Chapter 27

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She was like a drug, and I was high on her. Her body flushed against mine, her ragged breath every time I attacked her. Her shirt clung to her curves, I licked my lips. She looks delicious, I tried so hard to fight this urge. To deny that I am sexually attracted to her but there is nothing else but that. I am committed to my cause. Her hair was following her movements, I can't stop thinking what reaction she would have when I pull that hair of hers as I ruin her body. I felt her sword cut my skin, this only made me feel aroused more than I already am. Knowing she's the one trying to hurt me, her determination was feeding my insanity for her. I tried to avoid her, I didn't want to know her. I just need to know enough to make her trust me, I don't want to be too eager either or she will not fall for my plans.

I got too distracted, and she took that opportunity to attack me but that just ended up with her on the ground beneath me. Her shocked face just made me feral, her licking her lips. How I wanted that tongue on my aching cock. I lean down, no longer able to resist the urge not to have her sweet taste in my mouth. She didn't resist, to my surprise she pushed her tongue and explored mine. Her wearing red lace lingerie just drove me to the edge.

I didn't stop myself anymore, I was going insane. I wanted her, I want her taste in my mouth. I want to feel her skin, I want her to call my name. I want to hear her say my name with those pretty lips. I ripped it off of her body. When I saw her naked, there was this fire inside me that wants to kill anyone that lays a hand on her. She was breathtaking. I want to fuck her until she breaks, I want to leave my mark on every inch of her body. So that everyone knows who she belongs to. She shrieks as I devoured her wet pussy, and what made me harder was knowing she was wet for me.

This is her telling me how much she wants me to touch her, every praise, every command I give her makes her even wetter. She loves it, she lives on it. When she said my name, I had to take a deep breath, or I wouldn't be able to control how rough I can be with her. She doesn't realize how much I'm restraining myself not to hurt her. She was saying my name, begging me to take her and I just wanted to break her little pussy, but I knew she never had anyone touch her like this. She was a virgin, and I don't want her to be scared of my touches. I want her to crave for it, I want her to go insane for me. My hand squeezed my throbbing cock and slid it down her we slit until it's pressing against her tight little whole. Her legs wrapped around my hips and that's when I lost every control I had. I pressed in, the tip spreading her lips until they stretch around me, making my mind crazy with need to thrust.

I could feel her tears, her sucking her breath. She was breathing through the pain, I slide inside her, all the way to the hilt, my eyes rolling back as her tight pussy swallows me whole. There was resistance but it broke, and my self-discipline disintegrates. The feeling of her after resisting for so long is like a drug. It was in my veins, tantalizing every nerve.

When I felt her muscles tense, I knew she was coming, and I wanted nothing more than to feel her walls tighten around me more. I felt myself reaching my limit as well and I did not hesitate to pour it all inside her, I slowly pulled my cocked and her tight hole made lewd sounds. My cum oozing out of her, there was also blood. I wrapped my arms around her and told her I'll take care of her. Not even knowing where this is coming from. I feel like I woke up from a dream, I stopped myself from any sentiments I was about to show her. I wasn't capable of such a thing and even if I was, she doesn't deserve it. But instead, I helped her back in her clothes and I could tell she wanted to say something that was just quiet. After collecting our swords, I started walking. I was aware that she was walking slowly, I felt like an asshole for not even helping her, but I want her to feel this pain. This was only the beginning.

I remembered what happened yesterday morning and what she did. It's just way out of character even for her. The way she showed dominance and how she demands respect then, using her title to make someone shut up is something else. I like that new side of her and the more she gets comfortable with her position that she thinks she'll have the more humiliating it will be for her once I have my plans set in motion.

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