Chapter 14

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I looked at the corner and her personal maid. Cece was looking uncomfortable to learn this information. I groaned in irritation, and I feel bad for passing the torch to her, but someone must tell her. She seems to be a naive lady right now and I don't want this to come from me. I can tell that Lady Aristia despises me with passion and I find it amusing.

"Cece, please explain to lady Aristia what we mean" She didn't look happy, but she bowed and went beside lady Aristia and whispered to her, and she turned bright red, and she was dumbfounded. Cece went back to the corner and just kept her head low, as per Lady Aristia, she just sat there with this shock and flustered expression on her face.

"Now that's out of the way, you want to know why they did this?" I asked her, and I can tell that she somewhat knew why but she started fidgeting her fingers and was just looking at it.

"They don't respect you Lady Aristia, they don't see that you should be respected for how you carry yourself" Val said, and he did not look so happy either.

"I don't understand" Her voice quivering. I get that she doesn't. Shes doing the best her can to be a respectable woman but that is not enough for the people around her. She is also lacking in a lot of different fields.

"They don't respect her because her origins were hidden from the beginning, and they don't see her relevance as a guardian. Not everyone believes in the prophecy and not only that being a woman doesn't help her cause" Aegeus also said, and he looks like he's ready to beat someone up.

"How do I change that?" Lady Aristia asked, and I was surprised she didn't lash out and tried to murder these people. Well, that's progress, I guess.

"Well, once I bring you to my kingdom, I will officially announce you as my queen and hopefully that will make these people stop their nonsense and if they dont, they will face grave consequences", my voice softer this time and I wasnt sure why I felt the need to take it easy on her but seeing her like this just makes me want to hurt people.

"From now on, you can only train in the castle away from prying eyes to judge you, and you will to be accompanied by one of us to monitor how you train with your powers" I firmly said and leaned back on my chair.

"We need to do something about her living quarters, there are only 4 bedchambers on the 5th floor" I said, and she starts looking worried and that made me curious about what she's thinking. What could possibly be running in head. Those eyes again, was she thinking shell be sharing a room with me? I remembered when she thought I was going to sleep with her, that time I was in her room. She was ready to murder me.

"She can stay in my room, and I'll stay in her room. I'm sure no one will mess with me and her being on the fifth floor that has high security is already something we can trust to protect her from this" Aegeus said, and I agreed with him. He's right, her being a woman is the issue right now and I know it's not her fault but in this era. Women are unfortunately disrespected in many ways, I respect woman when they deserve it. I will have to have personal handpicked maids transfer her belongings to Aegeus' room for now.

"Cece, starting tomorrow I would like you to hand pick maids that you think we can trust with Lady Aristia's belongings, and I want you to watch them closely and have a soldier you can trust to accompany you. For now, until the night is over, Axel the Captain of the Guards will keep watch outside your chambers", she didn't even protest at this point. She understood the situation and the predicament she was in. I made a promise to her, and I will keep that.

"I punished my soldiers for what they did, the punishment for your soldiers is not under my jurisdiction and it is up to you guys now to choose the punishment they will receive. What I noticed is that it's just the young soldiers that are doing these, the older soldiers know better. I want to further investigate this if someone is leading them into thinking this is okay" They all agreed with me, I can tell Aegeus is full of rage.

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