed something cold in my palm and closed it. She looked around and made sure no one was looking.

"It will conceal your powers and give you a different appearance. Use it when you're alone and as I said. There are consequences for using something like this." Her tone was ominous and walked away. I was shocked that she actually did me a favor. I looked at the item she gave me. It was a silver bracelet with a small dark ruby on it. I smiled, everything worked out after all. I looked up and was about to thank her, but she disappeared. Well, I do hope I'll see her around. I started walking back to the Inn, I was so happy that I could finally be free of all these burdens and be normal. The moment I got inside the Inn, I sprinted upstairs in my room and locked the door. I took off my cloak and looked at the mirror on the wall. My clothes were dirty and there were bags under my eyes. I slowly removed the necklace that was shocking me, it felt like it was my collar and a reminder that my life was built on lies. My hair slowly reverted to gold, and it was painful to look at. Yes, my hair was magnificent and beautiful. But it also reminds me and everybody that I will bring death or harm to anyone near me. I looked at the bracelet and slowly placed it on my wrist and it was loose but within a second the bracelet fitted perfecting around my wrist as if it was part of my skin.

I don't feel my power's presence, I know it's still there, but I don't feel overwhelmed by it. The powers that brought disaster to me and my whole existence. I can no longer feel it consuming me. I looked in the mirror and my hair were no longer gold, but it was light brown and was curly, I looked completely different, and I didn't realize I was crying. I couldn't help but sob, I fell to the floor and let my cries out. I can finally be free of these shackles, I can finally be normal. I can start the life of a commoner, and no one will suspect me.

I don't know how long I was on the floor crying but when I stood up, I felt this urge to go outside and start this life. I tied my hair which is above my waist now and it much shorter than my hair before. Luckily, when I paid for my room the Inn keeper didn't see my face, so they won't be confused of who I am. I went downstairs and saw an opportunity, I need a job and blend in this village. I approached the Inn keeper and smiled at her.

"Oh, hello there! Are you already leaving the inn?" she said, my hunch was right she just knows there's a lady that paid for a room and she just assumed it was me,

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