Chapter 5

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"I'll gladly accept this punishment" as I said that everyone was surprised.

I heard whispering in the crowd that no one lasted until the 100th lashing. I do not care, I will not sell my body for anything. I will not be tainted by a disgusting man just to save myself from sufferings.

I felt the big man with a mask walk up behind me and heard his whip. I braced myself for impact, I felt a sharp pain in my back. I grabbed the rope harder and kept a straight face. He once again brought the whip cracking down on me back. The searing pain was starting to come from everywhere in my body, there was this heavy pressure in my head and numbness in my legs. It burns every time it hits my back. I could feel the force of the whip getting stronger every time it landed on my back. I felt my body started sweating, I looked straight ahead and saw my brother doing everything he can not to blow our cover. I shook my head at him to tell him to do anything. All the other guardians couldnt even watch me, they have their eyes closed or were looking away.

I don't know how many whips as gone by but there was not a sound coming from me. It was only the cracking sound of the whip that could be heard throughout the arena. I could hear someone say that it's scary that I wasn't screaming or begging for mercy. I heard lady Mira's father get frustrated and took the whip away from the big man and was about to hit me with, but Alastair stopped him.

"The purpose of this punishment was to teach her a lesson. Not to retaliate just because she denied your offer. This is over cousin, leave before I have you stand in her place. I've indulged you more than enough" Alastair said, and the man was about to say something but he got scared of Alastair and walked away. I felt a fabric that covered my bleeding back, Lord Alastair placed his cloak on me.

"You need to stop making dangerous enemies child" He said and walked away. The two soldiers that escorted me here had to pry my hand off the rope and supported me to be able to walk.

"Show's over, everyone can leave now", I heard Val say but my head is more focused on the pain I'm feeling.

"Please fetch for a healer!" I heard Lady Mira yell, and someone came running towards me. She's really good at this acting she has going on, once I find out what you are, I have no problem exposing you, Lady Mira. The healer had no problem healing my wound, but they just made the wounds close, but the pain will be there for a few days and the scars are still there. I was escorted back to my room and stayed there for a couple of days.

No one visited me, not even my brother. He probably feels guilty for not being able to do anything. Cece would occasionally help me, and tell me what's going on outside, apparently Lady Mira is going through extensive training with the Guardians. I don't understand how she's doing this. How is she maintaining this act? I can barely keep up, it's tiring.

"My lady, if you're feeling up to it. The other ladies would like you to join them to watch the Guardians train". Cece said and I was confused at this.

"I thought all the ladies needed to train for the evaluation?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"The elder Guardians saw no point training the other ladies that are not showing any kind of powers. That also includes you my lady", Ah, well that leaves me out of it. Why am I disappointed though? Isn't this what I wanted? To be left out of everything and be sent home? Yes, but everything is not going to be the same anymore and there is a part of me that wants to train and be with my brother.

I walked out with Cece and every time I pass by someone, they give me apologetic looks or dirty looks. This is stressful.

When I got to the training ground, I saw how everyone was bonding with Lady Mira and everyone was enjoying training with her. When my brother noticed me, he just nodded his head. I felt weird that I don't understand, is this envy? I'm jealous of this bond that they created with each other that I can never have, maybe it is for the better.

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