Chapter 35

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After leaving that part of the palace, I went back to the room and read the journal. The more I read it, the more I realize she wasn't talking about Agape in this journal. In fact, she hated him, she had a lover. There was even an entry that her lover king was engaged to marry another which mad her and you can tell how angry she was from the way the words carved in the journal. But her lover promised to make something happen and he will come back for her, but he got married and left her behind. I was halfway through the journal when I read an entry that almost shook me to my core.

January 27, 1024

I waited, waited, and waited but he never came back. It's been a few months now and he hasn't even returned my letters. All of it didn't even get a reply, I wanted to meet him and tell him in person, but he never showed up every time I wait in the forest. He never came, how will he know I am with child? That there is life growing inside me that we both created? He needs to know, I wrote him a letter about it, so I hope he meets me soon. I hate how my parents push me to know Agape better, I don't want him. He may be a guardian but he's not someone I want to love. There is only one person I love, and he can never replace him in my heart. Especially now that I'm carrying our child.


She was pregnant! Oh no, she was pregnant but not with Lord Agape's child but her lover. That is considered the greatest shame any woman could receive, her parents were setting her, and Lord Agape up but how did they get to marry despite being pregnant with someone else's child? I kept reading through the journal, skipping through parts of her just talking about her day.

June 30, 1024

I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, I named him Memnon. My parents were furious when they found out I was pregnant but hid it from everyone. They told everyone we were visiting my grandparents to take care of them since they were sick, but the truth is they wanted me to give birth with no one around. They accepted the marriage proposal from Lord Agape despite me begging them, but they used my child against me that they'll take him away if I don't agree. So, I gave in, they forced me to tell them who was the father and I tried not to tell them for so long but now I need him. Our child needs him. When they found out they locked me up. Never letting me see the light of day, nor my son. I miss my son, I miss him.


July 06, 1024

They let me out, my parents were able to talk to him and he agreed to meet but with my son. Just the two of us, I was overjoyed. I was so happy, my parents even arranged a carriage to take us to a secluded place so that we could talk. I'm so happy they finally saw that I love him, and he will take care of us. I can't wait to see him. I'm shaking from writing this from excitement. I wonder what expression he'll have.


July 8, 1024

I can't believe he did that, I can't believe my parents were involved in it too. When we met him, he didn't look happy and took our child from my arms and threw him off a cliff. I screamed and cried, I was in shock. My child, my child, my child is dead.

He killed our child, with no remorse. He threw our child like it was nothing to him. My parents were there to take me away, he told me to forget about me and I'll have a better life away from him.


Oh my god, he killed their child! I felt goosebumps everywhere, he killed their child because it was inconvenient for him. That was his blood, the poor innocent baby. Does Raynar know about this? If not, that means, his mother got married to his father with the idea that she is untouched. But I'm sure Lord Agape can tell when I woman is not pure right? Unless they did something to hide that. Her lover was a cruel man, but who is it? There were only a few kings back in that day, I'm sure there's a few books that had the history of kings, right?

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