Chapter 21

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"Lady Aristia, we're here" I heard someone say that woke me up. It was already nightfall when I looked around, it was quiet, and Lord Raynar was back to his original form. He was looking at me intently as if he was trying to figure something out. He looked down on my bracelet and held his hand out, I didn't realize what he meant until I put two and two together and figured out that he meant I take off my bracelet. I felt panicked at his and remember what Lady Kesen said a few days ago.

"If you decide to remove the bracelet that is concealing your powers there will be backlash. You forced your powers to be concealed and the more powerful those abilities are the stronger the backlash" I did not understand what she meant by that but I'm assuming something bad, and I don't want to look weak in front of him once again. I looked away and hid my hand.

"I would like to stay in this form for a little bit" I said, and he didn't answer. He then gestured me to get moving. I felt the cold breeze hit my face as I slowly got off the wagon. He then led me inside the castle, nostalgia hit me. The familiar smell of the dusty hallways filled my nostrils, the familiarity of being back here finally hits me. I will never have a normal life anymore and I have to find a way to cope with that and move forward. I need to fulfill my duty as a guardian now.

We kept going until we reached the fifth floor, the floor for the guardians. Last time I remembered there were only 4 rooms up here and there's five of us. I stopped in my tracks and realized what he was trying to do. He quickly turned around and had this pissed look on his face.

"You will not be sleeping in my room, I had a room built for you" he said and continued walking. I looked down on my feet and felt embarrassed that he knew what I was thinking. I followed him and he led me to a door and opened it for me. It revealed a room that had a ceiling painted like the sky and lights surrounding the wall. Lights are a luxury, only royals can afford them, that's why most of the castles are lit with torches because this castle is only for dwellings and not part of any royal kingdom. Before I could say anything, he closed the door behind him as he walked away.

I just sat on the bed, and not wanting to think about what tomorrow has for me. I opened this gigantic closet and instead of my different shades of blue clothing it was different shades of red now and it annoyed me. Now I must wear red. I pulled out a white nightgown, thankfully there was a different color there and changed. I laid on the bed and looked at my bracelet, maybe if I take it off now and go to sleep, I won't feel anything? If I do, I'll just put it back on and figure out what to do tomorrow.

I slowly took it off and I felt nothing, I smiled. Maybe Lady Kesen gave me the wrong information then. I felt my eye grow heavy and let darkness engulf me.

I felt restless, I knew I was asleep but awake at the same time, I don't know how long I was like that, but I heard someone walk inside my room and I immediately got up and was ready to attack only to realize it was Cece.

"My lady!" she screamed in joy as she hugged me. I couldn't help but hug her back, I didn't realize how much I miss my dear old friend until now. She started rambling about everything that happened in the castle while I was away to keep me up to date. She had me changed into a pair of black fitted leather pants and a red long sleeve shirt. She then wrapped a black corset around my waist which showed all my curves and how tiny my waist was. I asked her if she could put my hair up and she did a good job. I stood up and look at myself I the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself, it's been a while since I saw this form. My hair got longer and is below my knees now despite it being in a ponytail. She left a few strands of hair by the sides of my face. She really knows how to make someone feel beautiful. She then showed me the sword Lord Raynar gave me, oh my. I haven't held a sword in a while, I took the sword and placed it on my belt. I suddenly felt something burning in my chest, but it was brief. It made take feel a bit weak, but I was still able to move around. Was that the backlash?

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