Chapter 31

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"Oh, latria mu. Did I not warn you about letting someone else touch you" my eyes grew wide, his husky voice, his breath that smelled like wine was making my mind blurry.

"Let me go!" I told him which made him chuckled. His body was flushed from behind me, feeling something hard poking me from above my dress. This made me think of all different things that can happen. His tongue licked the side of my neck which made my legs buckle. His other hand grabbed my face and made me turn my head to face his.

I felt his lips upon mine, his soft lips brushing harshly against me with his moist, soft tongue. I feel his arms pulled me closer to him, not leaving any distance between us. I couldn't help but feel the urge to rub my behind on his hard region, this made me grab his hair in a fist and kiss me harder. I could feel sweat trickling between my breast and legs as his body is making things more heated as it is. We finally parted our lips, catching air to breathe, he then gently kissed my neck, making my back arch into his arms. He then licks my neck again, and a small moan of pleasure escapes my lips as I feel his gentle, warm kisses trail down from my ear to my collarbone.

He then pulled me, my mind was hazy not realizing where he was taking me. I just felt him push me over his desk, my face planted on the cold wooden surface. I then felt his tongue on my spine which made me moan loudly. Gasping as this made me wet, and my core was throbbing for him. I couldn't move, his hands were holding me done. I could feel his other hand lift my dress, I could hear his breathing getting heavier.

"Do you want me to stop, pet?" he said as his fingers trails on my inner thigh, which left me anticipating for more, but he stopped. I wanted to cry in frustration.

"I can stop if you want me to" his voice was spreading heat through my body. He knew my body better than I do.

"No" I could barely say, and his lips were by my ear once again.

"No, what pet?" he asked as his warm, moist tongue lick the inside of my ear.

"Don't stop" I said, and this made him chuckle. I wanted to cry out in frustration.

He then flipped me, my back was on the desk and now facing him. He was biting his lips as he unbuttons his shirt. I swallowed hard.

"This dress looks beautiful on you, but I just want to rip it off you" he said, as he tore the dress of my body, it was aggressive. I could hear the gems and all the crystals on the dress falling apart and scattered on the floor. I could feel the sharpness of the dress as he tore it off my body but for some reason it made me want him more.

My breast was exposed, my nipples were hard. I felt his tongue flick across my left nipple before taking it into his mouth and sucking it aggressively as he gently plays with my right nipple. I can feel pleasure arising in my soul as I feel my nipples swell to his touch. He then stopped again, I felt like I was going to go crazy if he doesn't keep going. He knew this, I opened my eyes, and he was biting his lips as he takes me in. Staring at my exposed body, just in my lacey underwear. He had this impish grin as he dips his head down and licked my stomach, bathing it in warm saliva.

He gently rubs around my thighs, I moan louder, arching my lower body to meet his touch but he held me in place. I want him to touch me more, I felt my wetness flowing, drenching my underwear as he continues to lick my stomach while massaging my thighs.

"More, please" I begged him, wanting to feel his tongue on my throbbing core, but he just continued his torture. I felt the pleasure of his touch and warmness as it gets closer and closer. This time my body is fully submitting to him, my legs spreading wider on their own.

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