Chapter 15

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The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene. The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. I watched a very lively marketplace around me, I felt curious about everything. Everyone had a stand with different food and odd trinkets, kids running around. It was loud with different conversation as I kept getting further in the center of the plaza. I could hear clapping, music, feet tapping on brick stones. There was a crowd in front of me with their hands up clapping to the beat of the song and tapping their feet.

I slowly crept to the front to see what their looking at and saw these different looking people that had long pointy ears and very colorful hair. They were prancing, skipping and swaying to the music. The ladies' dresses were so pretty that it moved with their body. I couldn't help but smile while watching them. People were laughing, everyone was happy. The odd-looking people kept going around the water fountain and in some way it the water was moving with them. It was odd.

I suddenly heard someone banging a bell and I turned around and there was this person pushing a cart and yelling something and other people would come up to him and give him money and he gives them this item on a stick. It looked tasty but it looked like something a child would play around with.

These people are smiling, their happy and it's like they have no problems. I felt envious, the little children were chasing each other and had these wooden swords playing fights. It was cute and funny.

"I will destroy you! I am the fire guardian, and I will burn you!" The little boy said to the little girl. He was really trying, he waved his sword around and the girl looked frustrated. Her cheeks and ears were turning red, and she tried to pounce on the boy, but he ran away.

"You're a girl! You can't fight!" the little boy said, and the girl stood on a big rock by the grass looking high and mighty.

"Well, I'm the fifth guardian! And I will annihilate you and your entire bloodline!" The little girl said, and my eyes grew wide. Whoa, that went dark fast. The little boy looked taken aback and he started crying and ran away. The girl sat on the rock and looked very sad, and I couldn't help but approach her.

"Hello, what's wrong? He left you?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah, he tends to do that when I mention the fifth guardian?" she said, and I sat on the grass facing her.

"Why is that?" I asked softly and her hazel, like big eyes stares at me in curiosity. Her ombre color hair was just resting on her shoulders. She had short hair which made her cuter in a way.

"Because she's really strong! and she will protect us from anything!" she said excitedly. I smiled at this, do all of them think that way? Do they really believe in me?

"What's your name?" She asked me and I was about to say my real name, but I stopped myself and realized I have to keep my name a secret as well.

"Tia, my name is Tia" I said, and she bobbed her head, and she was bouncing with her head.

"My name is Cara!" She said, and I can't help but adore this girl already. She is so pretty and she's just still a child. I remembered I was here for a reason, and I needed to get back to my horse. I left him at the stables by the front of the village so that I could walk around freely.

"Cara, I'm looking for a mage. Do you happen to know anyone?" I asked, and she jumped off her rock and tugged my dress to follow her. I gladly did, she kept tugging me until we were in front of the shop but even before I could thank her, she was gone. I can't help but worry for her, I hope she gets home to safety.

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