Chapter 37

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I never thought I would ever have that deep of a conversation with anyone, especially Raynar. He made me food, he actually made it himself just because I didn't like how mine was done. He didn't even hesitate to do so either, he opened a part of himself for me to see and I didn't know I could fall harder than I already did for him. My mind drifts back to the library, he was ready to do it there. He knew he would lose control, he knew that if I showed up there. He won't be able to control himself, I was glad he did. He even made me sing for him, I never sung for anyone before.

He is so different now, so gentle and kind but when it comes to someone else. He gets cold and mean, it makes me feel special and I wouldn't have it any other way. He wouldn't even let me stay in my room these couple of nights, when I tried last night, he basically barged in and threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and made me sleep in his bed. I wanted to know more about his mother, but he put his foot down on that topic, I didn't get the chance to read more of the journal because of how busy I got with training and when Raynar follows me everywhere.

"Aristia!" Val screamed in my face, which brought me back to reality. I snapped out of my thoughts.

"She's finally back to our world" Val said, I just rolled my eyes at him. Today was the day we were going to visit my kingdom. I can't help but feel giddy, despite growing up there I didn't get the chance to explore everything.

"You looked so serious there, who are we planning to kill?" Val asked, I glared at him for making a joke regarding that. I mentioned to him that I might murder him if he doesn't stop teasing me. Now all his jokes are about murder and that if he dies, I'm the one who did it.

"Leave her alone Val" Raynar said firmly, he was behind me riding his black horse. It's funny how his horse is pure black and mine is pure white. I looked at him and smiled. He really did change. Val then mumbled that he was spoiling his fun and went and joined the rest ahead of us. I wish these travels were peaceful, but Raynar brought some soldiers and a few of them I met during that meeting they had. Especially that lady that keeps looking at him.

"Are you going to tell me, why she keeps looking at you?" I asked Raynar and he cocked his head to the side. He then turns his head towards the woman soldier.

"That's Kyra, she's one of Val's commanders in his army" he said, I just kept looking at him. This woman is a commander. Interesting.

"That didn't answer my question though" I said, he had this amused look on his face.

"My, I didn't realize how much I missed you being jealous" he said, and I started moving ahead from him. He was chuckling, he's in this playful mood and I have this feeling he's not going to let it go either.

"You don't have to worry about her" he said, he probably realized I didn't want to feel jealous and just gave up. We've been through this before, the fact that women would drop on his feet is just making me mad.

"I've visited your kingdom so many times before, but I never thought there was a castle hidden away to hide you" Raynar said, right beside me now. Remembering that old castle.

"It's a bit far from the palace itself, I only got to go to the palace twice all my life" I said, remembering how father did everything in his power to hide me from everyone. We were traveling in the forest but slowly the trees start to thin out and starts revealing my kingdom. Surrounded by vast oceans, and sand. The walls of the kingdom were light bluish stone, rocks around it as well. I've only seen the kingdom from this angle once when I snuck out. I smell of the ocean hit my nostrils, I kicked my horse and ran towards the ocean. I could hear my brother yelling and saying I always do this. I can also hear Raynar telling him to let me be.

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