Chapter 10

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I woke up to Cece's voice calling my name. I jumped out of bed and looked around, she wasn't there. I was so used to her that my brain was making things. up.

"My lady, it's time for your breakfast" I heard someone say and when I looked at where it was coming from. It was another maid holding a tray of food. I was disappointed that it wasn't Cece, I feel immense guilt for what happened to her. The smell of breakfast made my stomach grumble. I can finally have breakfast without nobility hovering over me. While eating I realized, how can I face the other guardians knowing I almost killed them. I don't think I can face them. They know who I really am now, I'm in even greater danger than before now. Hades will come back for me, he always has his minions everywhere. I don't even want to think about the damage I did to the arena, how about the people? I almost killed everyone.

"Where's the other guardians?" I asked and the maid didnt even turn around but still answered me.

"The elder guardians left for their respective kingdoms and the young guardians are to stay here for a longer time" she said, and I nodded. She helped me change into my training clothes.

"Where are they?" I asked trying to find a way to avoid them. I noticed the maid looked scared of me, she was sweating, and her hands were shaking. Do I scare her?

"Outside the training grounds, my lady" she said shakily, and I left her. I went to the training room instead that is located inside the castle. The sword Raynar gave felt heavy in my hands. I don't deserve his protection, the guilt is killing me. All he did was protect me and he didn't know what he was in for until now that it was too late. I will have to convince him to break the binding spell since he's the only one that can do it.

I left the sword on the table where all the weapons were and picked up a bow and an arrow. I wasn't skill with a bow and arrow, I would miss here and there.

I kept Shooting my target, I pushed myself faster and faster, kept shooting arrows to my targets. I heard the doors open. I kept missing but I'm not going to stop, I need to be better at this.

"Aristia, we were waiting for you, why are you training here" My brother asked but kept shooting my arrows and didn't listen to him. I didn't even notice him coming into the training room.

"They want to train with you" he said and made me stop and looked at him.

"I'm good, thanks" I said flatly ang continued what I was doing.

"Aristia, I know you feel guilt and you feel terrible for what happened in the arena, but it was bound to happen. You stopped using your powers since you were 4 years old. If I don't use my powers for at least I week I feel horrible. You can't hold it in all the time, it was good that it happened when we were all there. We helped you and no one died. No one died are you kidding me?!

"So, Cece is no one? Yes, I know she's a maid and she doesn't mean anything to you guys, but she meant something to me. She was the only person that was genuine towards me, she wasn't scared of me. She never disrespected me, but she treated me like a friend. Like she knew I never had one, she was kind and sweet. She didn't deserve to be killed! and you know whose fault that was! Me! So go run along with your friends and leave me alone!" I yelled at him, it started raining again. I looked outside and it was pouring. I did not just do that right? My brother was just looking at me.

"Are you done?" He asked and I was about to hit him, but the door opened, and my heart skipped a beat. I was about to cry.

"CECE!" I screamed and ran to her and hugged her tightly. I kept apologizing to her and she shook her head.

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