Chapter 11

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I woke up from light whispering around me. I opened my eyes and found myself in my room by myself. I feel weird, and it's different. I got up and my body wasn't aching, my shoulder was itchy but that's it. It felt weird but I feel different. I went in front of a mirror to see what's wrong with my shoulder, but nothing was there.

For some reason, I feel powerful. I wonder if it's because I got some rest or I'm finally making progress here.

I got ready and skipped breakfast again and went to the training grounds. Thankfully no one was there! I started using fire once again and I was surprised that it didn't go everywhere. It just stayed in my palms, it didn't burn me anymore. I feel so happy that I can finally control these abilities.

I was about to do something else when I heard my brother talking. I turned around and he saw me and smiled. I gave him a warm smile. I saw that the Lord Fai was with them, looks like theyre going to train together.

"It's nice of you to join us, Lady Aristia" Fai said which just made me feel annoyed. Like he's looking down on me? I want to kill him.

What? Wait, why I'm I thinking this way? I can't do that. Everyone was here and so was Raynar. I felt this urge to hurt him so bad.

He looked at me with so much hatred. I will kill him.


After the encounter by the lake, I haven't seen much of Aristia. She clearly has been avoiding all of us. I heard she's been training by herself, which is not a surprise, but I know she's not going to get anywhere.

Lord Fai asked us to come with him to the forest to check where the darklings were nesting so that we could tell the locals not to go there for their safety. The entrance of the forest was by the arena that is now somewhat damaged. I saw Aristia standing there, just looking at her hands like it's the most interesting thing in the world.

"It's nice of you to join us, Lady Aristia," Lord Fai said and Aristia was just staring at him intently. Like she was angry or something. She even glared at me, she's probably throwing a tantrum for being treated differently.

As we were walking to the forest, Lord Fai was telling us all about the different plants that's in this forest that we can use as poison or food. As we got deeper into the forest, we stopped at where we last saw the dark creature. I looked around but there was nothing, maybe they moved their nest or something.

"Little girl, what do you think youre doing?" I heard Lord Fai say as Aristia kept on walking forward. This girl is always a problem, she always wants to prove herself and needs saving in the end.

"Their calling me" She whispered, it was like she was in a trance. She kept fidgeting, kept scratching her shoulder. What's wrong with her?

"No one is calling you, get back here" Lord Fai said calmly as if he's gotten used to her causing problems.

"You don't tell me what to do" she snaps at him, and we all got quiet. I looked at Aegeus and he was also shocked to hear this from his sister.

"Do you want to say that again little girl" Lord Fai snaps at her as he took a step forward towards her. Aegeus was about to step in, but I grabbed him.

"She needs to learn" I said, and he wasn't happy. I understand that but she can't disrespect an elder guardian. She knows better than this.

"What's wrong Faivish? Killed too many daughters?" she said and that's when I thought lord Fai would strike her, but he just stood there. With shock and surprise on his face. He took a step back, like he was unsure what was in front of him.

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