Chapter 17

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"You need to make her fall in love with you. Lord Raynar" Damaris said with a confident tone that demands respect.

"Excuse me?" I said shocked with their demands.

"You're contradicting everything you just said a few seconds ago" I said angrily.

"No, I said don't consummate the marriage to avoid a disaster, but we have to think about the prophecy. We can't let some else take that power and use it for evil" My father said, and I was rubbing my face in frustration.

"So, you want to use my sister. You want the power that the prophecy states for your own use" Aegeus said angrily and it's understandable.

"Lord Aegeus, would you rather she falls in love with a complete stranger and use her for her power and get her killed? Because that's how this is going to end, she will make a mistake because that's her nature. But if Lord Raynar makes her fall in love with him and secure that power, not only do we eliminate the chance of Hades coming after her for her powers but for other people to use her" Damaris stated that made Aegeus grit his teeth in anger.

"You grew up with Lord Raynar, you can trust him to protect your sister" Damaris told him, but Aegeus turned his head to me and with anger in his eyes,

"Where was that protection a week ago when you can't even stop your men's inappropriate behaviors" Aegeus said in anger towards me, I wanted to say a lot of bad things to his face, but I reasoned with myself. He just said that because of his anger.

"This is not fair for Lady Aristia, she does not deserve this" Lael said, he didn't like this idea either.

"Right now, we're walking on thin ice. Lady Aristia is a ticking bomb, you are guardians, and your priority is the people of this realm. You are doing this for your purpose, yes, she will feel betrayed, but this is for her own good. This is for the good of the realm" My father said and as they were standing up. Val stood up.

"What are we supposed to tell her?" Val said disapprovingly. He was not pleased with this situation.

"Nothing, she will not hear anything about this. We can't risk her exploding again. At least if she comes back alive" Damaris said. Aegeus started chuckling like he said something funny.

"My sister may be naive but she's not stupid, she'll see right through this plot of yours" Aegeus barked at him, Damaris' narrowed his eyes at him and smirked.

"Well that maybe true but woman who likes a man will overlook anything", Damaris said like somewhat spiting Aegeus, and he shook his head.

"My sister hates Raynar" He said as a matter of fact. Our fathers were looking at each other as if they knew something.

"That's not what we saw on the training ground when he was training her" Agape said and Aegeus turned to me with a visibly angry face. They really had to poke the bear.

"What did you do?" Aegeus questioned me, and the fact that I can feel his anger radiating from his body is something I am not thrilled about. I don't even know how my father saw what happened in the training ground that day. To even think that he was watching me already gives me the chills. Aegeus is at my face and he's demanding answers.

"I just kissed her" I said trying my best not to sound like an asshole because it's his sister we're talking about, and he is not happy especially with the current situation that has been going on in the castle. I turned to shift the blame on whoever I could to try and get out of this situation, but my father is nowhere in sight and then that's where I heard a cackle and then with a flash of pain I was on my back, bewildered and shocked of what happened. Aegeus stood above me, panting in anger and his hand curled in a fist. He was about to swing at me for another hit, but Val quickly got him off me, I didn't run away but stood up and I wasn't happy. Not only did I left my guard down because these are my comrades but also because I did not expect this man to throw a punch at me. I wiped the blood from my broken lip with the back of my hand and chuckled, he can throw a punch.

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