Chapter 39

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Three weeks later

The wind hit my face as I ran through the forest. It was dark. Twigs and branches scraped my face, my legs. I didn't care, and I needed to get away from it. I heard an ear-splitting roar. I looked behind me and saw it catching up to me fast. I forced my legs to run faster. I need to be faster. It caught me. It grabbed my leg and threw me; I felt my body rolling on the ground colliding with the rocks and branches. Once I got my bearing, I stood up. Pain shot up from my legs, and a tree branch was embedded inside. I winced as pull it out. Another roar, I ran again; I heard its thumping sound hot on my trail.

I tried jumping over the trees, but it was no use; it just kept walking over it like it was nothing. I keep cursing; I need to find a way to save myself. My powers don't work here; I couldn't feel my abilities once I stepped into this forest. I had to fend for myself; I'd been running since I came here; a monster would always find me. I looked to my right and saw another one; shit. There's another one?!

It was in front of me, a huge one, its huge eye staring at me. I slid under it as I ran away; I heard it roar; it was getting angrier. I am trying to remember how many days since I left the castle. Every time I think about them, my chest tightens. I couldn't breathe, so I tried to distract myself, and I happened to enter a forest with monsters and couldn't use my powers. The trees were getting thinner; I could see a clearing. This is not good; I'll be left in the open. As I ran, I realized it was a cliff, not a clearing. I stopped over the edge and saw a raging river full of rocks. I look behind me two full-grown cyclops; I'm just as small as their finger. How can I save myself this time? They start to come closer and laugh.

I step back, looking behind me; I had to choose, take the chance, and jump or I'll be dinner. I didn't take the latter. I jumped and heard their roar before I closed my eyes to brace for impact.


Pallas was sitting on the balcony of her sister's temple, bored out of her mind. She wanted to go and meet humans, but her sister forbade it. Being a god had disadvantages, but she loved her sister and stayed.

She could feel a familiar presence that was standing outside the temple. She stood up and saw Asklepios, she smiled, but her smile faded when she saw him holding something in his arms. A gasp escaped her lips; she couldn't believe he would bring a mortal to the Realm of Gods. Furious at this disrespect, she went inside the temple to tell her sister, but she was already outside.

"Asklepios, why are you here" She heard her sister ask him.

"I have brought a peace offering," He said and laid the human on the grass field. Her sister's eyes widened; she signaled one of the servants to bring the human inside—this confused Pallas. A human cannot enter the Realm of Gods unless granted permission from Zeus or is also a God.

Pallas came down the stairs and could finally see the mortal closer. Her mouth gaped, and she saw who it was; her eyes softened, and look at her sister. She couldn't bring herself to ask; her sister's eyes filled with sadness. Poor mortal, she thought; they could have been there for her if she knew what she was. Pallas followed the servants; the mortal was laid on the bed. Pallas took out a small bottle filled with Ambrosia and poured a drop into a cup of water. She came closer and held her and lifted her to make her drink. She only ran a drop to make her heal. A bottle of Ambrosia is something that needs to be used with care.

Pallas stood up and felt her sister's presence.

"You've been watching her; why didn't you stop it?," Pallas said, and her sister stared blankly at the lifeless body on the bed.

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