Chapter 22

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Lord Raynar left me alone when he realized I wasn't going to run away again. Cece came up to my room to inform me that there was someone waiting for me by the gate, it was an elderly lady and a child and all I could think of was Lady Kesen and Cara and despite the pain I was feeling, I went there as fast I can. Lord Raynar tried stopping me, he probably thought I was going to run away again but he left me alone after talking to Lady Kesen. The potion she gave me helped me a lot, I know supplies of herbs are hard to come by and her making this for me just means she truly cares for me and that just makes me feel warm inside.

It was already dark outside, how time flies away. I was back in the safety of my room. I just feel exhausted now and trying to get some rest before getting back to training tomorrow. Hopefully things will be different tomorrow and not like before with Lord Raynar. I was looking out my window and could hear soft whispering coming outside of my room. I slowly opened my door and saw that lady that was with the other guardians this morning. She was holding a robe around her, and she looked frightened. She was talking to someone.

"Would you please come in my room and check Raynar" I heard her say and for some reason that made me think of so many reasons as to why she wants him to check something and all the reasons I'm coming up with just makes me upset. I don't even know why, we may be married by contract, but I don't feel anything towards this man. I thought he would just make her go on her way, but he got out of his room and followed her. That's surprising, just who is this woman? I closed my door just in time before they saw me eavesdropping, I was about to go to bed, but an idea just came into mind. He just left his room and that means no one is there, maybe I could understand this man more if I see anything in his room that will help me crack the mystery of him being an asshole all the time.

I slowly opened my door and tiptoed to his room, when I opened his door. His smell filled my nostrils, it was like the smell of pine trees. His room is very different, everything is a dark shade of red, it wasn't well lit as mine. Probably because he was about to go to bed. There was this table that was filled with documents which I picked up and started reading. It was different letters from nobles, requesting different things for their lands. Some are from villagers and townsmen. There was this document that had a royal seal on it, it wasn't opened but something was telling me to do so. When I did, my eyes grew wide. It was a list of events I had to go through in his kingdom as his queen, he did not mention this to me at all. His kingdom? I do not wish to go to Inferno at all, there was coronation, balls and different hunting events I needed to attend. When was he going to inform me of this? There was another page in the letter, and it was a message.


I had sent Lady Casindra on her way to you, I made an agreement with her father that she will be betrothed to you but since you decided to marry someone else. I want you to fix things between the two of you without breaking ties with her family. We must keep a good relationship with them.

It was a letter from his father, so that lady earlier was his betrothed. She is very beautiful as well, she is very well suited as queen compared to me. I placed the letter down and I gave out a sigh.

"Are you done" I heard someone say which scared me to death. I turned around and found Lord Raynar just standing there and it looks like he's been there for a while now. I felt flustered that he caught me snooping around his room.

"Coming into the lion's den is not a good idea, little lamb" he said which was more like a threat. He called me little lamb? I feel insulted that he sees me as a weak being. I wanted to walk towards the door, but he blocked my path.

"What are you looking for?" he asked me, and I just kept my head low, hoping he won't give me a difficult time.

"I would like to go back to my room", I said, and I heard him chuckle lightly. I looked up and realized his room got darker, the lights slowly dimming, and his eyes were glowing red in the dark. Which made me shiver from the sight of it.

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