Chapter 19

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I got ready to go to the plaza tonight, I can already hear the loud music and people cheering and talking. I was braiding the corner of my hair and just wore a simple red dress that Madam Sierra gave me. I came out of my room and Cersei was there waiting for me with a big smile on her face.

"What's with the smile?" I asked and she was looking at me like was a different creature or something.

"So, Hawk came by the stables to check on the animals and he took interest in your horse." She said and I just nodded. That horse is a good breed and I do take care of it as much as I can. I can't blame him if he likes the horse.

Cersei was wearing a black and white dress and her hair was up, she looked very happy today. The moment we got to the plaza, she ran off to dance with everyone else. I just stood there and watched them. I enjoyed just watching them, I felt some standing beside me and I turned to see it was Hawk. His presence really felt familiar for some reason.

"Enjoying yourself?" He asked me and I gave him a genuine smile. For a split second he was surprised that I did.

"Did you come with anyone tonight" he asked me, and I giggled as I watched Cersei.

"Yes, but as you can see, she already ran off" I said, and he laughed when he saw what Cersei was up to. She was running around the fountain holding the elves' hands and dancing in circles.

I suddenly felt his hand on mine, and he pulled me towards the crowd, I felt nervous and started panicking but he held my hand tighter and danced with me. He was holding my hand and my waist on the other side. We were jumping and spinning in a circle along with the crowd. I couldn't help laughing and get excited since I've never done this before. Hawk was laughing really hard when some men fell on the ground for dancing and drinking. I sat down to catch my breath and I didn't realize the time, but the people were leaving to get some rest. I was sitting by the fountain in the middle of the plaza, and I came to realize It was just me and him now and the remnant of the feast that just happened.

"I want to show you something, would you like to come with me?" he asked me and there is a part of me that trusts him already which is very odd for me, but I took his hand that he was holding out for me, and we started running through the forest and I don't know where we were going but he seemed excited about it.

"I've never been to this part of the forest." I said and he just gave a smile as he pulled me further.

"Close your eyes" he said, and I did. H slowly pulled me and when we stopped, he turned me around.

"You can open them now" he said and when I did, I gasped. We were on top of a cliff overlooking the whole town. I could see the lights and how peaceful it was. He sat down on the grass and gestured to me to do the same. I didn't hesitate to relax and enjoy the view. I was feeling a bit woozy from the beer that Cersei offered me. I can't help but giggle here and there.

"Why this town?" He asked me and I smiled. I always ask my that as well, but the way everyone was happy captured my heart and something I've been wanting for a while.

"I fell in love with this town when I came passing by it was a cheerful and peaceful town" I said, and he nodded his head.

"Will you do anything to keep it that way?" He asked me with seriousness in his tone this time, so I chuckled, and he smiled at me.

"Of course, this is like home for me" I said, and he was just looking at me, his eyes were filled with affection? But we only just met. How is that possible?

"You see, I visit this town from time to time to give some supplies and see how everyone is doing. I've been doing this since I was 13 years old. I will do anything to protect this town" he said, and I could help but feel happy that he is a kind person, and he goes out of his way to help people.

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