Chapter 20

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I've never seen her just succumb to pleasure, she was fighting back but I could tell she wasn't really trying. There was a part of me that wanted her, I wanted to take her there, but I refrained myself. I was surprised I was able to hold myself back. I never planned it to get to that point, but she was pushing my buttons and she doesn't know what she was doing to me as a man. She had no idea what that even meant. She was begging for more, like I was a drug to her, and she couldn't get enough. That made me feel a sense of pride that this woman that would prefer to get punishments and get tortured instead of sleeping her way to safety would melt to my touch. I watched her just fall into my arms, I carried her out of the water and changed her back into her clothes. I wanted to give her the chance to say goodbye, but I need her to be at the castle as soon as possible. I had already prepared everything in advance before meeting her at the plaza. I wrote letters and left them in her room. The town people would get in danger if she stayed any longer.

I wore my ring back on and that made my appearance revert back to Hawk's. I can't recognize either. I had prepared a wagon outside the forest. I placed her inside it and went in front to start heading back to the castle. I looked back to her, and she was sleeping peacefully, no Idea that this was her last day here.

She gave in to me, despite seeing her in that state I questioned myself if I felt anything for her. I felt intrigue, I feel this urge to protect her, and I feel anger just thinking about her getting hurt. But this is not love, this is my instinct as a guardian, I could never love anymore. Ever since I witness my mother waste herself away and she went insane for every time she gave birth to a female. She even killed them herself. She slowly deteriorated into something I don't recognize, I always remembered my mother as a cold person but still showed compassion and when I found out the real reason as to why she's miserable it broke that little boy that just wanted his mother's affection. She was in love with someone else that she couldn't have, and the jealousy and anger slowly ate her away.

The man she was really in love with was Lady Aristia's father, I knew this as a child. I wanted to get revenge on Aegeus instead, but he treated me like a brother and was there for me in ways no one else was and I couldn't bring myself to hurt him. Especially that he's also a guardian like me. But when I found out Lady Aristia's true identity, I saw an opportunity and took it. Her father knew what he did to my mother, this I knew because I confronted him when I was a child visiting Nereria. I asked him why he didn't choose my mother to be his queen and he only said it was because she wasn't a noble woman. This angered me, he had a relationship with her just for his entertainment and married another woman for power and connections. While my mother is suffering, he was living happily. He even gave me some "Life advice". That I should always choose what's best for my kingdom and so I did. He showed how he didn't like me since I resemble my mother too much and this irked him. I can't wait to see the anger on his face when he finds out he's daughter is bound to me, and I have control over it. His precious daughter, being ravaged by the man that he despised. I wanted to get my revenge and to make that man suffer but I know that Aegeus and Lady Aristia have no fault. It's just unfortunate that their father is the same man that caused my mother to kill herself.

I'm not evil, I have no plans to kill anyone but make her suffer. Making her father watch as I have complete control over his precious daughter will give me great satisfaction and when the right time comes. I will break this marriage in the most humiliating way that he will always have shame on his name and that is to make his daughter a concubine. The greatest insult to another royal is to make them stoop to a position of disgrace. A direct descendant of a king is a better choice for a queen but making a princess a concubine will make her father look weak and he will lose his connection. This means I will make another woman queen while she's a side entertainment. A concubine basically means the king's whore. I offered her marriage to repay my debt from Aegeus, but I also had my own agenda, and it was the perfect plan.

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